Chapter 221 Lesson

  Seeing that it was Xu Shiyan, Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping immediately let go of their hands, and approached Xu Shiyan with a guilty conscience.


   When Xu Jinping called out her father, the tears came out immediately, and she didn't know whether she was scared or wronged.

   "Yuanyuan, what's going on? We're all friends playing together, why are we still fighting?"

  Xu Shiyan lowered his face and asked his son.

   "He deliberately threw mud spots on my sister's skirt, and he plucked my sister's braids."

  Xu Haiyuan pointed to the two boys opposite with an angry look on his face.

  Xu Shiyan glanced at the two boys, somewhat impressed.

   These children should be the children of the staff of the grain depot. They live in the family room of the grain depot near the primary school, on the west side of the road to the martyrs' cemetery.

   It is definitely a good job to work in the grain depot these days.

  The staff of the grain depot looked down on the old farmers, and most of their children played together, rarely with the children at the east end of the martyrs' tomb.

  I don’t know what’s going on today, but we all came to the Martyrs’ Tomb to play, and we ended up fighting.

   "Uncle Xu, Yuanyuan is welcome, they deliberately bury Pingping's skirt.

   Yuanyuan asked them to apologize, and they threw clods, so we did it. "

  On the other end, Huang Shuqing, the son of Huang Shengli's family, was afraid that Xu Shiyan would get angry and hit Xu Haiyuan, so he hurried over to explain.

   "Yes, don't blame Yuanyuan, they are the first to find something."

  Sun Yu, the eldest of Sun Xiaofeng's family, also hurriedly opened his mouth to tell Xu Shiyan what happened.

  The Sun family is next door to the Xu family, and the Huang family is also next to the Xu family in Daonan. The adults of the two families get along well, so the children play together all day long.

  Huang Shuqing is older, he is seven years old this year, and Sun Yu is six years old.

   These two are very like brothers. Every time they play together, they take special care of Xu Haiyuan and his sister.

  Especially Xu Jinping, who is good-looking and well-dressed, and the little boys around her are very protective of her.

  So today those kids came over to cause trouble, stained Xu Jinping's skirt and pulled her braids.

   Huang Shuqing and the others were very angry, so they asked others to reason.

   As a result, instead of apologizing, the other party threw stones and soil clods at them.

   Regardless of Xu Haiyuan's young age, he has a strong temper, so he just went over to the other party.

  Huang Shuqing and Sun Ning saw that it couldn't be left behind, so they also rushed up.

  Even the little girl Xu Jinping was not far behind, grabbing the brat who was throwing mud on her skirt, and scratching it with her hand.

  Xu Shiyan really didn't know what to say after listening.

  Who did the two children of his family follow? Both of them have good tempers, how did they raise such two fiery tempers?

  Girl, he knew that she was a powerful person in her previous life, otherwise she wouldn't be able to support such a big family.

  Who is this son with? Cough cough, this stuff can't be passed down from generation to generation, right? Xuan, it seems really possible.

  Xu Shiyan glanced at the boys across from him, "Are you all hurt?"

  Those ones looked bigger than this one, but they were all in a mess, with their heads covered in dirt.

  The boy who pinched Xu Jinping's braid just now had a few red marks on his face. Needless to say, he must have been scratched.

   Except for the youngest one, the others all shook their heads.

   Originally, this matter was unreasonable, and they were still young, so not only did they not win, but they also suffered losses.

  They all felt ashamed, even if they were hurt, they couldn't admit it.

   "Why are you crying? You have the face to cry after being bitten by a girl doll?"

  The older one kicked the youngest angrily when he saw that the youngest was crying.

   "It's all about you, I'm just idle every day, let's go, go home." As he said, he held that little neck by the collar, and just left.

  Seeing the group of children leaving, Xu Shiyan looked down at his son and daughter.

   "Both of you, come home with me, and let your mother see you two doing this later. It will be strange if she doesn't beat you up."

  Xu Shiyan is not willing to beat up his daughter, what can he do? I can only move my wife out to scare people.

   Just like that, Xu Shiyan walked in front, and Xu Haiyuan followed behind, holding hands.

  Huang Shuqing and Sun Yu saw it, and obediently followed behind.

  Arrived outside the gate of Xu's house, Huang Shuqing and Sun Yu hurriedly said, "Uncle Xu, we are home."

   "Well, pat the soil on your body carefully before entering the house."

  Xu Shiyan didn't look back, he just snorted, as a reminder to those two.

   Nowadays, it is common for children to fight outside.

  Whether you win or lose outside, you don’t tell when you go home.

   If you say it, you will definitely be beaten. If you don’t say it, you will be fooled if you don’t keep it clean.

  Of course, if the body is damaged, you won't be able to run away and you will be beaten.

   Who is not busy? How can there be time to wash clothes for children all day long?

   Besides, isn’t that soap money? The clothes are made of cotton, and the more they are washed, the thinner they become, won't they be torn? Is it that easy to make a new dress?

  Most adults don’t care about children, they care about clothes. It doesn’t matter if you lose in a fight, but if your clothes are dirty or torn, that’s not okay.

  When Huang Shuqing and Sun Yu heard this, they quickly patted the dirt on their bodies with their hands.

  The two of them checked each other to make sure they were all slapped off before going home.

   As for whether the two children will be beaten when they go back, I don't know.

   "Daughter-in-law, come out and take care of it. These two children go out to fight with others. You can see how to deal with it."

  A father can’t easily beat a child. One is that a man doesn’t know how to deal with it, so it’s easy to beat him hard and cause accidents.

  One more thing, men should be used as the last weapon, and they cannot be used until something really big happens.

   Otherwise, if you beat the child, it will be even more difficult to manage in the future.

  Mothers love their children dearly, even if they beat them, they are reluctant to be cruel. For trivial matters, only the daughter-in-law can come forward to teach them a lesson.

   Another point is that this child is the flesh that fell from his mother, and he is partial by nature.

  Many women are like this. I gave birth to the child, and I can hit it. You, a father, can't hit it. If you hit me, I will be anxious with you.

  Xu Shiyan knew this well, so he yelled at his wife when he entered the door.

  Su Anying was peeing on the child in the house. When she heard the movement outside, she quickly wrapped the child and put it on the kang, and came out of the house.

   "Xu Haiyuan, Xu Jinping, what did you two do? Are you courageous? How dare you fight?

  Look at what you two made, what happened to rolling in the mud?

  Xu Jinping, your aunt just made that dress for you, and you just washed it. See what you did to it, can it still come out after washing? "

   As expected, Su Anying's first concern is clothes.

   "Mom, I don't dare anymore, never again."

  The little girl was terribly frightened by her father just now, but now seeing her mother's angry face, she was so frightened that she burst into tears.

   When the girl cried, Xu Shiyan couldn't stand it anymore, so he quickly winked at his daughter-in-law.

   "Ahem, that, that." Xu Shiyan signaled his daughter-in-law to teach his son not his daughter.

  Su Anying gave Xu Shiyan an angry look.

  The worst thing is the man in her family, who pretends to be a good person in front of the children all day long, and she is the one who does the bad.

   "Xu Haiyuan, what's the matter with you? Why are you leading your sister out to fight?

  I see you as a brat, you deserve a beating, I must beat you today. "

  Su Anying was half-truthful, picked up the sweeping broom behind the door, held her big head, and pointed the broom handle at Xu Haiyuan.

  Tomorrow, it will still be updated on time at 7 o'clock. Thank you for your support. More genuine books are available on the Qidian Chinese website.

  (end of this chapter)

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