Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue also lined up with their children, with the children in front and them behind.

The children have been living in the army since they were young, and occasionally go to the canteen with their parents to eat. They are used to queuing up for meals. They carry their own rice bowls in a decent manner, and each of them receives two meat buns and a bowl of porridge.

However, I could only carry one bowl of rice with both hands, so I had to ask the guard uncle to use a small bamboo basket for the hot and somewhat scalding buns.

Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue saw a basket of multi-grain rolls placed on the table. Perhaps the orphanage was worried that the rolls would not be enough to eat, so they heated up some rolls, so the couple each took two rolls and filled them with rice without taking the rolls.

When the two guards saw this, they also took the papers without asking for the buns.

Dean Lin hurried over and said, "How can the two leaders not eat the steamed buns after they bought them?"

"It's okay. The paper rolls are pretty good. Let's leave the steamed buns to the kids." They were at the end of the line and were not in a hurry to leave. After Feng Qingxue finished speaking, she asked, "Do you have a plate? I'll put some dried radish on it. The rolls are still good." Just eat it with pickles.”

She saw chopped dried radish in a yellow enamel basin on the table.

After hearing this, Dean Lin immediately brought two plates over and placed two plates of dried radish on Lu Jiang's table.

The atmosphere in the cafeteria was very lively. Most of the children were biting into the buns in small bites, intoxicated by the aroma of the meat fillings. Their cherishing attitude made Feng Qingxue feel sad again.

The rolls are made of wheat bran mixed with sweet potato flour and corn flour. For those who are used to eating white flour steamed buns, the taste is not to be mentioned.

But except for the five Xibao brothers and sisters who had enough food and clothing since childhood, everyone had experienced starvation. A mouthful of rolls, a mouthful of porridge, and a mouthful of dried radish, it was so natural to eat.

Children always think what adults eat is delicious, and the triplets couldn't help but stop eating the buns.

Lu Erxiong devoured a steamed bun and then jumped off the chair, walked up to Feng Qingxue, and looked at the dark multi-grain steamed bun in her hand, "Mom, I also want to eat steamed buns, which are different from our family's steamed buns."

Of course it's different. Their steamed buns are usually made from a combination of flour and cornmeal, with the majority of them being flour.

Feng Qingxue broke off a small piece of the paper she had bitten and handed it to his mouth, "I'll tell you in advance, Er Xiong, if you bite it in your mouth, you have to chew it and swallow it. You are not allowed to spit it out. If you dare to spit it out, I'll spank you!"

Lu Erxiong agreed readily, but after chewing it twice, he froze.

It tastes so bad, thick and astringent!

"Swallow it!" Feng Qingxue's bright eyes stared at him with a hint of severity.

Lu Erxiong flattened his mouth, swallowed it, and immediately ran back to his seat, grabbed the remaining buns and took a big bite.

Well, the meat buns are still delicious.

"Fourth brother, is the paper delicious?" Zhuang Zhuang asked him. He and Dundun were originally eager to try it, but when they saw Lu Erxiong's expression, they knew it must not be delicious, and they stopped in an instant.

Lu Erxiong shook his head violently, "It doesn't taste good. It doesn't taste good at all. It makes my throat hurt."

Feng Qingxue glanced at Dundun and Zhuangzhuang, who were eating the buns peacefully, and thought that they tasted even if they tasted bad.

You can avoid the first grade of junior high school, but you can't avoid the fifteenth grade.

The dried sweet potato porridge made here is not like their rice mixed with dried sweet potatoes. It has more rice and less dried sweet potatoes. It is pure dried sweet potatoes. It is smashed and soaked overnight and cooked directly in a large pot of water. There is nothing else. , it is a thin soup with little water, three-quarters of it is filled with water and only one-quarter of the dried sweet potatoes are poured into the bowl.

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