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Chapter 298: send away little black bear

  Su Weizhong and his wife are quite satisfied with Li Chengrong and the Li family, so the marriage is considered a deal.

  However, Li Chengrong and Su Anhua are still young, and they have only formally established a relationship. As for engagement and marriage, there is no rush.

  The two families are discussing to let the children stay together for a year and a half, and then they will be engaged and discuss about marriage.

  There is a lot of arable land at Daying, and the four members of Su Weizhong's family divided more than eight acres of land.

  The two daughters are both in Donggang, and the eight mu of land is directed to the couple to clean up at home. It is true and quite busy.

  Although the land is divided into households now, Su Weizhong, the captain, is still on the job.

  Don't look at the need to lead the members to work, those miscellaneous things are more troublesome.

  So Su Weizhong and his wife couldn't stay in Xu's house for a long time. They took advantage of the car in the afternoon and went back in a hurry.

   It happened that Xu Shiyan had nothing to do. After lunch, he sent his father-in-law and mother-in-law away.

   "Daughter-in-law, pick up half of the things that Uncle Li and the others brought this morning, and give them to our parents to take away."

  Big Lao Li sent a lot of food, and the family couldn't eat it, so it happened to be divided into two. Both parents are old, so they should eat something good.

   "Oh, no need, don't give it to us.

  The things sent by others are very expensive, and they will be kept for favors in the future. "

  Most of the elders think like this. Gifts from others should not be eaten and used easily, but should be kept for later gifts.

   "Don't, these are edible, there is a time limit, after time they should be broken.

   It doesn't hurt to eat something, but it hurts to be blind.

  My parents are not too young anymore, they should eat and drink something good to nourish their bodies. "

   Xu Shiyan ignored his father-in-law's obstruction, found a bag, and filled half of the things.

  Su Weizhong saw that the uncle was sincere, and it was useless for him to stop him, so he had to give up.

  Su Anfang and Su Anhua were naturally reluctant to let their parents leave, so they talked while holding Han's hand. I have to tell my parents to pay attention to something.

  It's not early, and it's still a long way from Donggang to the train station, so we can't delay any longer.

  Then everyone came out and got into the carriage that Xu Shiyan had harnessed. Xu Shiyan waved his whip, and the horse ran happily, heading north all the way to the train station.

  Arrived outside the station, Xu Shiyan didn't follow him in, but only took out one hundred yuan and handed it to Su Weizhong.

   "Father, Yingzi and I are busy, and it's rare to go back. You can keep this little money, and buy something if you need it."

  Xu Shiyan's salary is more than 100 yuan a month now, and Su Anying is in charge of the farm, not to mention, there is no shortage of money.

  The father-in-law and the mother-in-law come here once, so they can't go back empty-handed.

  Where was Su Weizhong willing to ask for my uncle's money, he hurriedly waved his hands and refused to accept it, but Xu Shiyan stuffed it into his pocket.

   "Father, there are many people in this place, let's not tear each other up so that people will look shameful.

  The second elder has raised Yingzi for more than twenty years, so we should be filial to the second elder. "

   "I still have something to ask Dad for help. If Dad refuses to accept money, how can I ask Dad in the future?"

   Seeing that Su Weizhong refused to accept him, Xu Shiyan could only say so.

   "Ah? Why do you need my help? Just say it, no matter how difficult it is, I have to find a way to help you."

  Su Weizhong was taken aback by what my uncle said. What else can he do to help an old man?

   "Father, at the end of October this year, my sixth younger sister has to go to the provincial capital for surgery.

  I'm too busy at work, so I can't stay with you for a month. I want Yingzi to go.

  But the provincial capital is such a big place, and the outside is chaotic. I don’t feel at ease when the two women are away from home.

  I was thinking, why not bother Dad and follow Yingzi to the provincial capital? "Xu Shiyan has been thinking about this matter for a long time.

  Autumn is the busiest season for participation, and the processing plant can be busy until winter.

   Especially this year, Changbai Mountain red ginseng will be trial-produced. Xu Shiyan must be too busy to go to the provincial capital.

  Xu Shiyan doesn't have time, so don't count on the other brothers, and it's not convenient for the man to take care of him, so it's better to let Su Anying go with him.

  As for Su Weizhong, it was Xu Shiyan's excuse. Xu Shiyan's real purpose was to let Su Weizhong go to the provincial capital for a physical examination.

  In his previous life, Su Weizhong passed away due to kidney disease. Even though he was still a few years away, he should not be careless.

   It is best to go to the provincial capital hospital for a checkup, and those who need injections and medicines should be given as soon as possible.

   "Oh, ok, I can do this.

   After waiting for the autumn harvest, when you say you will leave, I will pack up my things and go to the provincial capital with Yingzi. "

  As soon as he heard that he was going to the provincial capital with his daughter, Su Weizhong agreed without saying a word.

   Weng and his son-in-law made an agreement, Su Weizhong led the Han family and walked to the station with things, Su Anfang and Su Anhua followed and sent them to the station.

  The two sisters lived in Xu's house for half a year, and they didn't have to worry about eating and drinking. Su Anying also gave them some pocket money for a month.

  The two girls were not willing to spend, so they gave all the money to their mother last night.

  Xu Shiyan waited outside the station for a while, until the train came in, Su Weizhong and his wife got on the train and left, and sister Su Anfang came out, and then drove the car back.

  Su Anhua's marriage is settled, Xu Shiyan and his wife finally lost half of their worries.

  As for Su Anfang, it depends on fate, maybe one day the marriage will change, and the marriage will be resolved smoothly.

  Another advantage of the marriage agreement is that Li Chengrong finally had a fair reason to get in touch with Su Anhua.

  Look on the 24th, and on the 25th, this kid sent a lot of things to Su Anhua.

   Shawl, cream, soap, two pieces of cloth.

  This kid is not doing well yet, but he knows who to pet, and he doesn't know how much money he has left from this month's salary.

  No matter what, the young man has a heart, and Sister Su Anhua is very happy to see this.

   I didn't expect Li Chengrong to look a little stunned, but he still knows how to hurt others, which is very good.

   On July 28th, Li Zongliang drove with another driver to Tonghua to deliver things to the participants.

   When I went there, there was not much cargo on the car, leaving a lot of space.

  Xu Shiyan and Han Limin asked for leave from the leader, just in time to pick up and transport the two little black blind men.

  The two little black blind men are familiar with people, and they are not afraid of people. If they are given something delicious, they will go into the cage by themselves.

   Xu Shian, on the other hand, was extremely reluctant to see the two little things being transported away.

  That's okay, these two guys are too good to eat, so they can't be kept like this.

  Everyone lifted the cage to the car and put enough food inside.

  The two little black blind men seemed to sense something was wrong, but they had no choice but to stay obediently in the cage.

  At eight o'clock in the morning, a group of people set off from Donggang.

  The speed of cars in these years is not so fast, and the road conditions are not good, the road is bumpy and swaying, and we have a rest for dinner in the middle, and it is already afternoon in Tonghua.

   "Brother Xu, Brother Han, take care of your two affairs first, and then we will go to load the goods."

   Just like that, Xu Shiyan first went to the person from the medicinal material procurement department, and he led him to the other side of the zoo.

   There are a few peacocks and old monkeys in Yuhuangshan Zoo, just missing black and blind people.

   These two black blind men were artificially raised since they were young, and they are not so wild, so it is appropriate to stay in the park.

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