Lu Jiang felt very happy when he met Li Shuitian. He felt relieved knowing that they were living a good life. However, he felt unhappy when he met Jin Hong. The day after he returned to the army, he gave Ye Zhengjun a blow. Call and ask about Jin Hong.

"Oh, are you talking about this? I forgot to tell you." Ye Zhengjun was very unimpressed, which showed that he didn't take Jin Hong seriously.

After he returned to the army, he heard about Lu Zhaodi's curse on the Lu family's children, and he was disgusted at that time. However, Jin Hong's life style was not right, and he soon showed his flaws and was stabbed in the army.

With such a good opportunity, it would be strange for Ye Zhengjun to let him go!

Jin Hong also had a backer. After a game, the army expelled Jin Hong from the army because of his unhealthy lifestyle.

"What is wrong with life style is actually the wrong style of men and women. When Lu Zhaodi was pregnant with her fourth child, not long after I came back and you were transferred away, Jin Hong felt depressed and got mixed up with a female soldier who joined the army last year. The other wanted to climb high. Son, a man who wanted to divorce and remarry was actually going back and forth, but before we could take action, Lu Zhaodi caught her and she was so angry that she gave birth prematurely. "

Ye Zhengjun didn't like Jin Hong at all. Compared with Li Shuitian, who was honest, fair and kind to others, who was Jin Hong? He actually reported Li Shuitian and Cao Hongzhu for the sake of superiority.

The army is the army, and no one is allowed to engage in corruption, collusion and other unhealthy practices.

Ye Zhengjun is strict in running the army and will never tolerate this situation.

"Jin Hong didn't admit it at the time. He only said that the female soldier had encountered difficulties in learning and came to ask him for advice. There was no issue between men and women, it was just someone else who was trying to make up for it. You didn't see that scene. This was the first time I saw Jin Hong's eloquence. ”

Lu Jiang hummed, "When I told you about the paddy field incident, I felt that Jin Hong couldn't always be honest. Who didn't know that he wanted to have a son? I also knew that he had evil thoughts about cheating. I want to wait for a while. I didn't expect to be transferred later, so I can only leave this matter to you. This Jin Hong really lives up to our expectations. "

Ye Zhengjun couldn't help but nodded, "Yes, yes, it lives up to expectations, the evidence is conclusive! By the way, why did you think of asking him?"

"Yesterday I took my children to play in Baozhou City, and I happened to meet Comrade Li Shuitian, and I also happened to meet Jin Hong. As Comrade Li Shuitian said himself, we are really enemies on a narrow road, and the two families are separated by a wall, and Jin Hong is Comrade Li Shuitian's subordinate. "

When Ye Zhengjun heard this, he burst into laughter!

"What is this called? This is called the cycle of heavenly principles, and retribution is not good! Cao Hongzhu's mouth is so harsh, and people are bound to retaliate. It is strange that Jin Hong's good fruit is eaten. Later, you can tell Li Shuitian to work with peace of mind. His affairs will eventually be resolved Give him a clean slate. I'll tell Old Zheng Xiaozhao about what happened to Jin Hong, and they will be relieved."

Lu Jiang shook his head and smiled, and then he put down the phone after Ye Zhengjun hung up the phone.

He didn't have time to look for Li Shuitian, and he believed that Li Shuitian could bear his temper. Unexpectedly, Jin Hong came to find him very quickly.

It had only been five or six days since they met him by chance in Baozhou.

After hearing the report, Lu Jiang didn't even raise his head, "Just say that I am very busy at work and have little ability to do anything else. I asked the management department of the border defense force about what happened. He understood in his heart that I don't know much about it." He said that I couldn't help him at the moment, so he should work hard first and wait until the news is over. "

"Yes, leader!"

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