When they parked at the second state-owned hotel, Lu Erxiong pushed the door open and followed Liu Ran out. He followed Lu Jiang on his feet and stood on tiptoes to watch Lu Jiang pay money and food stamps, and put steamed buns in the basket the waiter brought them.

The bun was wrapped in slightly yellowed gauze, and covered with a small quilt to keep warm.

"Dad, why did you buy so many buns? I want to eat them too!" Lu Erxiong also counted the buns when the waiter was counting them. There were so many buns that he couldn't finish them all.

Lu Jiang took the change from the waiter and touched his head, "Let's go to the welfare home to eat with the children."

kid? Lu Erxiong's eyes were full of expectation.

After visiting seven or eight state-owned restaurants and buying a total of 440 meat buns for 44 yuan, Lu Jiang took his family and two guards to the children's welfare home where Dang Nianen was located.

During the winter season, adults get up later than usual, not to mention the children in the orphanage.

Their arrival woke up all the children.

Dean Lin rushed over panting, "The two leaders came here early in the morning, how can they say hello?"

Lu Jiang rarely spoke to lesbians when it had nothing to do with work, so Feng Qingxue came forward and said with a smile: "You're here, why are you saying hello? Do you have to say hello and make a pomp to look good? We just bring you Come and see the children in the orphanage. Comrade Lin, are you cooking in the cafeteria? We brought about 400 buns for breakfast. Just make some porridge. Don't forget to cook some for the nine of us. "

Lu Jiang interjected: "The weather is very cold, and the buns will cool down quickly. Covering the basket with a quilt doesn't seem to help. When cooking porridge, put it on the grate to boil. Cold buns will easily cause diarrhea."

It's better to eat the vegetarian buns after they're cold, but it's not good to eat the meat buns after they're cold.

Dean Lin rubbed his hands and said, "This, how embarrassing is this? Two leading comrades, you two have helped the orphanage a lot. Because of your attention, many soldiers and local cadres have donated money and materials." , I remember every word."

"You're welcome, call the canteen to cook. We haven't eaten yet, so we're waiting!" Feng Qingxue patted her hand, "You can ask someone to go to the canteen and tell them to cook whatever they usually eat. Don't do it because of us." And do it well. As for you, take us to see the living environment of our children. We have been pampered since childhood. We have never seen the suffering in the world. We don’t want them to know the word cherish, let alone raise them. into their extravagant and wasteful character.”

Dean Lin expressed her understanding that the more reasonable people are, the more they pay attention to their children's education. Before liberation, she had lived in the capital, attended a girls' school, and had seen the behavior of scholarly families.

Each of the six children has plump muscles and bones and outstanding appearance. It is obvious at a glance that they have never suffered or gone hungry.

So, Dean Lin asked someone to tell the cafeteria to make dried sweet potato porridge as usual, and put the steamed buns in the basket on top of the pot to prevent the steamed buns from getting cold after the porridge was cooked.

Then, Dean Lin took them to visit the accommodation environment of the orphanage.

The walls are dusty and mottled, and every room is empty with only a big kang, and the quilts are shabby. There are many children lying on each kang. Boys sleep in one room with boys, and girls sleep with girls in another room, huddled together for warmth. The older ones are in their teens, and the younger ones are in need of food and taken care of by the older children. Without exception, they are all skinny, disheveled, and ragged.

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