Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1504 Great-grandson of the Lu family 4

Everyone knew why they said that, and nodded, "Don't worry, Xiaoxia, we all know how powerful it is!"

Ma Cuixia smiled and said: "Uncle, uncle, if you have any good things in your hands, don't forget me. The daughter-in-law of Hu Ping's comrade-in-arms is a doctor and will not refuse all kinds of medicinal materials."

This is what Feng Qingxue ordered. As long as he gets good ginseng, Hu Ping will basically send it to her.

As the person next to her, Ma Cuixia knew everything.

After hearing this, Boss Ma suddenly remembered that his sister and brother-in-law asked him to find the old wild ginseng. Over the years, as long as he knew who had ginseng in his hands, he would come to ask if he was willing to sell it, and then pull strings from them. Many connections were made at that time. Down.

An old uncle from the Ma Cuixia tribe came back after leaving. He called Ma Cuixia aside and whispered: "Xiaoxia, I have some old wild ginseng and some mink skins in my hand. Can you give me some?" I want to find a way to sell this thing. I have a young son who is not married, and I have two grandsons waiting to get married. I am almost worried about this."

Ma Cuixia smiled and said, "You have to show it to me first and I'll estimate the price. We are honest people and we don't want to coax anyone."

The old man immediately opened the cloth on the basket. Ma Cuixia took a closer look and said, oh, they are all good things. Their quality is not as good as the two ginseng she bought for 300 yuan, but these four ginseng sticks also cost several hundred yuan. She Growing up in the Northeast, I naturally know the goods, not to mention the four well-tanned mink skins and two fox skins, which are in perfect condition and the fur is particularly shiny.

"Uncle, how much do you want?" Ma Cuixia was also thoughtful.

The Lu family is good to their family, so they naturally think about the Lu family. As long as the other party's demands are not excessive, they can directly conclude the deal.

The old man gritted his teeth and said, "Three hundred yuan, a total of three hundred yuan. If you give me three hundred yuan, I will take it all. I will not reveal a word to others. I got these things myself. Only you, old man, Auntie knows."

"Deal!" Ma Cuixia said neatly, "I will send the money tomorrow, and I will give it to you privately."

"Okay, you take it first." The old man knew very well what kind of person Ma Cuixia was, and he didn't worry about not paying her for taking things.

Ma Cuixia smiled and said: "That won't work, uncle. Those wild game and mountain products cost more than a dozen yuan or a few yuan less. I just took it. Someone else testified, kept the account, and will give you the money tomorrow. You guys It’s worth three hundred yuan. If I take it away and don’t give you any money, you won’t even have a place to cry. Tomorrow, I’ll come over and we’ll pay and deliver.”

The old uncle heard this and said, "Okay, okay, you are such a good girl!"

Ma Cuixia collected two sacks of game and mountain products, together with another sack from several brothers' homes, and a wool blanket. They couldn't get it at all. Boss Ma quickly sent some of his sons to help deliver it.

After arriving home, after her nephew left, Ma Cuixia took Hu Ping and chatted for a long time.

"There are too many things. It would be too eye-catching for us to send them as a family. Send them separately. I will send a sack, you send a sack, and then ask several children to send them separately. Xiaoman will have to go to the city to make coats tomorrow. Do you want her to send one too, and we'll pay for it?" Hu Ping arranged it in an orderly manner, "As for the ginseng and mink skins, I'll take whatever you get."

Hu Ping had a good relationship with the Lu Jiang family. The money he planned to buy for the watch and the money his brother-in-law spent for buying a woolen blanket were not remitted. He only made it clear in the letter that it was used to buy ginseng, deer antler, and mink skins. Later, someone privately found them and sold some. Give them deer antler and deer whip.

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