Chapter 193 Waiting for Labor

  Xu Shiyan has been very busy this autumn, so he finally came home.

  Zhou Guilan looked at Hei Shou's son so distressed that she couldn't care less about worrying, so she hurriedly searched for something delicious.

  Xu Shiyan brought a lot of things from the mountains, such as mushrooms, fungus, hazelnuts, pine nuts, walnuts, etc.

  So I grabbed some pine nuts, pinched them open with pliers, and fed them to my son.

  Xu Shiyan asked Su Anying to find a few bags and put them in everything. He planned to go to the post office in the afternoon and send them to Mr. Chu and Qi Yunsheng.

   After all, Xu Shiyan and Chu Lao have a relationship between master and apprentice. Back then, Chu Lao taught Xu Shiyan a lot.

   Now that I know the address of Mr. Chu, I have to send some wild goods to others, which is a little kindness.

   Qi Yunsheng has been in contact with him for the past two years.

  Xu Shiyan also plans to ask Qi Yunsheng to help him find more medical books and so on. How can there be any reason to ask for help?

  In this day and age, there is no time limit for mailing things, and no one can guarantee when they will arrive.

  I dare not send those fresh things, for fear that they will be broken halfway, so I can only send dry goods.

   are all local products, not worth much, it is a little thought.

  Send some to Elder Chu and Qi Yunsheng, and some to Guo Shouye.

  Things are not high or low, or that sentence, human feelings need to move around.

   Just happened to go to Songjianghe to do business, so Xu Shiyan went directly to his elder brother's house and told Xu Shixian to go up the mountain to take care of some things for a few days.

  At this time, the food team has nothing to do, Xu Shixian is idle at home.

  As soon as he heard that he was asked to go up the mountain, Xu Shixian nodded and agreed.

   On the 4th, Xu Shixian went up the mountain to find Xu Chenghou, and lived with Xu Chenghou on the mountain.

  With someone as a companion, at least he is not alone, otherwise, Xu Chenghou can only talk to the rascal every day.

  The pair of otters on the mountain have now been upgraded to become parents, with three cubs.

  With Xu Chenghou taking good care of them, the cubs are growing up pretty well, and they are all very happy.

  But this thing is not well-fed, no matter how you feed it, as long as you are hungry, you will turn your face.

  The pair of sables can't see what's going on yet.

  I put them together in summer, but the gestation period of the female mink is very long, and the fertilized eggs have a diapause period, so far there is no abnormality.

  Anyway, Xu Chenghou followed Xu Shiyan's instructions and fed these guys every day.

   So far, they are all well-raised, and the water is smooth and smooth, especially rare people.

  Xu Shixian looked at the animals on the mountain and was very envious, "Father, if I also follow the example of the third child, can I raise some of these animals?"

   This cage is full of money, who wouldn’t be tempted to see it?

  Xu Chenghou shook his head, "Boss, it's not dad who hit you, this job, you are really capable.

  伱If you don’t have the condition of being a third child, where do you live? Is there such a convenient place to grab food for them?

   These open-mouthed beasts eat fish or meat every day, you can't get them. "

  It is not easy to engage in special breeding. You have to take advantage of the right time, place and people. Xu Shixian currently does not have that condition.

   "Don't worry about this matter, when the third child is free, you can listen to his opinion.

  I heard from the third child before that he intends to study the animal feed or something. If the research is successful, he will expand the breeding.

  I don’t understand these things, I have to wait for him to come back. He's busy now, let's talk about it when he really understands. "

  Now Xu Chenghou has regarded his third son as his backbone, and he has to discuss everything with his third son.

  Xu Shixian thought about it for a while, it was useless to discuss with his father, he had to find his third brother.

  So I lived on the mountain with peace of mind, got up every morning, followed my father to walk the traps and traps, and then went to the other side of the Xiaohei River to catch fish.

  The weather is getting colder, but the river is still not frozen, so we have to take advantage of this time to prepare more fish and shrimp, otherwise the few otters will have nothing to eat in winter.

  Xu Shixian knows how to shoot a gun, and always carries a gun with him every time he goes out.

