Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1701 They are all acquaintances 3

Lu Erxiong's legs moved like he was pedaling a bicycle, and he was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

"Mom!" He rushed over, hugged Feng Qingxue's waist with both hands, and rubbed his face, which was red and covered with sweat, against her. The white cotton and linen shirt suddenly turned black.

Feng Qingxue was still holding her bicycle. Before she could respond, she saw several people getting out of the back compartment of the truck.

Cheng Baoguo, Wang Cuilan, Ye Yan, Fubao, Dundun, and Zhuangzhuang, except for Xibao who was in his hometown, did not show up. There were no children missing. They each carried their own packages, the adults carried big bags, and the children carried small bags.

Everyone's clothes were soaked with sweat and they were in a state of embarrassment. Only Erxiong was shirtless and wearing a pair of large pants.

Wang Cuilan stretched out her hand to wipe her face and wiped the sweat from her hand, "It's so hot. Compared to Wucheng, it's like being in a furnace and almost not being cooked. Xiaoxue, how can you bear it?"

Feng Qingxue was about to answer her question when a soldier got out of the driver's seat and gave Feng Qingxue a military salute, "Doctor Feng, I happened to meet them at the dock and asked how to get to our camp. They also said they were coming to find you. I After seeing the work IDs and letters of introduction of the two old comrades, I stopped by. "

Feng Qingxue said hurriedly: "Thank you, comrade, they are the elderly and children of my family. I just received the news of their arrival and came to see if they have arrived."

"Why don't you get in the car and I'll take you back to the camp."

Feng Qingxue recalled the distance from this place to the camp and asked the elderly and children for their opinions. They were unwilling to get on the bus again.

"It's too hot in the carriage." Fubao said bluntly.

Compared to the carriage, the sea breeze outside made them feel more comfortable.

Since she said so, Feng Qingxue thanked the soldier, pulled her family to make way for him, and drove away.

As flying dust rose up, Lu Erxiong made a fuss and said coquettishly to Feng Qingxue: "Mom, I ate a mouthful of dirt and it's really dirty. Can you let me take a bath in the sea? The sea is really big. I You can’t even see the edge on the boat, but when you get off the boat, you can see the edge. It turns out it’s not endless!”

"Don't even think about it, you will drown if you go into the sea." Zhuang Zhuang pushed him away from his mother and moved closer to him.

Er Xiong wanted to pull him away, but Dundun stopped him, "Er Xiong, give way to Zhuang Zhuang, Zhuang Zhuang is your younger brother."

Lu Erxiong said unhappily: "I'm your brother too!"

Fu Bao felt very hot, "It's hard to find mom. Can you please stop arguing? Don't you feel worried about the sun? Let's go to the camp with mom quickly, otherwise we will get tanned."

Her skin was as white as suet jade, and her face, neck, and the back of her hands exposed outside her long-sleeved shirt had been sunburned and red.

Feng Qingxue quickly took off the big straw hat and put it on her head, touching her hand distressedly, "Let's go back and rest first. Zhuangzhuang, are you tired? Come on, sit in the back seat, Mom will take you in the cart."

Among the children, Zhuang Zhuang's mental state was the worst.

Wang Cuilan also said: "Yes, yes, let Zhuangzhuang ride in the car. He is weak. He is also dizzy on planes and boats. Apart from drinking some water, he has not eaten well in the past few days."

Fu Bao also gave up his straw hat to Zhuang Zhuang.

"Thank you, sister!" Zhuang Zhuang thanked her sweetly, climbed onto the back seat of the bicycle and sat down, putting his hands on the seat. "Thank you, mom, for taking me in the stroller. I don't feel uncomfortable at all."

Feng Qingxue felt sour and sweet in her heart.

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