When the words fell, people had returned to the point of educated youth.

Before entering the educated youth home where young men lived, Chen Yuan turned around and looked at the group of male and female educated youths following him, and then said: "We are very lucky. We jumped into the Wanglou Brigade. You must all feel lucky, because Wang Lou The fathers and captains of the building brigade were very kind. They did not withhold the letters or packages sent to us by our family members, nor deliberately deducted our work points. They arranged the food and housing issues properly, and even divided the front and back of the house. We are taught how to grow vegetables on the private plot in the corner.”

"Isn't this what it should be?" Wang Huan said.

Liao Aidang and other educated youths all looked at Chen Yuan with sharp eyes and did not understand what he meant by what he said.

Zheng Huihui sneered at Wang Huan's words, "Should you? Then you should investigate the lives of educated youths who jumped in other brigades before saying this! Zhou Zhou, why are you standing there? Go back to the house and take a shower and sleep. I've boiled the water. , in the pot!”

"Oh!" Zhou Zhou nodded and followed her through the door.

Two minutes later, the educated youth who had not dispersed because Liao Aidang had something to tell Chen Yuan heard Zheng Huihui's scolding voice coming from the female educated youth courtyard: "Which damn bastard used the bath water I boiled?"

No one answered, so Zheng Huihui scolded even more fiercely, "You deserve to be struck by lightning!"

This is the inconvenience of collective life. Either you used my water, or she used my soap and cream, or she cooked one less meal than me, or when making a big pot of rice, you gave me two less rations than others. Two, either you took one more spoonful of rice than me, or everyone else dug wild vegetables and came back to cook, but you didn't go.

All kinds of trivial things happened repeatedly in the educated youth spots, and they became more and more serious.

When Feng Qingxue invited several uncles, concubines, and aunts to have soup at home, she heard that the female educated youths had finally reached a point of quarrel with each other, and decided to start separate groups. Because of limited conditions, they took turns using the stoves in the educated youth courtyard. Today you Cook first, and she will cook first tomorrow. Firewood, water, rations, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, etc. are all for everyone.

It was a hot day today, so Feng Qingxue cooked haggis soup at home.

These haggis bones were hard to come by. She asked Zhang Yuejin to leave a sheep head, half a skeleton, and a pair of sheep bones in advance. It cost a lot of money, but luckily no tickets were needed.

In summer, everyone is greedy for coolness. They like to drink cold water and take cold baths. The cold air enters the body, which is harmful rather than helpful.

Mutton is hot in nature and can drive away cold.

Therefore, some of the cooked haggis soup was sent to the cowshed and the teacher.

"Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer. You don't need a doctor's prescription. In fact, just drink some ginger soup. Who doesn't grow some ginger? It's not like you stew a big pot of haggis soup!" He looked at the half-filled bowl. The soup was half a bowl of haggis, and Miao Fengqin felt heartbroken. "How about saving this money and buying some nutritional supplements for Zhuangzhuang? Look how thin he is."

Hearing her mention him, Zhuangzhuang, who was sitting in his mother's arms, raised his jade-white face and asked, "Huh?"

Drool dripped down and landed on the bib pocket.

Feng Qingxue fed Zhuang Zhuang a mouthful of crucian carp soup and said with a smile: "I think everyone has been tired for a whole summer and should take supplements. Zhuang Zhuang is weak and cannot take supplements when he is weak. Those nutritional supplements may not be useful for him. He needs to take supplements slowly." Come on."

Wang Zhengguo saw him enjoying the fish soup, "Tomorrow when the reservoir releases water, some fish that have escaped the net will surely come out and flow into the rivers and ditches. Let a few young men in Guancheng go catch fish with fish baskets and spring. This year There is too much rain, so all the villagers go out to catch fish, and whoever catches it gets it. Anyway, the fish flows to other villages, which makes it easier for outsiders. "

. . . I stayed up for several days in a row and slept for less than ten hours in total. My eyes were red and my brain hurt. I was drowsy and my typing was poor. So I went to bed early and spent the rest of the day typing. There is still no discount for 10,000 words.

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