Chapter 188 New house

  After the beams are put on the house, it is necessary to build the walls, pan the kang, set up the stove, build the shed, plaster the interior and exterior walls, and dig the ground.

  The house design drawings were drawn by Lin Jian's people, and the construction team worked according to the drawings.

  The five houses of the Xu family have a large span, eight meters wide and fifteen meters long, with enough space.

  The east and west houses are all suites, and the second room on the east side is larger, with a large kang, directly connected to the kitchen stove.

  The room on the east side is a normal room. There is a stove in front of the kang, and the stove is connected with the kang.

  The two rooms at the west end separate the north side, and the north side of the west room is temporarily used as a storage room. When there is heating in the future, a boiler will be installed as a boiler room.

  There is also a pot and stove on the north side of the Xici Room, and it happens that the kang is used for cooking and cooking.

  The kitchen is on the north side, occupying half of the west room and half of the outhouse, with two pots and stoves.

  In addition, there are cupboards, sinks for washing vegetables, operating tables, rice grain shelves, etc., and sewer pipes have also been dug.

   There are pipes connected to the bottom of the vegetable washing pool, leading directly to the outside.

  Anyway, the ditch pond is to the west of Xu Shiyan's house, and the water flows directly into the back woods without affecting other people's homes.

  The two rooms on the west side are also Kangs, but the rooms are smaller, and they will be reserved for the children to live in when they grow up, or for guests to live in.

  The east room is large, and Xu Shiyan plans to buy a set of sofas and tea tables in the future and put them under the south window.

  When guests come to the house, there must be a place to sit and talk.

  But the house is too big, and it is not warm in winter, so the partition wall between the kitchen and the east side was built as a fire wall.

  There is a stove outside. In winter, if the stove is turned on, the wall with a fire will be warmed up, and with the addition of a kang, the house will also be warm.

  Anyway, the house is big, so it will definitely waste firewood in winter.

  But there is no way, the children will grow up in the future, so they can't all sleep together, can they?

  The partition walls were built, the kang and pots and stoves were also set up, and the pots, sinks, and operating tables were all smoothed with cement.

  It is easy to take care of and clean, and it is a hundred times better than the previous mud stove.

   Then there is the shed.

  In the previous houses, the two gable walls were all bricked up, and there were no shed poles or boards on the beams.

   Just build a few boards, you can put things on the roof, and you can see the beams and tiles on it when you look up.

  After that, the shed poles and boards are nailed, and then the shed is pasted with paper, and there is a gap between the paper and the shed.

  There was a rat attack at night, and the rat ran back and forth on the paper shed, and the people below could hear a lot of noise.

  Sometimes there is a hole in the paper shed, and the mouse can fall out of the hole, or else it will also fall out of the hole.

   Xu’s family built a new house, so naturally they couldn’t continue with this kind of house. Xu Shiyan had agreed with others to close the shed.

  Saw the soft wood into three fingers wide and less than one centimeter thick wooden planks. The planks are covered with hairs, which are the fibers of the wood. These are called gray strips.

  Put the gray strips at intervals of about one centimeter, and nail them to the shed board, with the four sides flush with the wall.

   Then use white ash and a hemp knife to make it into a paste, and smooth the entire roof of the shed. This kind of shed is durable, warm and beautiful.

  The doors and windows are inlaid when the bricks are laid, so after the shed is plastered, the inner walls are directly plastered with the same material.

  The white and gray walls are clean and tidy, so there is no need to put newspapers on the walls every year in the future.

  The interior walls are plastered and the floor is covered. For a brick and tile building, it must be equipped with a cement floor.

  Lay stones and sand on the bottom and tamp it flat, then sand and cement in proportion, smooth the ground, and press it several times to make the ground smooth and flat.

  The house is all finished, only the outer walls are left. Songjianghe began to popularize the water-washed stone walls, which look good, but it takes a lot of work and materials.

  Xu Shiyan thought about it for a while, and let it go, that thing looks good and is not suitable for use, and it will be troublesome if you want to make an external wall insulation in the future.

  It’s not as good as plain cement noodles, and it looks pleasing to the eye.

   In this way, the two houses are finished with plain cement surface, which saves time and effort, and the outer walls are finished soon.

  At this point, the bricklayers are all done, and the rest is to install windows and doors, and carpentry.

  The two houses, the construction team took turns to work on both sides, and it took a long time to finish it.

  What about Xu Shiyan, he can come back every now and then during the day to take a look.

  Usually, he has to be busy with planting and fertilizing in the team, and he has to go back to the mountain to take care of him at night, which is really too busy for him.

  At the beginning of August, Xu Shiyan used the same method as last time to attract a group of deer and cut off two crops of antler.

   Otherwise, this beast just has no memory.

  After the deer antlers were cut for the first time, Xu Shiyan threw bait and blew the horn a few times before, but the deer did not appear at that time.

  Go to see it on the second or third day, and the bait has been gnawed away.

  Xu Shiyan didn't care, and continued to blow the horn as before, and gradually, the herd of deer would come when the horn sounded.

  That's why Xu Shiyan repeated his old trick and cut off another crop of velvet.

  Maybe the deer also thinks that there is no danger to their lives, anyway, they trade antlers for food.

  The quality of the second crop of antler is not as good as that of the first crop, and the price is not so high. The antlers of a dozen or so stags are sold for less than two thousand yuan.

   Anyway, it's pretty good, it's all for nothing, at most, some food and salt.

   How much is that stuff worth? The cost is not much.

   Now, Xu Chenghou also knew how his son made his money, and he couldn't help admiring him.

  How can these three sons think so well? Others have to kill the deer and cut the antler, but he feeds the deer and saws the antler.

  The deer is almost catching up with the one raised by the family, which is really good.

  Being so busy, Honghamut City couldn't enter the mountain, but Xu Shiyan didn't think it was a pity.

   Even if you go to the mountains, you may not be able to meet wild ginseng, and if you do, you have to share it together.

   Well, if you get one thousand or eight hundred, if not, it’s only one or two hundred yuan. How can you catch up with these two crops of deer antler and earn as much?

   And he made money without saying a word, no one else knows, how good?

  At the end of August, when the construction team handed over the work, Xu Shiyan paid all the wages to others, and stuffed the foreman with some cigarettes and alcohol.

   Coaxed the foreman very happily, and said that if there is any work in the future, you can just find him in private, and he will lead people to do it, and you don't need to find a leader.

   It stands to reason that people from the construction team come to work, and the Xu family pays wages, and no one owes anyone else.

  But Zhou Guilan boiled water to make tea every day, and there were enough persimmons, cucumbers, plums, and sand fruits in the vegetable garden to eat.

  Most people in this day and age are still very simple. The Xu family is so enthusiastic that those workers feel embarrassed.

  So I work very carefully and carefully, and never waste what can be saved.

   You know, these people can waste a lot of material if they shake their hands.

  While installing the door and window glass, he tilted his hand and smashed a few pieces of glass, what else could the Xu family say?

  But these people are stunned that not a single piece of glass is broken, and the boards are being installed, these are all good things.

   In comparison, those vegetables and fruits are nothing.

  Human feelings are actually accumulated bit by bit through things.

  The house is handed over, ventilated and dried for a while, and then you can move in.

  But Zhou Guilan was not in a hurry to move.

   Now Xu Chenghou is watching ginseng on the mountain, and here Su Anying has not been away from having a baby for a long time, and she cannot do without people.

   Zhou Guilan is an old woman, why move to a new house by herself?

   It's better to live here, with daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law, it will be lively when there are many people.

  (end of this chapter)

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