Seeing the conches fished out by the soldiers, piled up in large and small piles, Feng Qingxue's eyes lit up and she immediately moved over.

"Old squad leader, after you pick out the conch meat, can you give me the conch shell?"

It's not time to cook now. The old squad leader was picking the conchs into a bucket and preparing to get some salt water for them to spit out sand. He turned around and saw her arrival, and couldn't help but smile: "Doctor Feng, what do you want this for?"

"Take it with you when you go home and give it to your child as a gift." Feng Qingxue held a beautiful conch in her hand.

The old squad leader understood, "Look at you, you are so young, you are already married and have children? How many children? I will choose a few more for you."

"Don't think I look young, but I'm actually over thirty years old." Feng Qingxue showed a smile and helped pick up the last few conchs and put them into the bucket. "I have five children in my family, and the eldest is ten years old." Three, the younger one is seven years old. They also have their own classmates and friends. You can choose thirty for me, no matter whether it is too many or twenty. "

The old squad leader was a little dazed.

Although he and Feng Qingxue had worked on the same ship for about ten days, the cooking team had little contact with the medical soldiers. He really did not expect that the young, fair-skinned and beautiful young woman in front of him was already in her thirties and had five children.

"It doesn't look like it." The old squad leader said, he always thought she was a big girl.

Feng Qingxue was elated. She liked to hear everyone say this, which meant that she was very successful in maintaining herself.

"Show you a photo of my family." Feng Qingxue washed her hands, dried them with a handkerchief, and took out a photo she carried with her from her pocket, which showed a family of seven and Father Lu, "This is our Taken last year, the eldest one is my eldest son, the three younger ones are triplets, and the youngest one doesn’t look much like his two older brothers.”

The old squad leader took a look, pointed at Lu Jiang and said, "Doctor Feng, is this your revolutionary friend? I seem to have seen him somewhere."

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "He is also a soldier."

In recent years, Lu Jiang has repeatedly reported to the police, often took photos with important leaders, and exchanged photos with his comrades in letters. It is not surprising that the old squad leader felt that he had seen each other before.

Except for the soldiers who were working, everyone else came over to look at the photos.

"Doctor Feng, you really have five children. They are so handsome. It's just a little girl?"

"The two little boys are almost identical!"

"Doctor Feng's revolutionary partner is an army officer? He looks familiar."

Now that the military rank system has been abolished, the only way to distinguish officers from soldiers is that officers' uniforms have four pockets and soldiers have two pockets, so it is difficult to tell the rank.

Feng Qingxue did not announce who her husband was, and Deputy Commander Wu and others would not say anything, so none of the soldiers on the boat knew.

The old squad leader glared at them, "I'm thinking, why are you interrupting?"

He looked at it carefully again and suddenly remembered, "Hey, I saw it at Captain Du's house. It was several years ago. There was only a family of four in the photo. There were no triplets and this old man. There were no adults. You are younger than you look in this photo, Doctor Feng.”

"It's probably a photo from eight or nine years ago." Captain Du Rusong was one of the two comrades Lu Jiang asked her to find if necessary.

"Your family is related to Captain Du's family? Otherwise, why would they have photos of your family?"

Feng Qingxue immediately smiled after hearing the old squad leader's words, "They are my husband's comrades, closer than relatives."

The people present suddenly realized.

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