When he received the letter from his wife, Lu Jiang did encounter some difficulties at work.

Soldiers take obedience as their bounden duty, but whether you can obey the crowd depends on your personal ability, not anything else.

Lu Jiang is calm and calm. After taking over the work with the former army commander, his work has been recognized by many people. He is methodical and distinguishes between public and private affairs. He indeed has the ability to manage the Long Live Army. Moreover, he is very talented in military affairs, which can be seen in his work assignments. A spot.

But, how many veterans are there in the Long Live Army? Not everyone thinks highly of Lu Jiang.

Lu Jiang rubbed his head, which was swollen and aching from not sleeping for two days. This was still under the condition that he knew people well and was responsible for them. If he had done all the work by himself, he would be exhausted by now.

Probably because of this, the work went much smoother than when I first arrived.

Even so, if he wants to go further, he must get the support of several veteran generals in the army, at least he cannot let them embarrass him.

Feng Qingxue's letter came at just the right time.

After reading the letter, Lu Jiang was surprised and happy. He couldn't help but said: "If a man has a good wife at home, he will not be bullied. The ancients will not deceive me!"

The recipients of the letter who need him to forward the letter are all veterans who are currently difficult to conquer. Most of them are neutral and in a wait-and-see state. If he gets their support, the situation will be very different.

Most of them are neutral, but naturally there are a few who are biased, and the one who is biased is not Lu Jiang.

Lu Jiang first went to visit these neutral veterans. The first one was Comrade Chen Rong, the deputy army commander. He was sitting across from the army chief of staff Lu Cheng in his dormitory, drinking Erguotou and a light plate of peanuts.

When he learned that the newly appointed army chief was visiting, Chen Rong glanced at Lu Cheng, who happened to be looking over.

As soon as their eyes met, they both understood each other's question: "Why is he here? At such a sensitive time?"

Although both of them were originally awarded the rank of lieutenant general, the military rank system has been abolished, and Chen Rong's rank is lower than that of Lu Jiang. Lu Cheng's position as chief of staff was designed to be responsible for arranging the orders of the army commander, so the two veteran generals have stood Get up and go out.

"How can we let two old seniors greet each other? Sin, sin!" Lu Jiang took the lead and gave a military salute.

The rank was displayed there. In front of several guards outside, Chen Rong and Lu Cheng did not dare to accept it calmly. They hurriedly saluted the military salute and said in unison: "Those who achieve first come first. In front of Comrade Lu Jiang, We don’t dare to show off as an old-timer, we are just crazy about how old Comrade Lu Jiang is and joined the army a few years in advance.”

Lu Jiang smiled slightly, "The elders are respected, why are they not the seniors? I have admired the names of these two seniors for a long time. I have been busy with work and have not been able to come to visit. Today, the mother of the child sent me some souvenirs. So I came to have a drink with two old-timers.”

Chen Rong and Lu Cheng didn't believe his words, but they still smiled and invited him in.

Looking at the fried peanuts on the table, he must have been reluctant to eat them for a long time, and only recently took them out. Lu Jiang smiled and took out the Fenjiu he bought and the spiced peanuts and broad bean flowers sent by Feng Qingxue.

Seeing these things, the second elder's eyes lit up, and the scent of peanuts and broad bean flowers penetrated his nose.

"I just bought the wine. Fortunately, I have a batch note. Although Fenjiu is the national wine, it is a little cheaper than Moutai." Lu Jiang first poured them a glass of wine each. "Two old-timers, try the peanuts and peanuts grown by our family." Broad beans, Zhou Fengchu. Uncle Zhou said this is what you like, so my wife specially made it and sent it over in cans. You two are welcome. "

. . . It’s already 13,000 words. I’ll continue typing. I won’t be able to update until early in the morning. I can’t update 10,000 words in one go. I haven’t caught up on my sleep. o(╥﹏╥)o

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