Christine's gift is very interesting. One hundred remittance coupons with a denomination of 100 yuan can buy a total of two thousand kilograms of grain, three hundred kilograms of oil, various commodities equivalent to two thousand shopping coupons, and five hundred kilograms of non-staple food. The amount is mind-boggling. Shocking!

Meat, sugar, cakes, eggs, etc. are all non-staple foods.

Two days later, Feng Qingxue took the approval slip and overseas remittance coupons to the Friendship Store to buy things.

Recently, the school organized activities such as outdoor training and in-depth visits to the lives of workers and peasants. The trip lasted ten and a half months, carrying bedding and dry food. Needless to say, it was hard work. People who participated last year complained secretly about it when they came back. Qingxue used the excuse that she had no one to take care of her child and complained of illness, and was quickly approved.

Lu Jiang returned to the army, and the burden of the family fell on Feng Qingxue's shoulders. The school had to consider this.

Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu followed Feng Qingxue to help carry things. He couldn't bear to blink when looking at the dazzling array of products in the Friendship Store, including the crafts counter, tobacco and alcohol counter, fabric counter, gold jewelry counter, watch counter, and imported goods. There are counters, etc., as well as refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, radios, bicycles, cosmetics, etc. You can't even look at them.

"Aunt, what should we buy first?" Lu Tianzhi felt that the eyes were no longer his own.

Guan Yu didn't wait for Feng Qingxue to answer, and whispered: "Aunt, there are many foreigners buying things, why? No, no, the Friendship Store was originally opened for them, of course they can come to buy things, I mean them They stay at the imported goods counter for a long time, why don’t they buy it in their own country?”

Feng Qingxue had experience visiting Friendship Stores. She glanced at the foreigners and said, "Because they are cheap."

"What?" Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu both had question marks in their eyes.

Feng Qingxue sighed and explained in a low voice: "The prices in our country are low, and some imported goods are more expensive in their countries than in ours. Therefore, when many foreign guests leave, in addition to buying unique handicrafts from our country, , and they don’t forget to buy some things that are also imported goods for them, such as the French buying Swiss watches.”

Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu suddenly gained insights.

Feng Qingxue walked to the tobacco and alcohol counter and handed over the approval slip, "Two bottles of Fenjiu, two bottles of Maotai, and two of the best cigarettes."

"Serving the people. Okay!" Seeing the big red seal on the approval note, the salesperson was very crisp and clear.

After buying cigarettes and wine and putting them in Lu Tianzhi's backpack, Feng Qingxue turned to the handicraft counter, glanced at the handicrafts on the counter, and couldn't help but frown, "Unity is strength. Isn't there any gift porcelain from the red official kiln?" The best kind.”

The salesperson shook his head, "Women hold up half the sky. No, no, the gifts and porcelain are all given to foreign dignitaries, not here."

The requirements for gift porcelain are extremely high. If you can successfully bake a thousand pieces and get a few hundred pieces, it is not bad, so it is impossible to appear in the Friendship Store, because many foreigners will buy ceramics and take them back. Where can I get the supply?

Feng Qingxue had the right idea and chose the best set of gift porcelain on the counter.

Cigarettes and alcohol are available, gifts and porcelain are available, and the next step is silk. Silk from the Hangzhou Silk Factory. Buying a piece of silk is not easy to carry, and cutting it into pieces does not look good. Then buy a pair of embroidery, which is made of Hangzhou silk. embroidery.

These are high-priced goods, and it makes Guan Yu feel bad to spend so much money.

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