Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1671 First time on the island 1

Several doctors, including Feng Qingxue, naturally obeyed the order and had to go early or late. They had no objection.

When they heard about taking a boat, several doctors who had never been on a boat were very excited.

Of course, this does not include Feng Qingxue.

Hearing their responses one after another, Lu Zhenhua's dark and rough face relaxed, his expression softened a little, and he led them to the arranged rooms, one for each person, and the bedding and hot water enamel basins were prepared in advance.

Feng Qingxue carried her luggage and walked into the room assigned to her. Lu Zhenhua and his guards knocked on the unlocked door.

"Comrade Lu, please come in." Feng Qingxue smiled politely, thinking that he didn't recognize her!

After Lu Zhenhua came in, he took out a red checkered handkerchief bag from his pocket and handed it to Feng Qingxue with surprised eyes.

"Comrade Lu, what are you doing?" Although it was obvious that the handkerchief bag should be used by lesbians, Feng Qingxue still did not reach out to take it.

Lu Zhenhua didn't take it back, and just stretched out his hand, "I didn't know you were on the list of seconded military doctors in the military region during the meeting yesterday. Han Bing specially prepared some tickets that are common across the province, and you can use them when you get to the island. Take it, don't you want to If you go to the cafeteria, you can go to a small restaurant and order whatever you want, or buy and cook your own food. There are grocery stores on the island, and there is no shortage of chicken, fish, meat, eggs, and vegetables. This is not the same city as the island where the fleet is stationed. Meat tickets here. I'm afraid I won't be able to use the candy and egg stamps. I called my old comrade and asked him to prepare them for you. You came all the way here, and Han Bing told me that I couldn't let you be wronged."

Feng Qingxue declined: "Both food and accommodation are in the army, how can I collect things from you and my sister-in-law? It's not convenient to cook without a pot or stove, so don't bother others to prepare meat tickets for me. Besides, listen to Comrade Ding." Meaning, we may follow the fleet then."

Lu Zhenhua twitched the corner of his mouth, but he couldn't even put on a proper smile for a long time. After all, he was used to being serious when leading troops, "The fleet arranges frigates to patrol in turns, and you doctors will not be arranged on the same ship. I definitely don’t have to float on the sea every day. I always have to spend some time on the island every month.”

Feng Qingxue suddenly realized that the navy was the same as the army and air force in some respects. It made sense when she thought about it. She couldn't photograph the same group of soldiers performing tasks every day while the others stayed in the camp.

"I brought food stamps, including military food stamps and national food stamps. Even if I stay on the island, I won't be hungry."

It was a little rushed when we came out, but we didn't lack everything we needed to prepare.

Besides, there is a lot of ready-made food in the space, and there are still many boxes of ham sausage, eight-treasure porridge and the like that have not been opened.

Lu Zhenhua was not used to talking a lot face to face with lesbians. After thinking about it, he put the handkerchief on the bedside table and said, "This is a little thought from our family. Have a good rest. I will ask someone to bring food to your room."

Feng Qingxue grabbed the handkerchief and wanted to return it to him, but he had disappeared with the guard, as fast as a dog chasing a rabbit.

Not long after, the waiter pushed a dining cart to deliver food to them one by one. Each person received a bowl of raw rice, a bowl of braised hairtail, a bowl of dried fish stir-fried with dried chili peppers, and a bowl of kelp soup.

Two meat dishes, full of oil and water.

"I'll collect the bowls after you finish eating." I heard that he was a famous military doctor seconded from various units in the Capital Military Region. The waiter's attitude was very good, and it was the intention of the army to cook two big dishes.

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