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Chapter 209: Difficult to coax

  Chapter 209 Difficult to Coax

   "It should be hungry, Yingzi is weak, and I don't know when she will have milk.

  I just fed them some glucose water, it didn’t matter, didn’t they cry again? "

  Zhou Guilan hugged her grandson to coax her, while whispering to her son.

   "These two children are not as good as Yuanyuan and Pingping when they were young. Whenever one of them cries, the other immediately follows."

  Two babies are much more difficult to coax than one. They cry when they urinate, cry when they are hungry, and cry whenever they feel a little uncomfortable, and one cries and the other promises to cry too.

  Zhou Guilan and Xu Shiqin have not been idle this afternoon, and they were utterly battered and flustered by the two children.

   "Mom, don't worry, I brought a ewe back, and it's been a few days since it gave birth.

   In this way, I went back to milking and cooking, and put it in a bottle to feed the child.

   For the time being, deal with them so that they don’t cry, and see when Yingzi can have milk. "

  At this time, Xu Shiyan was particularly thankful that he had thought a little more.

   Otherwise, it will be dark soon, and he has to go to the farm again, so that people are not tired and things will be delayed.

   "Then you are not in a hurry? The two children were born in the morning, and they haven't had milk yet."

  When Zhou Guilan heard this, she hurriedly urged her son to go back to milk the goat.

   There is no way, there is Su Anying, a pregnant woman living in the maternity ward of the hospital, and she wants to find someone else to excuse her because she doesn't have milk.

   There is a woman in the village who just gave birth not long ago, but Zhou Guilan and her daughter are inseparable.

  Su Anying fell asleep, and Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping were also here. If their mother and daughter went out with their children, no one would take care of them.

   "Mom, little sister, you two will take care of you here first, and I will take the two little ones back.

  Pingping, Yuanyuan, go home with Dad, let’s milk our younger siblings. "

  As Xu Shiyan said, he picked up his daughter, and Xu Haiyuan directly stretched out his little hand for his father to lead, and the three of them left the hospital and walked home.

  Fortunately, the hospital was close to home, and when he got home soon, Xu Shiyan quickly found two pieces of candy and gave them to the two children.

   You have to coax these two first, and don't make trouble, so that Xu Shiyan can work with peace of mind.

  No matter what age, children are not immune to candy, and the two children were very happy when they got candy.

   "Thank you, Dad." Xu Jinping didn't forget to hug Xu Shiyan and kiss her to express her gratitude.

   "Eat sweets obediently, dad goes to work. Candy wrappers can't be peeled off, so ask brother for help."

   Oops, the old father's heart just melted into a mess.

  However, Xu Shiyan did not take the initiative to pick up candy paper for the child, but entrusted the important task to his son.

  The purpose, of course, is to increase the difficulty.

  No matter how smart Xu Haiyuan is, after all, he is small and his hands are not flexible enough.

   It takes a bit of work just to pick out the candy wrappers of the two pieces of candy. The two children have something to do, so they won't make trouble.

  The bad-hearted father threw the pot to his son like this, took the household items to milk the milk, and waited for him to milk the goat milk, just in time for Xu Haiyuan to peel off the candy wrapper of his own piece of candy and put it in his mouth.

  As for Xu Jinping, my brother took out the candy wrappers for her first, and now the little girl has candy in her mouth, so it tastes delicious.

  Xu Shiyan set up two horizontal bricks in front of the stove pit and lit the firewood.

  Put the small aluminum pot on two bricks, boil the goat milk, let it cool, and pour it into the bottle.

   Then, Xu Shiyan picked up his daughter, led his son, and sent the two children to the Sun's house next door, asking Sun Xiaofeng's daughter-in-law to take care of them for a while.

   After the two children were settled, Xu Shiyan went to the hospital.

  Going to the hospital, Su Anying was woken up by the crying of the child, and was holding the child to feed her.

  But she was weak and hadn't had any milk yet, so the two babies had no milk after gnawing. After a few mouthfuls, they became unhappy and continued to cry.

