Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1705 Shredded Pork with Beijing Sauce 1

It has been half a year since she came to the South China Sea Fleet and she often interacted with Doctor Guo and Sister-in-law Gu. However, Feng Qingxue met the legendary rake-eared Gu Qing for the first time and Shen Xiufen for the third time.

When was the last time you saw Shen Xiufen?

It seems that she was buying seafood at the grocery store last month. Feng Qingxue saw Shen Xiufen buying fish, hens, fish maw and fine sea cucumbers, and making soup for her younger brother and pregnant sister-in-law to replenish their health.

Shen Xiufen's parents and brother were on the island. Her brother Shen Xiushan's job was found by Captain Gu Qinggu.

In early January, on the eve of the naval battle, Shen's parents and Shen Xiushan's family of five, a total of seven people, were greedy for life and feared death. They felt that the family compound at the naval base was safer, so they moved to Gu Qing's house, where Shen Xiufen washed the clothes and cooked the meals. They didn't have to pay, so they stayed there and never left. They treated Shen Xiufen as if they were a maid, but Shen Xiufen was happy with it.

Feng Qingxue heard this from people. Many people in the grocery store, the family compound, and the hospital's family building knew about it. They secretly said that Shen Xiufen was crazy and ignored her daughter, even though she had a father and a mother. He raised his younger brother as his own son.

Feng Qingxue understands the psychology of people like Shen Xiufen. She usually grows up in a family that values ​​boys over girls. She has not been valued by her parents since she was a child. She is deeply brainwashed by the patriarchal mentality and has deeply thought about selfless devotion to her younger brother. Bone marrow, there is also the idea that this can be praised by parents. In order to make himself visible in the eyes of parents, he is willing to give everything he has.

Doctor Guo doesn’t understand Fu Di Mo’s thoughts, but she can kick her son and daughter-in-law out!

"Guard!" Doctor Guo slapped his chopsticks on the table, and his mood for eating suddenly disappeared. He pointed directly at Gu Qing and Shen Xiufen and said to Mr. Gu's guard: "Kick them out and don't disturb our meal! "

After hearing this, the guard looked at Mr. Gu and saw him nodding. He immediately pushed Gu Qing and Shen Xiufen to the gate one by one.

Ignoring Shen Xiufen's yelling and anger, the guard closed the door and locked it.

Previously, he thought that Mr. Gu and his wife returned to their own residence after dinner, and the weather was hot, so they left the door unlocked. This gave Gu Qing and Shen Xiufen an opportunity, and the guard secretly felt ashamed.

Shen Xiufen was so angry that she slammed the door, "Let me in, let me in!"

"Okay, Xiufen." Gu Qing was worried that her hand would hurt when he patted it, so he kept blowing on her palm.

Shen Xiufen failed to complete the task assigned by her parents and brothers, so she was so angry that she slapped Gu Qing in the face. Her almond-shaped eyes widened with a trace of ferocity, "You are useless. If you were useful, I would come to your mother." That damn old woman? How can I explain to my mother when I go back? I promised to buy an imported watch for my nephew!"

All Gu Qing did was apologize. In front of Shen Xiufen, he humbled himself into the dust.

"Fen'er, do you think how much money is still missing? I'll borrow it for you and pay it back to them after the wages are paid." Gu Qing thought about it and decided that this was the only way to solve the current difficulty.

Shen Xiufen scolded: "Borrow, borrow, borrow, you know how to borrow. If you borrow, don't you have to pay it back?"

Gu Qing frowned, "What should we do? A Rolex costs six to seven hundred."

"Of course I ask your mother for it. You are her only son. Why shouldn't she give you the money she earns?" When Dr. Guo didn't come back, he would send money to his son every month as a living allowance, ranging from hundreds to as little as Fifty, uninterrupted for more than ten years, until she came back this year and no longer paid a cent. Shen Xiufen immediately became stretched and hated Dr. Guo.

Gu Qing remained silent.

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