Chapter 161 Badger Cave

  The arrival of Lai Pigui made the venue lively.

  The four dogs would bark in all kinds of ways whenever they saw the rascal, but the rascal had to go in front of the dog to scream.

  Not only was it blowing, it also farted, and a stench came out, which made the four dogs sneeze and spin around in place.

  The four dogs were still young and inexperienced after all, after being picked up by the rascals three or four times, they stopped barking when they saw the rascals again.

  Turn your head and don't even pay attention to it, let the rascals walk around in front of their eyes, they don't even lift their eyelids, lest they get stinky farts.

   Now, Lai Pigui is dominating the field, and he is very proud every day.

  Originally, winter is the most difficult season for foxes when the land is blocked by heavy snow, the north wind howls, the weather is cold, and prey is scarce.

  Most foxes curl up in soil or stone holes all day long, hugging their big fluffy tail tightly to sleep, and don't go out to look for food until they can't stand the hunger.

   It's good to be here now, the rascal ghost lives in a warm hut, and with Xu Shiyan, he doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking.

  That thick fire-colored fur is smooth and smooth, not to mention how beautiful it is.

  Xu Shiyan didn't bother to care about it, and let the rascal wander around in the venue.

  Anyway, when cooking, prepare some for the rascal at home.

   Meat and vegetables should be fed together. The raw ones do not need to be cooked, and no salt is added.

   Feed it once a day, and don’t feed it too fat, or when he goes down the mountain, this guy will be so fat that he can’t run, and it will hurt him instead.

   Lai Pigui is very shrewd. Now that he has a house to live in and someone to take care of food and drink, he is very comfortable, and he no longer goes around the field to steal prey from the trap, and hangs around Xu Shiyan every day.

  There are no springs and no wells near Canchang, and most of the draft water is snow water, or go to the nearby small river to break ice holes to carry water.

  Nowadays, the environment is good, there are no cars running, and no boilers are burned.

  Especially on the mountains, the snow falls and piles up so thickly that there will be no layer of dust on it.

  So when Xu Shiyan is willing to move, he goes to the river to fetch water, and when he is not willing to move, he picks up some snow nearby and can cook.

  This morning, Xu Shiyan had nothing to do, so he carried two buckets and wanted to go to the river to fetch some water.

  When the skinny ghost saw Xu Shiyan going out, he jumped out and followed Xu Shiyan, jumping left and right.

  This time, it didn't need to sweep the snow with its big tail to remove its footprints, and just had fun on the ground.

  Xu Shiyan glanced at the rascals jumping all over the floor, and shook his head helplessly.

   This guy really wants to become a master, and everything else is just a dog's power, which is a fox's power.

  Looking at Xu Shiyan's side, it can really jump up and down, not enough for it to squat.

  Xu Shiyan was slandering himself, when he suddenly saw the rascal, who didn't know what was going on, and ran forward in a hurry.

   Xu Shiyan was afraid that something would happen to this guy, so he hurried after him.

  I saw the fiery shadow running fast on the snowy ground, all the way south, and came to a sunny hillside.

  Xu Shiyan is an old hunter anyway. Looking at the terrain, he thinks there should be badgers here.

   Sure enough, I saw Lai Pigui stopped in front of a stone not far away.

  There is a hole under the rock, and hoarfrost hangs on the hole. Obviously, there is something living in the hole. It is not sure if it is a badger.

  Xu Shiyan put down the bucket and pole, and wandered around here.

  Under the root of a big tree, another hole was found, which was also covered with hoarfrost. There should be badgers living under it.

  Badgers are semi-hibernating animals. They eat a lot of fat in autumn and squat in caves to sleep in winter.

  But occasionally I wake up, or come out to defecate, or find something to eat.

  Badger’s cave is very delicate. There are several intricate passages inside. Each road has an exit, and each exit has a different function.

  Some exits are covered with grass, moss, and soil, which can be opened at any time.

   When you find a badger hole, you can dig it out directly with tools.

  Badgers in winter are plump and hibernating. They move slowly and are easy to catch by opening holes.

  Another way is to find all the exits and block the excess ones, leaving only two.

   Then light firewood outside a hole and smoke it. The badgers inside can’t stand the smoke, so they will find an exit and run out.

  The exit at the other end can be captured by keeping people or dogs guarding it.

  Xu Shiyan came to fetch water today, and he didn’t bring a pickaxe. Although the soil layer wasn’t completely frozen at this time, he couldn’t dig it with his hands.

  He planned to go back later, take the dogs out, smoke them, and train the dogs at home.

  Thinking of this, Xu Shiyan got up and picked up the bucket again, intending to carry water. No

  Thinking about the rambunctious ghost, he stopped doing it, moved towards a dirt bag, made whining noises, and kept digging up the dirt with his claws.

  Xu Shiyan felt strange, so he had to put down the bucket again and went to check near the soil bag.

   At a glance, I understood that this should be another hole.

  When I was looking for the two cave entrances just now, the rascals didn't make any movement, but they kept digging up the soil and making noises when they got here.

  Xu Shiyan's heart suddenly moved. Is there a badger under this exit?

  Thinking of this, Xu Shiyan stopped carrying water at all, put down his pole and bucket, drew a knife from his waist, and picked up the soil with it.

   It turned out that the soil was very loose, and it was easy to dig out a big hole.

  Looking into the cave by the light, not far from the entrance of the cave, there are three gray, fat guys squatting, not even moving.

  Xu Shiyan stretched his arms, and directly pulled out three fat badgers from the hole.

   Taking a closer look, it turned out that the eyes of the three badgers were covered with gum, no matter how much they blinked, they were all blindfolded.

  No matter what kind of animals, they eat crazily in autumn and accumulate a thick body of fat.

   Badger’s body has a lot of heat, and badger’s nest is warm in the ground, so it’s so hot that it produces eye mucus, which sticks its eyelids.

   It is estimated that the three badgers thought it was too hot, so they ran to an exit to blow a cool breeze to dissipate the heat, but they were discovered by the rascals.

   It was a good time, Xu Shiyan caught the three big fat badgers alive.

   Even if Badger was captured alive, it would be impossible to bring him back alive.

   These things are very fierce. Although they don’t seem to like to move at the moment, it’s because they are sleepy and their eyes are blurred.

   If they are brought back like this, they will have to resist within a few steps.

   This thing has rough skin and thick flesh, and sharp claws. Even if it bites and scratches it, it will hurt quite badly.

   I have no choice but to kill the badger and bring it back.

  Xu Shiyan didn't say anything, and took advantage of Badger's reaction, he directly cleaned it up with a knife.

   Then he disemboweled the belly and threw the internal organs to the rascal. When the rascal was full, Xu Shiyan threw the three dead badgers into the bucket and walked back with them.

  Before he walked back to the venue, he heard a dog barking. Hearing the movement, it seemed that someone was coming.

  Xu Shiyan hurried back, and when he returned to the venue, he saw that it was Sun Xiaofeng who was leading Xu Shian.

   "Second brother, why are you here? What's going on at home?"

  (end of this chapter)

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