Jiang He and Erya were both homeless orphans. Their days of no fixed abode ended after they settled in Wanglou Brigade, but they still had to take on the lives of their younger brothers and sisters. Now their union has been blessed by many people. .

It’s not easy, these kids.

Just like what Guan Cheng said to Feng Qingxue, a group of younger brothers and sisters below them live a tight life. There is only a wedding ceremony, but no wedding banquet. They entertain guests with fried melon seeds, fried peanuts and several kilograms of candy prepared by Feng Qingxue.

Peanuts are distributed among the brigade, and melon seeds are grown in private plots.

It's a bit crude, but no one dislikes it.

In this era, the requirement of having dozens of legs with three turns and one ring is actually only found in big cities, and not all of them may be met. Others have no material requirements for marriage, and it all depends on ability.

The wedding of Wang Lingzhi and Mo Bai was like this, and the wedding of Jiang He and Erya was like this.

The difference is that in the former, all the members of the Wang family participated, while in the latter, almost half of the team came. If the conditions were good, one family would give a bowl of cornmeal, and that family would give a few eggs, or a few kilograms of dried sweet potatoes, A bundle of dried vegetables, a few cabbages and a pile of potatoes and radishes were not many gifts, but they exactly fit in with the saying "it is light on etiquette but heavy on affection".

Wang Zhengguo presided over the wedding, and his attitude was much more serious than when Wang Lingzhi and Mo Bai got married.

"These two children grew up under our noses. They had nothing when they first arrived and lived in air-raid shelters. With everyone's help, they have a family. They earn work points by their own labor and do not have to live in hunger. I feel very happy when I see Jiang He and Erya come together for a common goal and form their own revolutionary family. "

Everyone was very moved because they all saw it with their own eyes.

Jiang He and Er Ya were wearing the clothes Feng Qingxue had made for them. The bloated cotton clothes were covered with grass green polyester khakis and five-eye black cotton shoes, which made Jiang He look even more burly and Er Ya pretty, with a red flower on her chest.

Jiang He was a little better, and Er Ya couldn't help but wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, her eyes turning red.

Liu Zhi led a group of sisters and brothers to cry one after another, and the sounds of choking were heard one after another. They all thought of the suffering back then.

Wang Zhengguo turned to Jiang He and Erya and said, "You have shared the ups and downs along the way. I hope that after you form a revolutionary family, you will still love and help each other and never leave each other in the ups and downs."

"Don't worry!" Jiang He said solemnly, "Erya and I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Their lives are hard-earned, so they cherish them very much.

Holding the red book in hand, after taking the oath, they were officially husband and wife.

Just when everyone was sharing the food on the table, there were only a few melon seeds and peanuts left, and the candy had already been scattered by a group of children.

Some people went home after the wedding, but some people did not leave. They were talking in groups, eating melon seeds, peeling peanuts, and making fun of Jiang He and Erya when a middle-aged woman rushed in from outside and shouted loudly. He said: "I don't agree with this marriage. The girl I gave birth to in ten months of pregnancy cannot be married off so cheaply!"

Everyone frowned, could she be Erya's biological mother?

Some people couldn't help but think of what Guancheng said when he urged Jiang He and Erya to get married.

Zhang Erya has a good memory. Although the person who came here was much older, she still recognized the person as her own mother, Zhao Xiaolan.

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