Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1263 Going to the mountains and countryside 4

Just when he thought of Feng Qingxue and Fu Bao, Wang Dachun saw Fu Bao picking wild flowers on the roadside with a wicker basket and humming a song. He didn't know what he was singing, but it was very nice.

"Fu Bao, why are you here alone?" With the cousin's carefulness, he is willing to let his daughter go out alone?

As soon as he finished speaking, Guan Yu's head poked out from behind the firewood pile, holding a grass insect made of wheat straw in his hand, and said with a smile: "Cousin, I am here, what are you doing here? Aren't you talking about picking up new educated youths? I heard that they are from the capital. Are they as squeamish as those educated youths before? They burned the rice and thought our stove didn’t work.”

Wang Dachun knocked on his head, "Don't let Fubao leave your sight!"

"I know, cousin, you haven't answered my question yet." Guan Yu was very interested in those educated youths.

"What's there to say? They all look the same. How will they perform in the future? I won't tell you. It's just wasting my time. I have to ask two educated youths to come back and arrange for the new educated youth."

Those two male and female educated youths are equivalent to the persons in charge of the educated youth point.

Whenever there is a first-come-first-served basis, whoever comes first will be the leader. The educated youth point must arrange two managers to reduce the burden on the brigade.

Guan Yu touched the top of his head and called to Fu Bao: "Sister, let's go, but the flowers you picked cannot be brought into the house for Zhuang Zhuang to touch. You can put them in your house or your brother's house. Listen. Reached?"

When they got home, they discovered that Zhuang Zhuang was allergic to pollen, and his symptoms after the allergy almost frightened the whole family.

Feng Qingxue kissed her youngest son with lingering fear, and Xiao Zhuangzhuang immediately kissed her back, "Mom!"

If Lu Jiang were here, he would be extremely jealous. The brat secretly kissed his wife on the mouth while he was away. He seemed dissatisfied with the kiss, and then kissed her several times in a row.

"Zhuangzhuang, you secretly kissed your mother again!" Fu Bao ran in.

Feng Qingxue looked at her hands and body first, "Fu Bao, did you go pick flowers? Did you wash your hands when you came back? There are stains on your body..."

Guan Yu followed in and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Auntie. Fu Bao's flower basket is in our house and is kept in a vase. I took Fu Bao into the house after washing her hands and changed her into a clean gown. Don't worry about bringing her back." There is pollen, so it won’t affect your health.”

Hearing his name, Zhuang Zhuang turned his head and looked at Guan Yu and Fu Bao with bright eyes, "Brother! Sister!"

Speak clearly and very fluently.

"Zhuangzhuang is so good, can I take you out to play?" Compared to Dundun and Xiongxiong, who didn't want to come back after arriving at the Wanglou Brigade, Fubao preferred his little brother who was very similar to himself.

Zhuangzhuang smiled and drooled, but refused to leave his mother's arms.

"Okay, Zhuangzhuang, you and your brothers and sisters are playing in the house, and mom is going to cook." There are wild flowers all over the mountains and plains of Wanglou Brigade, colorful. Over the years, the shadows of apricot blossoms and peach blossoms and pear blossoms have gradually appeared, although they have gradually withered. But Feng Qingxue did not dare to take Zhuangzhuang out and concentrated on washing clothes and cooking at home.

Feng Qingxue walked into the private plot with a basket on her arm. While picking vegetables, she saw Wang Dachun bringing two educated youths, a boy and a girl, back from the field. The man seemed to be named Chen Yuan, and the girl was named Liao Aidang. They were currently educated youths. Grand Steward.

"Big cousin!" Feng Qingxue greeted, earning another sideways glance from Chen Yuan and Liao Aidang.

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