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Chapter 257: Lunar New Year's eve

  Chapter 257 New Year's Eve

   Busy and busy, it's New Year's Eve.

  Xu Shiyan and his wife are very busy with their four children.

  That's why Xu Chenghou said that this year the two families will celebrate the New Year together, which is lively and convenient.

  Thirty This morning, Xu Shiyan cleaned up his yard, erected lantern poles, and hung red lanterns.

  Pasted the couplets and blessings outside, and after tidying up, I went back to my parents to celebrate the new year with Su Anying and the four children.

   Now that the days are better, Zhou Guilan must prepare more delicious food.

  From about ten o'clock in the morning, Zhou Guilan led her daughter and daughter-in-law to work in the kitchen, frying the same delicious food.

  The aroma wafted into the room, Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping, who were greedy, drooled and looked into the kitchen.

   "Two little greedy cats, then, let's eat it, don't eat too much, there are still a lot of dishes."

  Zhou Guilan brought a bowl of freshly fried meatballs, dried fruits, and crispy twists, and asked Xu Haiyuan to take them to the house to eat, saving them from being greedy here.

  The two children happily went back to the house to eat with their bowls in hand.

  The two of them ate, and the two young ones became greedy when they saw it, and screamed.

  Thanks to Xu Shiqin watching, Xu Haiyuan almost handed the ball to his younger brother.

   "No, they are too young to chew these fried things, you two eat it, I will steam egg cakes for them.

   Remember, you must not feed them anything else. "

  Xu Shiqin watched his nephew and niece eat all the delicious things in the bowl, and then he was relieved, and went to the kitchen to make steamed chicken cakes for the two little ones.

  After three o’clock in the afternoon, the meals are ready, and the Kang table is placed on the Kang table in the east room, and the whole family sits around the table and have a reunion dinner.

  At night, Xu Chenghou coaxed the children, and the others made dumplings. At 11:30 in the evening, there were firecrackers going off outside one after another.

  Xu Chenghou called his sleeping grandchildren to go out and set off firecrackers.

  As soon as Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping heard that the firecrackers were going to be set off, Jilu got up immediately, dressed and went out with grandpa and father.

  In the past two years, no matter what, some old rules have risen again.

  Before setting off the dumplings and setting off firecrackers, Zhou Guilan will set up a heaven and earth table in the yard, and on the table are some offerings such as steamed buns, chicken, fish, meat, and wine.

  Wait for the water in the pot to boil, and before the dumplings were cooked, Xu Chenghou led his children and grandchildren out, lit three incense sticks and put them in the bowl filled with corn noodles.

   At this time, it is not easy to find an incense burner bowl. Most of them use two bowls to fill a bowl of corn noodles, which is really successful.

   Waiting for it to be used up, the corn noodles can still be fed to pigs and chickens without delay.

  Xu Chenghou lighted incense and handed out papers, and Xu Shiyan lit a 500-gun firecracker over there.

  After the firecrackers were set off, Xu Chenghou led his children and grandchildren to kneel and kowtow in front of the Tiandi table, sincerely praying for a safe and smooth new year and all the best.

   After distributing the paper, they kowtowed, and then, the father and son turned on the coaxing mode.

  There are more kinds of firecrackers on the market this year, besides ordinary firecrackers and Ertijiao, there are other tricks.

  What are flashing thunder, colorful pearls, diamond monkeys, and some small firecrackers that children like, such as small planes, small bees, everything.

  In order to coax the children, Xu Shiyan bought tens of dollars worth of fireworks and came back with a basket, and now he took them all out and lit them one by one.

  The flash thunder is a bit like the colorful pearl. They fly out one by one and explode in the sky.

  Flash Thunder will explode and make a loud noise, but Color Pearl doesn’t make much noise, and it looks better when it explodes.

  The two little babies looked up at the beautiful fireworks of various colors blooming in the dark night sky, jumping up and down happily and clapping their hands.

  Xu Shiyan and Xu Chenghou saw that the children were so happy, and they became more and more energetic.

