Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1684 Reunion of teachers and students 2

When the middle-aged woman was surprised, the old squad leader said to Feng Qingxue: "Doctor Feng, just call her Sister-in-law Lei. If you want to buy any seafood in the future, just go to her directly. I guarantee that it will be properly prepared for you."

"Sister-in-law Lei!" Feng Qingxue was very polite.

Sister-in-law Lei sighed and said, "My dear daughter, you can choose whatever you want. I guarantee that they are all the best."

Feng Qingxue thanked her.

The salesperson at the adjacent counter looked directly over, but they couldn't help it. They had all seen the people who often came to buy food, but suddenly someone they didn't recognize, a young and handsome woman, felt strange.

"Daughter, do you want to buy some big yellow croaker, it's so alive!" Sister Liu, who sells live fish, is very enthusiastic.

Feng Qingxue asked Sister-in-law Lei to weigh ten kilograms of dried red-mouthed snails for herself, which is a relatively expensive kind of dried seafood. She turned to the fish seller and smiled, "I live in the dormitory of the hospital, and I don't have any cooking utensils. I can't open the fire, just Don’t buy it.”

Sister Liu was stunned, "Then you buy so many dry goods."

Although they were in the name of a cooking class, they were all discerning people, and they could tell at a glance that it was Feng Qingxue's private purchase.

"Sent to home." Feng Qingxue said lightly, and then weighed ten pounds of dried squid, ten pounds of scallops, ten pounds of dried shrimps, and ten pounds of dried whitebait. However, there were no good dried abalone and fish maw, so I didn't want to buy them. Less kelp, seaweed, and seaweed. Send these seafood to family members first, and then buy some to send to relatives and friends in the future.

She also had some dry goods in her space, but the quantity was not large, because at that time she had never thought of buying expensive dried abalone and fish maw, but the taste of seafood at that time was incomparable to what it is now.

Feng Qingxue suddenly had a new plan to buy more things of this era to store in the space.

After the reform and opening up, people's hearts have changed. The quality of industrial products has plummeted, and there are many levels of poisonous foods. The exposure of poisonous milk powder, poisonous bean sprouts, poisonous peppers, etc. is simply shocking. Fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, meat, and eggs are all exposed. The taste is far inferior to what it is now. At this time, it is truly pesticide-free, chemical fertilizer-free and clenbuterol-free.

Sister Liu took a breath when she saw Feng Qingxue's generosity. Who would be willing to buy so much dry goods?

Not to mention her, even Sister-in-law Lei’s hands were shaking a little when she was weighing.

The old squad leader went to buy other vegetables, leaving Feng Qingxue alone here. She couldn't help but smile and said: "Sister-in-law Lei, please stop shaking, hold on still. There are more than ten people in my family including our elderly and children, as well as our husband and wife." You have a big mouth, and you have a big appetite. If you buy too little, it won’t be enough to fill your teeth, and we rarely see seafood there, so why don’t we buy more?”

When they heard the words "old man and child", Sister-in-law Lei and Sister Liu were stunned, "Are you married?"

Feng Qingxue hid her mouth and smiled, didn't she really look like a young woman? The difference between a young woman and a daughter is obvious, okay?

"We have been married for more than ten years and have five children."

Sister-in-law Lei said in surprise: "It doesn't look like it at all! Look at me, I have given birth to five children, but my face and hands are as dark and rough as old tree bark. They are not as fair as yours. Did you apply alabaster?" ?”

Sister Liu nodded, but she didn't think it was the same, so she asked Feng Qingxue how old she was.

When she learned that Feng Qingxue was two years older than her, her eyes widened, "Hey, I have to call you big sister!"

Feng Qingxue immediately changed her name and called her Sister Liu.

Looking at Feng Qingxue, who looked ten years younger than herself, Sister Liu almost cried. The difference was so huge. What if ten or eight years later, they wouldn't look like two generations? I am still the same old person.

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