There is no need to dig adobe. After the cement, sand and red bricks are in place, the foundation is laid and the house is built as soon as it is built.

Because Lu Jiang and Feng Qingxue have been away for many years and will not be able to come back in a short time, building two new houses at the same time is too ostentatious, so Lu's father temporarily changed his mind and only built a house for the Guancheng brothers, claiming to the outside world that Guancheng was the leader of the capital. I am a mechanical manufacturing engineer. After my salary increased, I wanted to build a house in my hometown to facilitate my return to my hometown in the future.

The Lu family has a large group of elderly people and children. The son of Lu Tianjun, the fourth generation, is about to turn two years old. The three mud-tile houses cannot fit in even if they are packed to death. We have also discussed before that the Lu family has three wives, why don't they build a new house? .

The important thing is that they have a natural sense of awe for Guancheng who has worked in the capital for many years. Even if they go out, they will have face, right? The folks at home have some spare money. When they are marrying a daughter-in-law, in addition to troublesome Feng Qingxue, they will also trouble Guanyu to send letters and money to Guancheng, asking him to help get some rare supplies they need. This is also what they get. The light, the favor should be remembered.

The Lu family's popularity has been in business for more than ten years.

So, as soon as I heard that the Lu family was building a new house and it was not very busy since spring had just begun, men, women and children came to help.

The layout Jin Ruochu designed for them was to have four main rooms to facilitate the extension of the building in the future, and three east and west side rooms.

The four rooms in the main house require 30,000 bricks. The side rooms cannot be higher than the main house, and it would not look good when built as a bungalow. Therefore, in the design, it was turned into a brick house, requiring a total of 20,000 bricks and 2,000 tiles.

Thousands of bricks and tiles, that is, three brick houses.

Considering the kitchen, toilet, courtyard walls and gatehouse, Father Lu ordered 60,000 bricks in one go. He originally wanted to buy blue bricks, which were denser and more expensive. Unfortunately, he couldn't buy them, so he had to settle for the next best thing. .

The best red bricks cost two and eight cents each, so sixty thousand yuan is one thousand six hundred and eighty yuan.

The fifteen hundred yuan that Guancheng gave Guanyu was not enough. Cement, sand, tiles, floor slabs, wooden beams, doors and windows all needed money. Even if the fathers and villagers said they didn't want wages, they had to give it. He had already spent 200 yuan to buy a homestead, so before Lu's father could pay for it, Zhou Zhou decisively sold a gold bar.

The Lu family is united and no one cares about money.

The rich contribute money, and the powerful contribute. For example, Lu Tianzhi can't even think of money, so why should he have no money? Even Guan Yu's salary is just enough to support the couple and Grandma Zhou.

Excluding the material fees and homestead fees, there is very little money spent on other aspects.

There is great strength in numbers, and the knot was formed in less than half a month.

On the day when the roof is tied, that is, when the floor slabs and roof beams are put up, there is only one step away from completion.

The floor slabs and roof beams are wrapped with a little bit of inconspicuous red cloth. This is an old custom. I don't dare to blatantly do it. I can only change the red cloth into small and thin strips, so that ordinary people can't find it.

Lu's father used the supply book of Cheng Baoguo and his wife to go to the city in advance and buy a large number of hard candies wrapped in candy wrappers. Worried that they would not be enough, he asked Shen Feihong to borrow a few kilograms of candy coupons from the neighbors. The hard candies contained unused candy coupons. Two kilograms of white rabbit toffee and shelled peanuts fried by Miao Fengqin. After the floor slabs and roof beams were raised, candy peanuts were scattered from the roof, and women and children robbed them.

Although the elders were embarrassed and stood still, staring at the floorboards and roof beams, they still had the strength to reach out and grab a few pieces of candy from the air and pass them on to their children.

When the roof of the house is knotted, the happiest people are the children.

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