   "Hey, my little ancestor, don't cry, you can hear your movements in the whole pediatric hospital. Come, your dad has milk here."

  Xu Shiyan hurriedly handed a baby bottle to Zhou Guilan, hugged a baby himself, and nursed it carefully.

  Hungry baby, who cares if it's goat's milk or something? It's nice to have something to drink.

   Gudu Gudu drank a lot, and now I finally stopped crying.

  The two babies ate and drank enough, patted and hiccupped, and fell asleep not long after, Zhou Guilan and others were relieved.

   "Yingzi, sleep a little longer, I'll go back and cook for you."

   Zhou Guilan saw that it was not early, so she carefully placed the child beside Su Anying, and then hurried home to cook with Xu Shiqin.

  The arrival of the dragon and phoenix caught everyone in the Xu family by surprise.

  The two babies are particularly fussy. They cry together when they want to cry, eat together when they want to eat, and urinate at about the same time, but whoever takes a step behind will definitely cry with his throat open.

  The four adults of the Xu family, who were tossed about by the two children, were in a hurry.

   At least I persisted for two days. On the third morning, I went through the discharge procedures and went home.

  In addition, Su Anying also had milk, and the two babies were breastfed, but they were not as noisy as before.

  Fortunately, last autumn, Xu Shiyan caught some hens on the mountain and picked up a lot of snow clam oil.

   This stuff is a great tonic, and it has a good effect on postpartum weakness, and it can also promote breast milk. Even if two babies are breastfed, they can supply it.

  Su Anying's mother and son had just arrived home and settled down, but Su Weizhong and his wife brought their five and six children here.

   "I heard that Yingzi gave birth to a pair of twins, how can I calm down? I discussed with your mother-in-law, come over early to see, and try to help the leader.

   These two children are not easy to serve, and there are not enough people. "

  Su Weizhong couldn't go into the back room to see his daughter, so he sat between Dongci and talked to Xu Shiyan.

   "This time, let the sixth child stay and help Yingzi take care of the children for a while.

   Otherwise, with your four children, the two younger ones must be difficult to take care of. Yingzi and her in-laws alone are too busy. "

  Su’s six daughters, the third married the winter of the year before last to Lao Nan’s family in Daying Village, and the fourth married Shuanglong last winter.

  The fifth child is nineteen this year, and the sixth child is seventeen this year. Both of them have finished junior high school, failed to pass any exams, and can only work in the team.

  The eldest son, Su Anhua, is young and has been favored since childhood. The work in the field is mediocre, and he earns few work points.

  What Su Weizhong meant was that he wanted Su Anhua to come over and help his sister take care of the children, so it could be regarded as sharing some of the burden for Su Anying.

   "Oh, that's a good thing."

  Xu Shiyan was overjoyed when he heard this. Now he wished for more help from the family.

  Su Anying is in confinement, Xu Shiqin still has to go to work, and there is still a lot of work here.

  Xu Shiyan couldn't stay at home for confinement and not work for a month.

  If he goes up the mountain, Zhou Guilan will be pointed at by his family to work alone.

  When the family was short of staff, the father-in-law offered to ask his sister-in-law to come and help, which was just in time.

   Weng son-in-law for so many years, Xu Shiyan knew his father-in-law's temper, and never said those foolish things, so he was not polite.

   "Then thank you, dad, and my sixth sister, oh, to tell you the truth, I'm still worried.

  Yingzi is in confinement, and she has two children at once. My side is both a farmer and a farmer, so I can't take care of it. "

  My father-in-law helped solve the big problem, so Xu Shiyan naturally wanted to express his gratitude.

   "My family, why are you being polite?

  Hua'er was brought up by Yingzi, and now she is here to help her second sister look after the child, isn't that what it should be? "

  Su Weizhong waved his hand and smiled.

   Dear readers, it will be updated at 7:00 tomorrow morning. Please support the author a lot and support genuine reading. Welcome to Qidian Chinese website to read the latest chapters.

  (end of this chapter)

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