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Chapter 191: Possibly a daughter?

  Chapter 191 Maybe a daughter?

   Four thousand feet above the ground, more than a hundred young men went up to work on the mountain. After seven or eight days of busy work, they finally planted all of them.

  The next step is to sow ginseng seeds. Xu Shiyan doesn't care about it. He has to go home quickly, because his wife is about to give birth.

  During the examination at the hospital, the doctor said that she should be born in early November.

  In his previous life, Xu Shiyan's eldest daughter was born on November 8th.

   But after rebirth, many things have changed, and Xu Shiyan dare not say whether the child can be brought forward or delayed.

  So he told Xu Chenghou that he planned to go home with his wife.

  I'm too busy this year, and I don't have time to spend time with my wife. It's been a few days, I have to go back and be with my wife.

   On the morning of November 3rd, Xu Shiyan rode a bike with a lot of things, went down the mountain and returned home.

   "Daughter-in-law, I'm back." Xu Shiyan shouted as soon as he entered the gate.

   As a result, Su Anying didn't come out, and his eldest son Xu Haiyuan ran out of the house.

   "Daddy, hug."

  One-and-a-half-year-old Xu Haiyuan can already clearly call him Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, and Aunt, and he can also say some simple words.

  Although Xu Shiyan spends only a short time at home this year, he always runs back and forth, and every time he comes back, he will make something delicious and fun for his son.

  So the relationship between father and son has not faded, Xu Haiyuan is talking about his father all day long at home.

  Xu Shiyan leaned his bicycle on the garden stick casually, bent down to pick up his son, and kissed his son's tender little face.

   "My dear son, do you miss Dad at home?"

  Xu Haiyuan nodded obediently, "Yes, I thought about it."

   This baby is very smart, and before Xu Shiyan could ask again, he pointed directly to his heart, "Here, I thought about it."

  The son's actions melted Xu Shiyan's heart.

  Xu Shiyan lifted Xu Haiyuan, let his son ride on his neck, and ran in the yard with his son on his shoulders.

  Zhou Guilan came out behind Xu Haiyuan, seeing her son and grandson making trouble in the yard, Zhou Guilan couldn't help laughing.

   "How old are you, and you can still make trouble like a child." Zhou Guilan couldn't help shaking her head and laughing.

   "How is it on the mountain? Have you finished your work? Is your father okay on the mountain?"

  Zhou Guilan was also thinking about her husband, Xu Shiyan was busy this autumn, and Xu Chenghou didn't have time to come down.

  The old couple haven't seen each other for a long time, don't wait to see each other when they are together, and miss each other when they are separated.

   "The ginseng seeds are all planted, only the seeds are left, I don't bother to care about them.

   Thinking that Yingzi might be born someday, she hurried back.

  My dad is okay, very good, and he has learned how to cook. He can cook simple meals.

  I will come back to stay for a few days, wait for Yingzi to give birth, I will help wait for a few days, and then go up to replace my father. "

  Xu Shiyan carried his son on his shoulders and walked up to his mother.

   "Mom, how is Yingzi? Is there still no movement?" What Xu Shiyan misses most is his wife.

   "Your daughter-in-law is okay, she has always been solid, with a big belly, and she hasn't missed any work outside the house.

  The new house was cleaned by her inside and out. I just looked at Xu Haiyuan, a skinny boy, and I couldn't spare my hands.

  A few days ago, we moved into a new house. It was cold and we couldn’t do without a fire in the new house. "

   Zhou Guilan said, and together with Xu Shiyan, they walked to the door of the five rooms in the west.

  At this time, Su Anying also opened the door and came out.

  Xu Shiyan saw that his daughter-in-law's chubby belly was like a pot.

   "Daughter-in-law, I'm back, how do you feel? Is there anything unusual?"

   "It's okay, everything is fine, my stomach doesn't hurt, the baby is wandering around in my stomach all day, very lively, everything is fine."

  Su Anying was very happy to see her husband come back. She rubbed her stomach with one hand, supported her waist with the other, and talked to Xu Shiyan with a smile.

  Xu Shiyan came forward and touched his wife's belly.

   It was also a coincidence, but at this time, Su Anying's stomach moved.

   "Huh? Why do I feel that this guy moves differently from my son at that time?"

  Xu Shiyan felt that the one in Su Anying's stomach this time seemed to be turning around.

  When I was pregnant with Xu Haiyuan before, that brat was punching inside, and I could feel it through my belly, punching and kicking.

   "My daughter-in-law is pregnant this time, it should be a girl.

  My daughter is lazy, and she moves differently in her stomach, just like swimming. Kid Pi, punches and kicks when he moves. "

  Beside Zhou Guilan smiled and explained.

   Zhou Guilan is so old, she has given birth to so many children, what has she not experienced? Of course I know more.

  Xu Shiyan was even happier when he heard that it might be a daughter. His eldest daughter is finally coming, isn't it?

   "Mom, you go into the house, Yingzi, walk slowly."

  Xu Shiyan let his mother, supported his daughter-in-law, and carried his son on his back, and the four entered the door.

  The new house is well cleaned up, the cement floor is smooth and flat, and the white walls look extraordinarily neat and clean.

   There are several potted flowers on the window sill, rose, September chrysanthemum, Clivia, and hanging golden lanterns, all of which Xu Shiqin came back from the Songjiang River.

  Especially the Clivia, which Xu Shiqin likes very much. He found a dozen of them from various places, and they were all placed on the windowsills of the east and west houses.

  The emerald green leaves seem to have a layer of wax on them, which looks very shiny and beautiful.

  At this time, it is not the flowering period of Clivia, but September chrysanthemum, and there are still a few flowers in bloom. The bright yellow color looks delicate and lovely, and it is also quite beautiful.

  There is a large kang in the east room, and there is a kangqin on the top of the kang. The two boxes are not in this room, so they probably got it in the east room.

  A shelf was built against the east partition, on which there were radios, thermos pots, tea mugs, creams and other things.

  A large mirror is hung on the wall, with smaller photo frames on both sides of the mirror.

  In the photo frame are some old photos of the Xu family, as well as photos taken when Su Anying and Xu Shiyan registered their marriage.

  In addition, there are photos of Xu Haiyuan when he was six months old and when he was one year old. There were no color photos in those years, and they were all in black and white.

  Under the south window, I originally wanted to keep a set of sofas, but the sofas are not easy to sell these days, and I guess I have to wait for a few years.

   I don’t know whose idea it was, so I put the sewing machine there, and there is a shelf next to it, which is Xu Shiqin’s cutting and ironing console.

   It’s okay, the light under the south window is good, so this arrangement is reasonable.

  Xu Shiyan carried his son on his shoulders, wandered around the house, and felt that the layout of the house was fine, and it was well cleaned up, except that the furniture was a little lacking.

  Looks like I have to find someone to order a set of furniture, otherwise it won't match the new house.

   "After waiting for a while, find a carpenter to make a set of furniture. I heard that veneer furniture is popular now, so let's get a set at that time."

  In the past two years, thirty-six legs have gradually emerged in the city, which are more beautiful than this old-fashioned furniture.

  Xu Shiyan felt that he could find someone to talk about how to make this furniture in detail, and it would be good to get a set of modular furniture.

   After all, this house will be lived in for many years. As for the furniture, just be a little more novel, and don’t be too advanced.

  People's appreciation vision changes with the times, it is too advanced, others may not think it looks good.

   "By the way, Mom, I plan to ask my elder brother to go up the mountain to help watch for a while, do you think it's okay?"

  (end of this chapter)

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