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Chapter 155: Pork mouth mushroom

  Chapter 155 Pork mouth mushroom

  Xu Shiyan washed, tidied up and changed his clothes, then wrote a note for Xu Shiqin, took his son in his arms and led his daughter-in-law, and locked the door to go to Zhou's house.

  As soon as I arrived at Zhou's house, I found that other people had already arrived.

   Huang Shengli led his wife and a son and a daughter, and Sun Xiaofeng also led his wife and son.

  Among the few people who went up the mountain together, only Feng Chao and Zhou Qingguo are still single.

   At this time, everyone had smiles on their faces, and hurriedly said hello when they met.

  The women are not very familiar with each other, but they all have children, and they get to know each other when they get together and chat.

  Zhou Qingguo's mother, Mrs. Li, was busy cooking in the kitchen.

   When the other daughters-in-law saw it, they hurriedly gave their children to their men, and then went to help in the kitchen.

  These daughters-in-law are very capable, and with their help, the meals were prepared and served quickly.

   Pork ribs stewed beans, fried peppers, cucumber mixed with pig mouth mushrooms, sugar mixed tomatoes, three fried and one fried, pork liver and tongue platter, shredded pork heart mixed with shredded green onions, fried elm mushrooms with leeks.

   Mrs. Li is very capable, picking out eight dishes.

   "The third child in the family went to Lengchang to pick that pig's mouth mushroom, and I washed it seven or eight times.

  First soak it with small ash, then wash it with soda and salt, and eat it with confidence. "

  When Mrs. Li served pig's mouth mushroom mixed with cucumber, he specially explained it, lest everyone might be suspicious.

  This pig's mouth mushroom, the scientific name is glue top, is a fungus that grows on oak wood.

  It is dark brown, like a top and a pig's mouth, so it is named pig's mouth mushroom.

   Porcini mushrooms are something that people love to hate.

  I love it because the taste is particularly good. It tastes more meaty than fungus, soft and elastic, comparable to a pig's mouth.

  Especially mixed with cucumber and garlic, it is fragrant, smooth and elastic, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat it.

   People hate it because this thing contains a poisonous substance.

  If you don’t wash it or don’t wash it clean, your mouth will be swollen and numb after eating, it’s really the same as a pig’s mouth.

  Besides, my whole body feels uncomfortable like being pricked by needles, I can't see the light, and even my fingers are swollen seriously.

  Symptoms are similar to solar allergic dermatitis, and it will take six or seven days to subside, which is especially painful.

  If you want to remove the toxicity of pig's mouth mushroom, you must use small ash, that is, plant ash water, soak it for about ten hours, and then scrub it over and over again.

   It is best to scrub twice with alkali and salt. After soaking and scrubbing, the pig's mouth mushrooms become soft and slippery, and the taste is very good.

   "Oh, I made my sister-in-law bother. It's tiring to prepare so many dishes. Thank you, sister-in-law."

  Xu Shiyan saw that eight dishes were placed on the table one after another, and all the vegetables of the season were served. He knew that Mrs. Li had put his heart into it, so he naturally wanted to thank him.

   Except for Xu Shiyan who called sister-in-law, the others all called aunt.

   Neighbors in the neighborhood, regardless of their seniority, they call each other anyway, and it doesn't matter what is messed up or not.

   "Cough, why are you being polite? Eat quickly, there are no good dishes to entertain you, so you can eat whatever you want."

   Mrs. Li was very straightforward. The dishes were set out and the wine was placed on the table. He greeted Zhou Zhanghe and Zhou Qingguo and his son accompanied him.

  I left the East Room and ate with Su Anying and others in the West Room.

   Together, there is Zhou Qingan, the third child of the Zhou family, sixteen years old.

  Zhou Changhe was born in the army, and several of his children were influenced by him, and they all yearned to join the army.

  The second child of the Zhou family, Zhou Qingjun, also served as a soldier the year before last. The third child is studying now, and his grades are not very good. Anyway, he keeps shouting all day long that he will join the army just like his elder brother and second brother.

