Probably not, Xibao thought.

With the teacher turning a blind eye, he took several classes with the school children. The textbooks were full of content such as "When drinking water, remember the well digger" and "The navigation of the sea depends on the helmsman." , he remembered it after hearing it once, unlike what his grandparents taught him. He recognized many different words and could speak different languages. He liked it very much and also liked to learn calligraphy, painting and mathematics from Grandpa Wen and Grandpa Jin.

Father Lu was very surprised after hearing Xibao's words.

"Are you studying at home with your grandparents? Don't you live with your parents? Don't you want to leave your mother?" He couldn't believe his grandson's decision and asked again, looking at him with burning eyes.

"Mom also learned from grandpa!" Xibao raised his eyebrows, pointed out the obvious fact, and then puffed up his chest, "I have grown up."

This shows that grandparents are more powerful.

Moreover, in life, Feng Qingxue respected these old people everywhere, and the respect he showed naturally affected the children.

Feng Qingxue respected the child's opinion and said, "I'll ask him what he means after the New Year."

"That's okay, maybe he just had a whim." Although Father Lu was very concerned about his grandson's homework, he also hoped that his son's family could live together. The relationship between living together is very different from the relationship between living in two places.

Feng Qingxue is more resolute, packing her things and leaving as soon as she wants.

Mainly because they are used to coming and going, but the triplets are more excited.

When they came home from the army, they were only over a year old and were not so curious about their surroundings. Now they are in their early two years and can express themselves, chatter and make a lot of noise.

The most lively part of the train was probably the compartment where they lived.

It was said that the three children were triplets, and the passengers in the adjacent compartment couldn't help but come to take a look.

In this era, it is true that there are very few people who give birth to triplets, but there are almost no people who can raise them safely.

"Where are you ladies planning to go? Packed with bags." A middle-aged woman named Jin Hongjun in her fifties was holding Fubao in her arms, looking at the triplets grabbing things on the lower bunk, and then looking at Xibao, who was sitting on the upper bunk reading a book, said to Feng Qingxue: "Your five children are so lovable, each with their own merits. If there was a child like this in my family, I would laugh out loud in my dreams."

Feng Qingxue pursed her lips and smiled, "That's when your head hurts until you see them fighting naughtily."

After saying this, she answered Jin Hongjun's question and said: "Let's go to Baozhou."

Just talk about the purpose and nothing else.

Jin Hongjun was a little disappointed, "Then you have to get off the bus in front of me. I really can't bear to part with these treasures."

"Where are you?" Feng Qingxue asked smoothly.

"Capital, I'm going to the capital." A smile appeared on Jin Hongjun's face. Among the five children, she especially liked the delicate Fu Bao, and continued: "I will leave you an address. Don't forget to write to me."

"Okay!" Fu Bao said loudly. She also liked Jin Hongjun very much.

Feng Qingxue thought that she and Jin Hongjun were just a chance encounter, but she didn't expect that she would get a lot of help from Jin Hongjun and her husband in the near future. But now she only cares about Lu Jiang who came to pick them up. Go to the Golden Red Army.

"Dad!" Fu Bao ran very fast when he saw Lu Jiang.

Not to be outdone, the two bears jumped like a rabbit, "Me, me, me!"

Dundun and Zhuangzhuang bit their fingers and rolled their eyes. To be honest, they had no impression of Lu Jiang. Even if they saw Lu Jiang's photos every day, they wouldn't recognize him.

There is still a difference between photos and real people, especially since Lu Jiang is going through many vicissitudes now.

. . . I’ll update a little first, and then I’ll update again around 11 o’clock, because I have something urgent to do and go out.

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