   That set occasionally catches wild boars, roe deer, etc., and just killed them to get them back.

  As for the pheasant and hare, there is no shortage of them on the mountain. The whole rabbit stewed with potatoes, or the pheasant stewed with mushrooms are very fragrant.

  Anyway, Xu Shixian knows how to cook, and the two of you have a good life on the mountain, and you don't have to listen to Xue Xiulin's nagging all day long, so you feel more at ease.

   On the other side, after Xu Shiyan went down the mountain, he happened to be in time for the brigade to calculate and distribute food.

  Xu Shiyan did not earn less work points this year, and he has a lot of food points. It is estimated that he can still get a lot of money in the Gregorian calendar year.

  The brigade distributed the food, and each household shipped it back.

  Xu Shiyan, together with Sun Xiaofeng, Huang Shengli and others, borrowed the brigade's carriage, brought back all the food, and stored it in the warehouse.

  Xu Chenghou was not at home, and Xu Shiyan also brought back the food for the old couple and sent it to the granary of the new house for storage.

  If you have food in your warehouse and money in your pocket, you will have confidence in your heart, and you will not panic when encountering anything.

  Originally, Xu Shiyan planned to find a carpenter to order a set of furniture, but Zhou Guilan stopped him.

  Zhou Guilan felt that when their family built such a big brick house in summer, and then made a complete set of new furniture, they were afraid that outsiders would be jealous.

  Xu Shiyan is now a celebrity in the second brigade, but he is popular, and he is afraid that there will be many right and wrong.

   Still have to be more steady and keep a low profile.

   Xu Shiyan can do it if he thinks about it. There is nothing very attractive about making furniture now. After two years, those furniture styles in the city will become popular, and then find someone to make new ones.

   Otherwise, I have to change it in the future, which is troublesome.

   Just like that, Xu Shiyan stayed at home with his wife and son, coaxing Xu Haiyuan to play all day long.

  On the morning of November 8th, Su Anying came together and found that something was wrong, and she became popular.

  She didn't have a stomachache, but she didn't dare to neglect, so she greeted Xu Shiyan to get up.

  When Xu Shiyan heard that his daughter-in-law was popular, he knew that it was about to give birth.

  So he got up quickly, packed up his things and had a casual meal, then led Su Anying to the hospital.

  I went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor said that the cervix was opened three fingers, and there was a possibility of giving birth. If I was worried, I would be hospitalized for observation.

   Then what else to say? Xu Shiyan immediately went through the hospitalization procedures and asked Su Anying to observe in the hospital.

   As a result, just after nine o'clock in the morning, Su Anying began to have a stomachache.

   It happened that Zhou Guilan rushed over after cleaning up the house. Xu Shiqin didn't go to work and took care of Xu Haiyuan at home.

   My stomach started to hurt at nine o'clock, and the pain became unbearable after ten o'clock, so I was rushed to the delivery room.

   This time, the doctor said that someone could go in to accompany her. Zhou Guilan refused to let Xu Shiyan enter the delivery room, so she followed her in.

  Xu Shiyan just strolled back and forth in the corridor, while walking, all he could think about was his daughter in his previous life.

  The eldest daughter of his family, Xu Jinping, was born on November 8, 1979, September 19 in the lunar calendar.

  People say that males account for 258 and females account for 369. Xu Jinping was born on September 19th, which accounts for 9 out of 1 year. What a happy birthday.

   But in fact, the eldest daughter has been dragged down by this family in her life, and she has suffered so much and suffered so much.

  Xu Jinping is very good at studying. She ranked first in the school in the elementary school, first in the school in the senior high school entrance examination, and third in the county.

   At that time, it was popular to take the entrance examination for a technical secondary school. Everyone persuaded them to let their children take the entrance examination for a technical secondary school.

  Xu Shiyan felt that it was a pity that her daughter was so good at studying, and it was a pity that she had to go to high school to enter university.

   My daughter is also up to the task, and she has been doing very well in high school.

   But who would have imagined, in the autumn of 1998, when the eldest daughter was just in her third year of high school, Xu Shiyan and his wife were involved in a car accident.

  (end of this chapter)

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