Back To Qiqi Farming To Raise Children

Chapter 250: despised by son

  Chapter 250 Despised by his son

  Going out for a trip and coming back, I brought something for everyone in the family, coaxing my parents and children to be very happy.

   Seeing the smiling faces of his parents and children, Xu Shiyan felt very satisfied.

   "Daughter-in-law, I bought it for you too, and I'll give it to you when I get home."

   Just as Su Anying finished packing for his son, Xu Shiyan whispered to his wife.

  Su Anying smiled, "Should we go back? You are quite tired after going out these days, go home and rest.

  The two little ones didn't sleep this afternoon, and I guess they can go to bed early tonight.

   After a while, the two of them will feel uncomfortable, so they should go home early, because they have to burn the kang and stove at the other end. "

  Xu Shiyan glanced at the clock on the wall, it was almost five o'clock, it was indeed not early, and Zhou Qingguo and the others would come to him in the evening.

   "Dad, Mom, let's go home first.

  The younger sister has to be raised at home for a while, I will take some time tomorrow to talk to her master. "

  Xu Shiqin had just had the operation for twenty days, and the doctor said that he should not be tired and not sit for a long time. There was no other way but to ask for leave.

   "Yes, yes, chat again when I have time.

  Old lady, quickly help Yingzi wrap up the baby, and the two of them go back with the little one in their arms. "

  Xu Chenghou actually had a lot to say to Xu Shiyan, but it was really getting late.

  The son’s house is also such a big house, the house is not warm after the fire is late, and the child suffers.

   Just like that, Xu Shiyan put on the pants that he had just peed on, and then put on clothes and shoes for the two older ones.

  Su Anying and Zhou Guilan dressed the two little ones and covered them with quilts. Xu Shiyan carried a backpack and hugged his youngest son.

  Su Anying hugged her little girl, Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping followed behind her parents.

  The family of six left here and went back to their own home.

  When leaving in the morning, Su Anying threw a few big scorpions into the stove, and threw a few lumps into the stove.

  When I got home in the afternoon, the room wasn’t too cold, and the kang felt slightly warm.

  The couple entered the door and hurriedly put the child down, unwrapped the quilt, and let Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping, the older ones, watch over them.

  The stove is faster than the kang, and after a while, the heat from the stove came up, and the room gradually became warmer.

  Xu Shiyan boiled a pot of water and threw some large pieces of firewood into the stove before entering the house with Su Anying.

  Xu Shiyan dumped things out of his backpack, and made a pile of clothes, shoes, wool, scarves, etc. bought for his wife.

   "Look at you, going out for a trip already cost a lot of money, why are you buying me so many things?"

  Su Anying was quite happy to see those things, but when she thought about money, her heart ached.

   "It's not easy for you to earn money, and we still have four children to raise.

  I stay at home all day and don’t go out very often. If you buy me these clothes and shoes, I don’t have a chance to wear them.

   Don't spend this money in the future. "

   "Look at what you said, what do I earn money for? Isn't it just for you and the children to have enough food and clothing?

  Who said you can’t wear it at home, just wear whatever you like. "

  Xu Shiyan glanced at Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping who were coaxing their younger siblings to play.

   While the daughter and son were not paying attention, she secretly kissed the daughter-in-law on the face.

  Su Anying was a little embarrassed by her husband's behavior, and glanced at him.

   "The children are here, what are you doing?"

   "Oh, wait until the children fall asleep at night." Xu Shiyan leaned close to his wife's ear and whispered.

   Provoking Su Anying to stare at him, "You have to show some face."

  Xu Shiyan laughed nonchalantly.

   Now, Xu Haiyuan heard it, and went to his father's side.

   "Dad, what are you laughing at? So happy?"

  Xu Shiyan took his son over and put him on his lap, "Dad is home, of course I am happy to see you and Mom.

  Dad has been away for so long, do you miss him? "

  I haven't been idle since I came back, and I haven't been able to get close to the children.

  Finally free now, Xu Shiyan hugged his eldest son and chatted, teasing him.

   "Dad, it's alright if you ask Pingping about this. How old am I, and you still tease me like this?"

  Xu Haiyuan is a big kid, especially after studying in autumn, he is more sensible and always feels that he is an adult.

  Hearing his father ask such a naive question at this moment, the little boy was speechless.

   That expression is like saying, Dad, do you think it’s fun? How childish.

   Now, it was Su Anying's turn to laugh.

  She was just opening the door of the kangqin cabinet, packing things and putting them in. When she heard her son's words, she held on to the cabinet door and kept laughing.

  Xu Shiyan was despised by his son, he was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that he grabbed his son and wanted to slap his ass.

   "Okay you little brat, you hate your father, right?"

  Xu Shiyan didn't really want to beat his son, but just to frighten him.

  Xu Haiyuan panicked a little now, and quickly covered it with his hand.

   "Don't, Dad, I was wrong, I miss you, I really miss you."

  A hero doesn’t suffer from immediate losses. Now he is too young to beat his father, so he admits defeat.

   "Little kid, I don't believe you can't be cured."

  Xu Shiyan still refused to give up, grabbed his son, and kissed his tender little face.

  He didn't shave on the way back, and he happened to have beard stubble. This kiss made Xu Haiyuan's face itchy, and the little guy begged for mercy.

   "Dad, Dad, I don't dare anymore, I won't dare again in the future, please forgive me. Mom, help me."

  At the other end, Xu Jinping, who was playing with the doll, saw that her brother was being bullied by her father, so she hurried over.

   "Dad, please forgive my brother. My brother is wrong." The two children have a good relationship, and the little girl pleads with her brother.

   "Okay, for Xiao Pingping's sake, I will spare the little **** Yuanyuan."

  Xu Shiyan let go of his son and brought his daughter over. "Then do you think about Dad?"

  Adults, most of them love to play this game with children.

  Ask if you think about it, where did you think? The children's answers were varied and interesting.

  Xu Jinping secretly glanced at her brother, then laughed.

   "Thinking about it, thinking about it in my heart, thinking about it in my head, but I miss my father, and my father will not come back sooner."

  The little girl has a sweet mouth and can coax people. That cute appearance makes people rare.

   "Well, this is Dad's good daughter, unlike your stinky brother who doesn't even miss Dad."

  It's better to be a girl, more caring than a kid, that brat, don't mind.

   Su Anying on the other side couldn't stand it any longer, and found a pair of thick cotton trousers from the cabinet.

   "A person in his thirties is like a child.

  Come on, you should change your pants quickly, don’t you feel uncomfortable when your son peed in those pants?

  I still hug my son and daughter, so I'm not afraid to make them look bad. "

  It was only November when Xu Shiyan went out, and he was wearing thin cotton trousers.

   Now that life is better, Su Anying made two thick cotton trousers for Xu Shiyan.

   "Oh, if you don't tell me, I really forgot."

   Isn’t it so? The trousers outside are almost toasty, and the cotton trousers are still damp in one piece.

  Xu Shiyan quickly took off his trousers and put on the one Su Anying found out.

   "Third Brother, Third Brother, what are you doing at home?"

  (end of this chapter)

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