Early the next morning, Lu Jiang went to work as usual, followed by guards. Only Zhu Lei was cleaning, washing and cooking at home. Feng Qingxue, Wang Cuilan and Fubao's clothes were washed by Feng Qingxue.

"There are no chores at home, Xiao Zhu. You and my aunt will take the triplets around and bring the life jackets prepared at home. If Er Xiong wants to swim, just watch and pay attention to safety." Dundun occasionally accompanies Lu Er Xiong in the water. But not often. Zhuangzhuang loves to be clean and doesn't want to bathe with others, let alone play in a swimming pool. That's not his character.

Zhu Lei listened to Feng Qingxue's words, "Yes, sister-in-law, I will take them there right now."

Lu Erxiong cheered and ran ahead.

"Mom, what about me?" Fu Bao was unhappy when her younger brother left her alone. She also wanted to go out to play and meet new friends.

Feng Qingxue tapped the tip of her nose, "Have you forgotten that you are a primary school student? Mom will take you to school, where you can meet new teachers and new classmates. When you come back from school, mom will make you new clothes. alright."

"Yes, I'm not a child anymore, I have to go to school." Fu Bao touched his head.

Her schooling matters were more important. Feng Qingxue still wore wide cotton and linen clothes, a white top, gray pants, and black leather shoes. They were all half-new, but she dressed her daughter up beautifully.

The 80% new navy suit and blue and white striped top make Fubao's face look like a painting and his skin looks like snow.

"Classmate Lu Tianhui is so handsome!" Principal Mo praised her repeatedly. After reading the transfer procedures Feng Qingxue brought and Fu Bao's previous homework, he immediately started the admission procedures and arranged for her to enter Class 2 of the first grade.

As soon as Fu Bao entered the classroom, he attracted the attention of the teachers and students in the class.

Principal Mo said hello to the head teacher, Teacher Zhao, turned around and smiled at the whole class: "This is Lu Tianhui. It's your first day in our school and you are very unfamiliar with everything. You must help each other and love each other in the future."

The applause started all of a sudden.

Children who are clean and beautiful will feel fond of them no matter when and where they are, regardless of whether they are adults or children.

"Classmate Lu Tianhui, please introduce yourself briefly." Teacher Zhao continued.

Fubao didn't show any stage fright at all. He bowed and said gracefully: "Hello everyone, my name is Lu Tianhui. Lu means land in the sea, land in the sky, sky means blue sky, and Hui means wisdom. My name expresses the love my elders have for me. My blessing. I transferred from the capital and I did something wrong. Please remind me and let me correct it so that we can all make progress together.”

Principal Mo didn't mention who her parents were, and she didn't mention them either.

Children are the most innocent and innocent. The students in the class, all between the ages of eight and ten, clapped vigorously, much louder than before, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on Fu Bao's face.

Teacher Zhao looked at her height and arranged for her to sit in the middle, which made the boys and girls around her extremely happy.

Seeing that her daughter quickly got along with her classmates and did not become cautious in a strange environment, Feng Qingxue was relieved and said to Teacher Zhao: "Lu Tianhui is troublesome to the teacher. If she gets along well with her classmates, then there will be no problem. If If you have a conflict with a classmate and it’s her fault, please let Teacher Zhao inform me and I will educate her well.”

"Okay." Teacher Zhao likes parents who are considerate.

Unexpectedly, on the first day of school, Lu Tianhui did not cause any trouble, but several boys with overbearing tempers got into fights just to play with her, leaving her with a bruised nose and face.

. . You know what I hate the most? I just had an impromptu appointment and messed up my coding schedule. I'm so annoyed. I'll come back tonight to continue updating.

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