  If Zhou Guilan hadn't cooked the dumplings and told them to go back to eat dumplings, the couple would probably still be able to continue.

   "Let's go home and eat dumplings first, and let's come out to release them after dinner."

  Xu Chenghou looked at the ones left in the basket, they might not be able to put them all in a while, so let's eat first.

  The two babies spent a lot of time outside. It was quite cold outside at night, and their little faces were flushed from the cold, but they didn't care.

  The two children were addicted to watching fireworks. When they heard that they were going to eat in the house, they all turned their heads reluctantly.

   "Dad, how about some more?" Xu Jinping tugged at the corner of Xu Shiyan's clothes to discuss.

   "Hey, let's go into the house to warm up. After a while, when we are full, Dad will take you out to let us go.

  Look, there are still these in the basket, we will put them away later. "Xu Shiyan picked up his daughter and coaxed the little girl back to the house.

  Xu Jinping was delighted when she heard that the fireworks would come out later. She hugged her father's neck and happily followed her father and grandpa into the house.

  The kang table is still outside, so I can only stand aside.

  The side stand is actually a table, and the legs at the bottom can be folded, folded up when not in use, and placed against the wall, so the locals call it the side stand.

   There are six or seven plates of dumplings on the table, a bowl of garlic sauce in the middle, a bottle of vinegar and a bottle of sesame oil next to it.

  In front of everyone, there are small plates and chopsticks.

  Seeing that Xu Chenghou and his son came back with their children, Zhou Guilan invited them to eat dumplings together.

   "Come on, sit down, let's eat dumplings."

  The table was placed next to the edge of the Kang, and Xu Haiyuan and Xu Jinping were arranged on the edge of the Kang. The two children were small, so it was just right for them to sit on the edge of the Kang.

  Zhou Guilan put four or five dumplings into small bowls for each of them, and poured soy sauce, vinegar, and sesame oil into their small dishes.

  The two children went to bed tonight and didn't eat much. They are a little hungry now.

   The delicious hot dumplings were right in front of them. Both children were hungry, so they didn't care about them, so they quickly grabbed them and ate them.

  Xu Jinping was still young, and it was a bit difficult to hold the dumplings with the chopsticks, so she simply did it directly.

   Adults don’t care if they see it, let them do it, as long as the children are willing to eat it.

   "Yes, it's delicious. Grandma packed the dumplings with money, peanuts, red dates, and sugar. Let's see what you can eat."

  Zhou Guilan sat beside the two children, coaxing them to eat.

  The two little ones fell asleep, and they didn’t wake up when the firecrackers were set off outside. Just in time, everyone can have a meal with peace of mind.

  The dumplings on New Year’s Eve are filled with things for the sake of flattery, most of which are filled with money and sugar.

  Of course, some people are uneasy and kind.

   There used to be a mother-in-law who wrapped a small piece of charcoal in the dumplings on New Year’s Eve, and said as she wrapped them, to see who is unscrupulous in the family, and whoever is unscrupulous can eat them.

  When she said this, the mother-in-law stared at the eldest daughter-in-law, implying that the daughter-in-law had a dark heart.

   As a result, when the dumplings were boiled and eaten, the charcoal-wrapped dumplings were eaten by the youngest son of the family.

  The youngest son who was angry turned black at the time, and lost his temper with his mother.

  Zhou Guilan doesn't have those bad intentions. If you want to celebrate the New Year, no one will find that uncomfortable.

   No matter who eats what, the big guys will say all kinds of good words and wish them well. For Chinese New Year, the picture is this celebration.

   Not to mention, most of the money was eaten by Xu Shiyan and Xu Shiqin.

  Xu Shiqin also ate jujubes, peanuts, etc. Everyone said that Xu Shiqin will have good luck in the coming year.

  Tomorrow, it will still be updated on time at 7 o'clock. Thank you for your support. More genuine books are available on the Qidian Chinese website.

  (end of this chapter)

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