Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1266 Going to the mountains and countryside 7

Feng Qingxue squinted her eyes and watched the young man running over. He was walking with his backlight, so he couldn't see clearly.

The young man arrived panting, "Auntie, auntie, do you still recognize me?"

An acquaintance? Feng Qingxue let out a sigh and looked carefully for a moment, "Are you Xing Yushan? Why are you here? Did you come alone? Where are your brother and younger brother?"

"Auntie, auntie, you recognized me! You were dressed differently than you were that day. I didn't recognize you at first. I'm so sorry." Xing Yushan jumped up and down with joy, "I went to the countryside to make a living, brother He had to stay in the capital, otherwise his younger brother would not be able to survive. Moreover, he had already become a regular worker from an apprenticeship and did not need to go to the countryside. My elder brother heard from someone in the factory that the Wanglou Brigade was the best rural area and was respected by the old leader. He asked a lot of people to assign me here.”

The more he talked, the happier he became, and he said overjoyed: "I must write to my brother and tell him this happy event! I'm so glad that I went to the countryside, otherwise how would I see my aunt and Xibao? Yes, where is little Xibao?" "

"Xibao went out to play." Feng Qingxue finished answering the question and looked at him for a moment, "How old are you this year? Have you gone to the countryside?"

He looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, not much taller than when we saw him two years ago.

Xing Yushan coughed and whispered: "The age on my household registration is two years older, and I am sixteen this year. However, I am very capable. Auntie, don't underestimate me. I will listen to Captain Wang. Work hard and you’ll have food to eat.”

When their brothers were having a hard time, they went out of the capital city and went to the surrounding villages to beg for food, so that they could understand the situation in the countryside.

The Wanglou Brigade is so kind. Yesterday, they gave them food, including dried sweet potato seeds, corn crumbs, wheat bran, and sweet potato noodles. The total amount is twenty-five kilograms. It is enough for one month. Although it is coarse grain, it can fill up the stomach. abdomen.

After he finished his work, he went to dig wild vegetables. He saw a lot of wild vegetables. He asked the team leader and they dug whatever they wanted.

The child, who was only fourteen years old, came all the way to the countryside alone.

Feng Qingxue sighed softly, and turned around to remind Wang Zhengguo or Wang Dachun to carefully inquire about the ages of these educated youths and assign farm work to them according to their age. Fourteen-year-old children should not be allowed to do adult work, as this would affect his Growth can also bring great hidden dangers to the body.

Looking at the childishness and joy on Xing Yushan's face, Feng Qingxue said softly: "Since you said so, go and learn how to work from the old educated youths. Work harder, look livelier, and come to our house another day when you are free. Have a meal."

"Thank you, auntie, we have food to eat." Xing Yushan was worried that he would take up the Lu family's rations.

Feng Qingxue didn't continue talking about this topic, "Go quickly, don't delay, so as not to make people unhappy."

"Well, Auntie, I'm going!"

When Xing Yushan returned to the ranks of educated youth, someone immediately asked him how he met Feng Qingxue.

"I couldn't eat when I was in the capital. My brother and I were starving to death in the snowy weather. It was Xibao and his grandfather who gave us food. Then something happened to our family and we were starving again. I met my aunt and Uncle Lu, they helped me once. I didn’t expect to meet Auntie here, it turned out that this is Xibao’s hometown!”

Xing Yushan was beaming when he spoke. Today is the happiest day in his life.

Next, weeding the wheat. Xing Yushan bent over and pulled the weeds very vigorously. He could tell the difference between wheat and weeds, but the six educated youths who came with him could not. After bending down for a while, they straightened up and started beating. They bent their waists and complained incessantly.

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