The worried Xibao held his chin with one hand and gently poked his brother's cheek with the other hand. He was the one who cried the loudest. He thought this brother was very powerful.

Doctor Liao finished examining Feng Qingxue and said, "As I said before, your vitality has been damaged and you have to take good care of it for a few years. You can't be tired anymore."

"Don't worry, Doctor Liao, I will definitely pay attention to this aspect." Lu Jiang said without hesitation.

Doctor Liao nodded, then examined the three children and took off the stethoscope, "Needless to say, the third and fourth children are very healthy and will eat well in confinement. As for the little one..."

"What's wrong with Xiao Wu?" Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue asked in unison.

Doctor Liao pondered for a moment, but did not mention the child's congenital frailty and poor cardiopulmonary function as his brother's. He said directly: "I'll ask Dr. Zhang from the pediatric department to come over and take a look at him. In our army, Dr. Zhang is the authority."

Feng Qingxue had a sudden thought in her heart, "Then I'll trouble you, Doctor Liao."

"Don't say polite words, this is what we should do." Dr. Liao looked at his watch, "It's past seven-thirty. I have to go to eat, and I have to do rounds when I get back. You guys have a good rest. Especially you, Qing Comrade Xue, eat something and have a good rest."

Not long after Lu Jiang sent her out, Tian Ling brought breakfast.

First was Feng Qingxue’s brown sugar millet porridge, followed by Lu Jiang’s scones, Fubao’s egg custard, and Xibao’s scallion pancakes.

"I made another bowl of brown sugar eggs for Qingxue. Egg flakes, not whole eggs, are easy to digest. The main reason is that I'm afraid that the millet porridge will not make her hungry. She has to feed three babies now. If she doesn't eat better, how can she have milk to feed the children? Ah!" As soon as she entered the hospital, she heard that Feng Qingxue had given birth to triplets, which made Tian Ling extremely happy and envious.

"Sister Tian Ling, it's up to you to cook. I don't understand the confinement menu, so just cook it for Qingxue."

Lu Jiang took Tian Ling's lunch box from the quilt in the basket and opened it. Sure enough, it was a lunch box full of brown sugar millet porridge. It was very thick and had a layer of rice oil on it.

"Qingxue, come and drink some porridge first." Lu Jiang fed her spoonful by spoonful, and after finishing the porridge, she ate brown sugar eggs.

The egg wadding was beaten very finely, and the portion wasn't too much, but Feng Qingxue was just full after eating it.

After helping the Lu family for so long, Tian Ling had already figured out Feng Qingxue's appetite.

Xibao finished eating the egg cake and drank butter tea. Fubao was still sleeping soundly. The cry of her brother and the voices of adults did not wake her up. Tian Ling left the covered porcelain bowl containing the egg custard still wrapped. In the little quilt.

"Sister, you're a lazy bastard!" Xibao sneered, urging Lu Jiang to move the chair to his mother's bed and sit on the chair himself.

Soon, Shang Kun delivered the brown sugar millet porridge cooked by Yang's mother and the paper and pen requested by Lu Jiang.

"I have already said hello to all the cooking teams. I have left all the pig's trotters for my sister-in-law. I have stewed the soup and sent it over. Army Commander, just don't forget to pay when the time comes."

Although the pig's trotters are worthless, only a dime, they have to abide by the rules.

Lu Jiang said gratefully: "I won't say it if you're polite. I'll finish writing the leave request report. You can hand it over to the army for me. If you want to approve it or not, ask Zhou Rong to come over and tell me."

"now it's right!"

Shang Kun took away the leave application report written by Lu Jiang, and Doctor Liao came with Doctor Zhang.

After Doctor Zhang examined Xiao Wu, he said directly to Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue: "Mother and son live in the hospital. I will tell you when you will be discharged. Especially this little one, we must take good care of him." "

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