Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1490 Encounter on a narrow road 1

I had money before, but unfortunately I had no tickets, so I could only sigh in despair. Now that I have money and tickets, the situation is naturally different.

However, the remittance vouchers given by Christine are too valuable. They are not money, but they are more valuable than money. They cannot be used so naturally and without restraint. Most of them must be returned to Christine. Maybe she does not know the importance of remittance vouchers. sex.

At this moment, Feng Qingxue completely forgot that Christine clearly knew the usefulness of overseas remittance coupons at the Old Moxi Restaurant.

You have to be measured, you have to be measured.

Feng Qingxue told herself this in her heart, so she held the incomplete version of the overseas remittance coupon with the shopping coupons and non-staple food coupons cut out in her hand. The overseas remittance coupon that he had not cut did not move.

Feng Qingxue used fifty kilograms of non-staple food coupons to buy non-staple food. Feng Qingxue also bought some candies, cakes and the like. She cut a total of ten overseas remittance coupons and used 80 of the 200 shopping coupons on them. When buying things, they Only then did the ladies realize that because the Friendship Store mainly caters to foreign guests and overseas Chinese, many of the products they thought required shopping vouchers did not require shopping vouchers at all, nor did imported goods, so they still had 120 shopping vouchers and all Food stamps and gas stamps are available.

Food stamps and oil stamps must be purchased at designated grain and oil stores. Other coupons can only be used in friendship stores or overseas Chinese stores.

"Aunt, what else should we buy?" Lu Tianzhi tightened the straps of his backpack.

With the backing of space supplies, there is no shortage of anything at home. Feng Qingxue just enjoys the shopping process. After listening to her nephew's words, she said: "Tea! Tea and porcelain are the most representative specialties of our country. The porcelain has already been bought. , There is no tea on the batch note, so we will buy a few cans of tea for our family to drink, and give some to Kristen when she leaves.”

Father Lu likes tea, and the elderly at home also like it. Unfortunately, when Feng Qingxue prepared supplies in her previous life, there was no such thing as tea. In this life, good tea is expensive and hard to buy.

The best ones are all in the courtyards, and the best ones are in Friendship Stores or Overseas Chinese Stores.

You can buy tea at Lu Jiang's level, but the old man is very picky and can't drink tea in general, so he might as well drink boiled water.

Tea is not cheap, and although it doesn't require coupons, Feng Qingxue bought six cans and spent a lot of money.

"Two bottles are given to Christine and her parents, two bottles are left at home, and two bottles are sent back to her hometown." Feng Qingxue muttered as she put the tea can into Guan Yu's backpack, and then moved her position.

Guan Yu's eyes were dazzled, "Auntie, what do you like? I'll buy it for you."

He was reluctant to spend it himself, but he was willing to give it to his aunt.

"You?" Feng Qingxue looked at him.

When they were buying watches, they all said they didn’t want them and would buy them when they grow up. If they had money, why not buy them now?

Boys all like bicycles and watches, and the two children are no exception.

Because the family's food, clothing, housing and transportation were well arranged, the children's pocket money was limited. Feng Qingxue did not give Lu Tianzhi and Guan Yu a large amount of pocket money just because they came of age.

Unlike Lu Tianjun and Guan Cheng, these two children do not have the hobby of frequenting black markets and flea markets.

Guan Yu took out a gray handkerchief roll from his pocket with a smile, "Brother gave it to me. I have been saving it and not using it much. In addition to the food distribution after the autumn, I also shared some money. Now I have more than eighty."

"I have some too. Brother gave them to me. Auntie, feel free to buy them." Lu Tianzhi patted his pocket.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said: "Keep your money for yourself. Don't glare. I will ask you for more when I don't have enough."

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