Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1268 A man goes to a woman’s house 1

The life of the educated youth is gradually getting back on track, and everything is calm in Wanglou Brigade.

The most gratifying thing for the Lu family is that Zhuangzhuang can move. Holding his mother's arm, he can take two steps on the ground, although his legs are always shaky as if he is about to fall.

This is progress!

"Mom, let's go!" Zhuang Zhuang pointed to the door.

Feng Qingxue asked: "Zhuang Zhuang wants to go out, right?"

Zhuangzhuang nodded his little head, with a sparse layer of soft yellow hair on his head.

This is a sign of insufficient Qi and blood.

Dundun and Xiongxiong's hair is jet black and thick. Of course, Xibao, Guancheng and others recently had their heads shaved by a barber. It is said that Dundun was shaved honestly, but Xiongxiong cried and cried. Xibao had a fight when he was young.

Feng Qingxue gave Zhuang Zhuang a military green octagonal hat that she had sewn by herself. With her help, he finally moved to the gate.

"Ha!" Zhuangzhuang showed his two front teeth.

His teeth also grew later than his two brothers. Dundun and Xiongxiong now have eight teeth on top and bottom.

The two of them were looking at each other, and Xibao ran back with his hands covering his mouth, tears rolling in his eyes, and a whimpering sound under his palms. Feng Qingxue listened carefully and heard him calling her mother.

"What's wrong? Xibao? What's wrong with your mouth?" Feng Qingxue picked up her younger son and put her in front of her older son's face.

Xibao refused to let her go for a long time, tears rolling out of his eyes.

"What's going on?" Feng Qingxue immediately became anxious when she saw this. She held her son in one hand and opened his hand with the other. When she saw that his mouth was tightly pursed and there was no clue, Feng Qingxue became anxious. Urgently, "Tell me, Xibao, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that her mother was about to cry, Xibao opened her mouth.

"Mom, I lost my teeth and I have become a toothless child!" Xibao cried loudly.

Feng Qingxue took a closer look and saw that the two front teeth had left together, revealing the wind.

She thought something big had happened, but it turned out that she had lost her teeth.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Feng Qingxue forced down the amusement in her heart and comforted: "Xibao doesn't cry. This means that Xibao has grown up. In the past, Xibao was a child and had milk teeth. Now If the baby teeth fall out, adult teeth will soon grow in.”

After she came back, she still wondered why Xibao hadn't lost her teeth since she was seven years old. After all, Xibao had been well-nourished since childhood and had grown strong. Unlike those children who were malnourished, other children started to lose their teeth at the age of seven or eight. , but there was no movement from him. It turned out that it only started today, and he lost two front teeth at one time.

After hearing what her mother said, Xibao sobbed and said, "Is it true?"

"Of course, you will soon have the same teeth as your parents. Adult teeth make eating more powerful." Feng Qingxue naturally comforted her eldest son in every possible way, "By the way, where are your lost teeth?"

"Here they are." Xibao took out two front teeth from his pocket.

Seeing that her eldest son hadn't forgotten to pick up the fallen baby teeth and put them in his pocket, Feng Qingxue was amused and said, "Throw the teeth under the bed and they will grow faster. But don't stick out your tongue to lick them off." Otherwise, the teeth will be crooked or protruding when they grow out, which will be ugly.”

Xibao thought for a while, "Is it like a stone grinder? The two front teeth are protruding outward, it's really ugly."

Stone mill? Not Chen Cancan’s son? Was he sent to the Wanglou Brigade again?

Feng Qingxue frowned slightly. She hadn't seen Shi Mo since she came back, so she didn't know if he had buck teeth. "Mom hasn't seen Shi Mo, so I don't know how his teeth are."

Xibao snorted, then asked: "Why did you throw the tooth under the bed?"

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