After sending things to Hong Zhanjun and Lu Bing, Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue wanted to investigate who the whistleblower was, but later gave up.

The letter was anonymous and was destroyed by Cui Shaoyuan and others. Some reporting letters that did not require investigation would be handled in this way. After all, the other party relied on a letter without any evidence, and the country knew the situation of the Lu family very well. Therefore, Lu Jiang and Feng Qing It was difficult for Xue to find the person who wrote the letter through the handwriting, and many people in the army sent letters every day. Finding this person was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

They are very busy, busy with work and taking care of their families, and have no time to take care of such small things.

"It's nothing more than jealousy of the people who live a good life in our family. To accuse our family like this, he must have been to our house." A trace of disgust flashed in Feng Qingxue's eyes. On the surface, she was affectionate and affectionate, but secretly stabbed her in the back. She was simply not a human being. .

Lu Jiang added, "Not necessarily. If we deliver food to our neighbors and seniors, we might fall into the eyes of someone with bad intentions."

Feng Qingxue felt that this was not necessarily the case, because in addition to delivering food to the neighbors in plates and bowls, the meals delivered to the veterans were basically lunch boxes wrapped in small quilts to keep them warm. How could outsiders see it? Unless the person involved spreads it everywhere, but those veterans are not such people, because if they do it, outsiders will think it is unfair.

"Sister-in-law Jiang, Narcissus, and Panpan often make some delicious food for us. We make fried meatballs and make dumplings and give them to them. It's human nature to go back and forth. The veteran kings are all alone. If we stay in the army and are old and sick, giving them something can logically only do us good and no harm. The things are not expensive and they are all food. No one can use these things to prove that we are eating too much. We live a luxurious life, so why did someone report us? Our New Year's Eve dinner was full of meat and fish, but no outsider saw it. The children were all playing in front of me, and they never mentioned what we had eaten at home. "

After listening to his wife's words, Lu Jiang spread his hands, "Who knows what the whistleblower is thinking? As you said, some people just have brain problems and refuse to admit that they have pinkeye. They know that we currently have an unshakable position. If you still want to use thin-shelled eggs to hit this hard rock like us, isn’t there something wrong with your brain?”

A slightly normal person would not do such a thing. Lu Jiang was trusted by the old leader and had many connections. His work style and life style were both impeccable. Reporting him on the grounds of extravagant living was nothing more than an excuse. Just to make everyone laugh.

"It's just that there's something wrong with your brain!" Feng Qingxue said angrily.

"Okay, don't be angry. It's not worth getting angry over this matter." Lu Jiang comforted, "We are not afraid of slanting shadows. What are we afraid of? Besides, the most chaotic period has passed, and the struggle for power above has nothing to do with it. Us. You should think so, it is mediocre not to make people jealous. As our days get better, there will only be more, not less, people suffering from eye diseases. This kind of thing is a reminder for us to prepare ourselves.”

Feng Qingxue understood what Lu Jiang meant. Although they had been staying away from the whirlpool of struggle now, things in the future would not be that simple. They would definitely face many ups and downs when changing dynasties.

The most fortunate thing is that the couple understands the direction of history.

If you take the wrong path again under such circumstances, you will be the biggest fool in the world.

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