Seeing Zhou Zhou intact, Zheng Huihui happily grabbed her hand, and her frown finally relaxed.

"Where have you been? If you get lost, don't you know how to go back to the educated youth spot? Why are you holding the flashlight to others instead of yourself?"

The words of concern turned into complaints, but Zhou Zhou felt warm in his heart when he heard it, and his watery eyes were filled with the starlight in the sky, "I know I was wrong, Huihui, I won't be like this again, don't be angry. I was afraid something would happen on the road, so I went to see Comrade Qingxue. Comrade Qingxue was very nice and said he would send me back. "

Liao Aidang frowned and said, "If you find the person, go back!"

Wang Dachun also told the young men and women in the village who were looking for someone to disperse, and turned to Zhou Zhou and said: "I know your food is not very good, and I want to touch some cicada turtles for teething ceremony, but you must pay attention to your own safety and don't go blindly into the woods. If you burrow into the grass, be careful if there are bugs biting your legs. In addition, there is no guarantee for two people. From now on, we should only go out with two people during the day and at least three or four people together at night!"

Liao Aidang hurriedly said: "Captain Wang, don't worry, I will educate them well."

After Wang Dachun turned around and left, Liao Aidang said to Zhou Zhou: "Let's all go back. Don't worry about eating that little food."

"I'm sorry for making you worry. I can't find Wang Huan. I'm very scared. I'm scared to death, and I'm afraid of being bitten by a snake!" Zhou Zhou's tears came easily, and he cried like a pear blossom in the rain. He was so pitiful in the wind. Qingxue seems to be a born drama queen, "I accidentally stepped on cow dung on the way to find Comrade Qingxue. I wonder if it will infect everyone when I go back."

Zheng Huihui felt so distressed that she hugged her and said, "Don't cry anymore, don't cry anymore. You will learn a lesson. Don't go out casually with people you don't have a good relationship with. You won't even know if you are being cheated."

His posture and tone were like coaxing a child.

Zhou Zhou was sobbing in her arms, his shoulders shrugging, and his thin back was really pitiful.

Chen Yuan and the two male comrades who came out to look for her said in unison: "Stop talking, comrades who love the party, Comrade Zhou Zhou dare not go home alone, he must be frightened!"

Seeing the speaker, Wang Huan, who was hiding in the darkness, there was a hint of gloom in his eyes.

On the way back, Wang Huan kept apologizing to Zhou Zhou. It was an apology, but it was a bit preemptive, "Didn't I tell you not to wander around? Why can't I find you when I turn around?"

Zhou Zhou shook his body and leaned closer to Zheng Huihui.

"Comrade Wang Huan!" Chen Yuan frowned and shouted, "You dragged Comrade Zhou Zhou out by yourself and lost her again. What do you mean by saying this now? Are you afraid that what happened today is not enough to make people worry? Are you kidding me? Thanks to Comrade Qingxue’s care, Comrade Zhou Zhou is safe and sound, so I won’t mention it again!”

"You all protect her, I won't say anything!" Wang Huan bit his lower lip and closed his mouth.

Hearing such words, Zhou Zhou suddenly raised his eyes to look at Wang Huan, and then withdrew his gaze.

If she is still not sure that Wang Huan deliberately framed her, then she is the biggest fool in the world.

Why? What is the reason for setting yourself up?

When Zhou Zhou accidentally saw the admiration in Wang Huan's eyes looking at Chen Yuan and her always wanting to get close to Chen Yuan to talk, Zhou Zhou suddenly realized.

I see! I see!

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