Military hospitals are under the management of the Logistics Department, and medicines, medical equipment, etc. are all linked to the Logistics Department, so here today are Luo Zhonghua, Minister of Logistics Department of the Long Live Army, and Cheng Kun, Director of the Military Hospital.

What's more coincidental is that Luo Zhonghua is Luo Cheng's second son.

Luo Cheng and Lu Jiang's family were on the same train. In fact, it was Luo Cheng who wanted to come and see his son.

He retired, unwilling to waste national resources or add burden to the country, so he did not take a special train, and there was no nanny, doctor, etc. to follow him, only one guard.

Facing his own father's lifesaver, Luo Zhonghua was naturally grateful.

"Minister Luo, don't be so polite. That's what I should do. No matter who I encounter is in danger, I will take action. I have heard your words several times. The old leader said, Lu Shuai and Wang Lao Shuai said, Including the security guards around Comrade Luo, do I have to repeat in front of you that rescuing people is a doctor's bounden duty?" Feng Qingxue said with a smile while pouring him water.

Luo Zhonghua said sternly: "How can I not thank you for saving my father? However, today is not all about thanking you, but about the old leader's message, hoping that comrade you will not waste your medical skills."

"Yes, this is our main purpose today." Cheng Kun continued.

Feng Qingxue finished pouring the water and sat back on the chair, "I understand the purpose of your two comrades' visit."

She never thought that one day she would become popular, and suddenly she felt that her years of study had not been in vain.

Cheng Kun smiled and said: "Comrade Qingxue, it would be better if you understood. We don't need to waste our words and time. You see, the old leader praised your medical skills and was unwilling to waste your ability. We contacted the border defense force and understood "Looking at everything you have done in the past few years since you joined the army, I sincerely hope that you can return to your post and contribute to the medical cause of the army."

Feng Qingxue breathed out softly, "I know the great love my old leader has for me, and I am grateful to the two comrades for their trust in me, but, again, I can't let go of these children at home. Zhuangzhuangsheng I am weaker than my brothers and sisters. I did not follow the premise of the old leader. I believe that the two comrades should have heard the reasons why I retired from the army when they contacted the border guards. First, I was seriously injured, and second, this child needed my careful care. take care of."

Luo Zhonghua and Cheng Kun were stunned. When they contacted the border guards, the other party did mention that Zhuang Zhuang was in danger of dying from a lung infection. He also said that Feng Qingxue, who had been severely weakened after giving birth, began to fall ill at that time and had been ill for a long time. Get better.

Looking at the fair and beautiful little boy in front of me, it is hard to imagine that he was almost unable to be saved.

However, this also illustrates Feng Qingxue's medical skills.

For such a talent, Cheng Kun really does not want her to continue to be idle at home. Due to the termination of the college entrance examination, not to mention the urgent need for various technical talents in the army, there is also a shortage in other walks of life.

Noticing how everyone was looking at him, Zhuang Zhuang, who was sitting on the small bench at Feng Qingxue's feet, blinked his big eyes, stopped untying the nine-ring chain in his hand, and turned to look at Feng Qingxue, "Mom?"

Feng Qingxue touched the top of his head and said, "You can take your time to figure it out yourself while mom and uncles talk."

Luo Zhonghua and Cheng Kun are both more than ten years older than Lu Jiang, so the children should indeed call them uncle.

Zhuangzhuang said oh, called uncle twice, and continued to play the nine-ring chain with his head down.

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