  Women have to take care of the children in this house, and eating is troublesome.

   It’s okay to be younger like Xu Haiyuan, just put it on the kang and let him stretch his arms and kick his legs to play. Su Anying looked back while eating.

   Huang Shengli's son is older, he is three years old, and it is time for him to run all over the ground, and the younger one is less than one year old, so he can't crawl.

   Huang Shengli's daughter-in-law had no choice but to hug her daughter and coax her son to eat.

  Nowadays, most of the society is like this. Men work in the team every day, and go home after a tiring day, and few people coax their children.

  Women always do housework while watching their children, and have to coax their children while eating. Everyone is used to it, so they don’t feel that much.

   When several women get together, apart from talking about their husbands and children, men are different, and they can talk about everything in the world.

  In the east room, Zhou Changhe talked about some things that happened in the commune these days.

   "A group of people dug up a lot of goods when they went into the mountains. I heard that they went to the county to sell more than 2,000 yuan, and they all shared 400 to 500 yuan.

  The third brigade also heard that a group of people went into the mountain with clubs. It seemed that they were not as good as the first brigade. The family shared about two hundred yuan. "

   Catch up with Red Hammer City, who in the mountains doesn't want to go into the mountains to try their luck?

  I don’t know how many groups of people go to the mountains these days, but there are not many who can meet big goods.

  In such a big commune, I have only heard of these two groups. If Xu Shiyan and the others are added, there will be three groups.

  Xu Shiyan was happy when he heard this.

  The more people in a commune dig up wild ginseng, the more inconspicuous they are, and no one cares about them.

  Xu Shiyan stabbed Zhou Qingguo and Huang Shengli, and they looked at each other, understanding.

   No matter who you are talking to, just say what you said in the Tonghua discussion, so as not to make people jealous.

   "It seems that this year is a good year, and there are many sticks going down the mountain.

   Very good, probably the old man of the mountain god, knowing that our life is difficult, deliberately sent ginseng essence down the mountain to help us. "

  Xu Shiyan poured wine for Zhou Changhe and said something with a smile.

   This was an interesting remark, which made everyone laugh out loud.

  Others don’t know if it’s difficult or not, but the few of them, with this money, can do a lot of great things.

   "Isn't it? I haven't mentioned the daughter-in-law yet.

   Just right, my mother told me when I got home today, someone introduced me to a girl, and I went to see her another day.

   If it can be done, then hurry up and get married in winter. "Feng Chao grinned and said with a silly smile.

   "Well, the boss is not young, it is time to marry a wife.

   Not only Chaozi, but also Qingguo, Uncle Zhou, hurry up and make arrangements for Qingguo.

   Don't let him pick and choose all day long, what are you doing with such high vision? Just find someone who is more virtuous and able to live a life. "

  On the other end, Huang Shengli couldn't help teasing Feng Chao and Zhou Qingguo.

  Zhou Qingguo is twenty-five this year, let alone, the young man is twenty-five and hasn't mentioned his wife yet, so it's really late.

  No way, Zhou Qingguo was in the army for several years before he came back from the army.

  His eyesight is high, and other people don't like to propose marriage. In the past half a year since he came home, he has met several times, but nothing happened.

  Bringing this matter up, Zhou Changhe had a headache, "Don't mention our family's Qing Dynasty, this brat doesn't have the heart to get married.

  If someone introduces one, it won’t work, and if I introduce him again, it won’t work. I make him worry to death, and I don’t know what kind of person he is looking for. "

   "Second brother, what are you worried about?

  We, Qingguo, have a size and a job like this. Why do we have to find a good-looking wife who has a job? What's the rush? "

   Others don't know, but Xu Shiyan knows very well that Zhou Qingguo got married in the winter of 1978.

  I married a doctor from Donggang Hospital, who is beautiful and works well.

   "It's not safe, Qingguo's daughter-in-law is waiting there, and I will meet you another day."

  (end of this chapter)

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