The date of the exchange meeting is set in March and will be held in the United States. The medical university that invited Feng Qingxue is the organizer. The date is set from March 6th to March 8th, lasting three days. Feng Qingxue Just arrive at your destination a few days in advance.

Therefore, after preparing the information, she did not need to make any other preparations, even packing her luggage before departure in late February.

Just after New Year's Day, Lu Jiang became busy without warning. The South China Sea entered a state of preparation for war. Naturally, special attention must be paid to border defense and the security of the capital here. After all, many countries outside are eyeing their own country's territory, but Feng Qingxue took advantage of it. As the New Year is approaching, I am not too busy. When I come back from get off work, I quickly make cotton-padded clothes for Wang Zhao.

Originally, Wang Cuilan said she would do it, but after all, she was old and had to take care of the children every day, so Feng Qingxue didn't let her work hard.

The lining of the cotton-padded jacket and trousers is made of new cloth, with new cotton wadding in the middle, but the face is removed from Xibao’s old cotton-padded coat. It has been washed clean and has no patches. The jacket and trousers covering the cotton-padded coat are also Xibao’s clothes, so they were sent there. It is inconspicuous when worn on Wang Zhao.

Although Xibao is three years younger than Wang Zhao, in terms of size, Wang Zhao is almost the same as Xibao, except that he is much thinner than Xibao.

There are too many children in the orphanage, and it would be inappropriate to give Wang Zhao a completely new look inside and out while remembering the old love.

The other children were in rags, but Wang Zhao was completely brand new. Even if he had nothing to do, he would cause some trouble and give someone a reason to criticize Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue. Giving him two old clothes was different.

Lu Jiang, who had just cut the thread on his trouser legs and hadn't been back for two days, returned home in the night.

After dinner, the elderly and children went back to their respective rooms early, reading and sleeping. Only Feng Qingxue continued to work under the lamp, "Have you eaten? If not, I will give you a bowl of dumplings." "

Yesterday, I told Zhu Lei to tell the logistics staff who delivered meat and vegetables, and a large piece of pork belly was delivered in the morning.

My monthly supply of pork is one pound. Their family of seven has their household registration here. That’s seven pounds a month, plus Zhu Lei’s one pound. I bought half of it first, and mixed in some meat from the space. Just to eat dumplings.

The dumplings stuffed with cabbage and pork were not finished during the day, and the leftovers were frozen in a basket under the eaves.

Lu Jiang knew the trivial matters at home, but he had already eaten in the cafeteria, so he held the documents with one hand and rubbed his frowning brow with the other, "Comrade Feng Qingxue, after you have eaten, I have something to disturb you." News about your plans to go abroad.”

Feng Qingxue was stunned and her eyes fell on her husband's face, which was no longer young. "What's the news?"

"I just received the telegram from above, and the Southeast Military Region has asked you to go there." Lu Jiang lowered his fingers, pinched the bridge of his nose, and then lowered his voice, "We all know what the situation is in the South China Sea. Even if our country wins the naval battle in the end, There must be some casualties in the middle, and I wouldn’t worry about letting you pass if it’s not safe here.”

So, you can’t go abroad? Feng Qingxue's first thought was this.

"Of course we follow the country's orders. Even if we can't go abroad, there will be opportunities in the future." Although Feng Qingxue was a little regretful, her duty still prevailed and comforted Lu Jiang in turn, "Doctors don't go to the battlefield. Don't worry too much. How long did it take for me to be seconded? "

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