After hearing this, Feng Qingxue asked who proposed the marriage.

"Of course it's the Wang family. Apart from his family, who in our brigade can say anything? It's not like they don't know the virtues of their family and Wang Lingzhi's actions, dragging a gentle and elegant educated youth into a sea of ​​misery, then what? How wicked is that?" Wang Fengqiao curled her lips with disdain, "It is said that Wang Lingzhi cried heartbrokenly and felt that her innocence was gone. She was seeking death and survival at home. Wang's new wife couldn't stop her, so she had to go to the educated youth. Chen Yuan, the current leader, asked Mo Bai if he wanted to marry Wang Lingzhi to eliminate the impact on their reputations, and Mo Bai agreed without much hesitation. "

"So smooth?" Feng Qingxue felt incredible.

Wang Fengqiao pursed her lips and smiled, "People also have requirements. Do you think they are fools?"

Feng Qingxue asked what the request was, and Wang Fengqiao replied: "First, he won't change his surname, and his name will still be Mo Bai. The child can be named Wang. Second, he can't be worried about his life. He is an educated man and can't do farm work." Son."

"Everyone in the Wang family agreed?" Feng Qingxue remembered that someone mentioned that when Wang Xin came to the house, he wanted to find a son-in-law who could work.

"Can you not agree? If you don't agree, Wang Lingzhi will have to be an old girl." Doesn't anyone know the reason why Wang Xinlai hired Mo Bai as his son-in-law? Isn't it because Mo Bai knows nothing about Wang Lingzhi's past? Wang Fengqiao continued: "I thought about it, Wang Xin came to the family and he definitely didn't want to care about whether his son-in-law could work. He just wanted Wang Lingzhi to continue the family line."

It's quite possible that Mo Bai can't work, but it won't delay him and Wang Lingzhi having a baby.

Then listening to Wang Fengqiao's detailed description of the wedding, Feng Qingxue asked casually: "Does the bride who is getting married still have a certificate?"

"Of course." Wang Fengqiao nodded without hesitation, and continued: "The country promotes the slogan of equality between men and women every day. The words "women hold up half the sky" are plastered all over the streets. The first way to show equality is at work. The first is to treat everyone equally, and the second is to encourage young men to settle down with women. For Mo Bai’s behavior, of course your uncle must give him a certificate. "

Feng Qingxue exclaimed, expressing her sudden realization.

She was very curious about such a certificate and really wanted to take a look at the content on it to gain some insights.

However, she would not deliberately look at the certificates Mo Bai and Wang Lingzhi received when they got married. With the two families at odds with each other to such an extent, she would be foolish to do so. Anyway, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

Wanglou Brigade has high work value and good living standards. It is not only the first choice for young girls from all over the country, but also suitable for gay men.

Wang Xinlai is not the only one who has no sons, and they all want to recruit children.

The change brought about by Mo Bai's marriage to Wang Lingzhi was that he moved from the educated youth spot to Wang Lingzhi's house that day, and soon lived a life where clothes were washed and meals were cooked.

Their marriage had no impact on the Wanglou Brigade or the Educated Youth Point, and the days passed by like water.

In May, because the wheat surrounding the Wanglou brigade settlement was in the pollination period, Feng Qingxue could not take her young son out. As usual, she took care of her child and studied at the same time.

She could hide and relax, but others could not, including Mo Bai, who had to work when it was time to work.

Although there is no need to weed wheat, there are still a lot of other chores. The educated youths finally get through work. When they get home, they have to fetch water, do laundry, cook, and take care of things. Take care of yourself.

Seeing Zheng Huihui walking towards the door, Jie Hong asked casually, "You want to go out?"

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