After saying this, the young man added, "Grandma Guo said that this uncle is her biological son, and Uncle Gu is not her biological son."

Shen Xiufen's expression changed drastically, and she rushed directly to Dr. Guo's position without caring about buying meat.

Feng Qingxue was carrying the pork she bought. When she saw Shen Xiufen's movements, she was worried that Dr. Guo would suffer a loss, so she quickly pulled Er Xiong to follow him.

Many people who like to watch the excitement have no intention of queuing up to buy meat and come over one after another.

When Shen Xiufen arrived, Sister-in-law Lei was asking Dr. Guo why she had raised a child that was not her biological child, but her biological child was outside, and her surname was Shi. Shen Xiufen's feet that were about to step forward suddenly stopped.

Doctor Guo had no intention of hiding anything and wiped the red corners of his eyes, "It was all caused by the war. I followed the army and was stationed at a farmhouse. The family I was staying with happened to have a child. Because our family's living conditions are good, They took advantage of the fact that I was in a coma after giving birth and exchanged the two children so that we could raise them a child for forty years, but our biological son suffered a lot!"

Sister-in-law Lei suddenly opened her mouth, and Sister Liu next to her was also shocked, "Isn't it too cruel? In order to let your child live a good life, you would replace other people's children with your own?"

Whether it was a salesperson or a customer, anyone who heard Dr. Guo speak would have their eyes on Shi Guantao.

Sensing the sympathy in their eyes, Shi Guantao remained as steady as a rock. He supported Dr. Guo with one hand and carried the bought old hen with the other. Dr. Guo said he wanted to replenish him, and now he bought fish maw and sea cucumber.

Dr. Guo didn't even blink when he paid. "Xiao Lei, leave some better sea cucumber maw for me next time. My child is too thin. He has suffered a lot since he was a child. He must eat something nutritious." ”

Sister-in-law Lei agreed, "Definitely, definitely. Doctor Feng also entrusted me with it last time!"

Noticing Shen Xiufen leaving, Feng Qingxue approached the dry goods counter and said, "Sister-in-law Lei, don't forget that when my elderly and children come home, I have to ask you to buy a batch of dry goods for them to take away."

Lu Erxiong opened his eyes wide and pointed at the fish maw that Shi Guantao took in his hand, "Uncle Shi, what did you get?"

"This is fish maw, also called fish maw." Seeing that Lu Erxiong still didn't understand, Shi Guantao continued: "When we usually eat fish, there are fish bubbles. Do you remember? This one is made of fish bubbles."

Lu Erxiong's voice became shrill, "I'm lying, Fish Bubbles aren't that big! Fish Bubbles are soft, but this one is hard!"

Feng Qingxue patted his head, "Fish come in different sizes, so of course fish bubbles also come in different sizes, and fresh fish bubbles and dried fish bubbles are also different. Just keep your mouth open and eat, no. Ask again!”

Lu Erxiong touched the top of his head and said, "Mom, you are so bad. You are reluctant to hit my little brother and always want to hit me!"

"If you are naughty again, I will beat you up!" Feng Qingxue said with a tigerish face.

"Don't hitting and beating mean the same thing? Mom, why have you become stupid?"

Feng Qingxue glared at him, "You've become too talkative! Didn't you want to eat fish head stewed with tofu yesterday? Come on, go buy big silver carp and soft tofu with your mother. You won't be able to eat until late."

Lu Erxiong quickly ran to Sister Liu, turned around and said to Feng Qingxue: "Actually, I also want to eat shredded pork with Beijing sauce!"


Doctor Guo blocked her move to give Lu Erxiong a break, "Okay, okay, Erxiong is so good!"

Compared with the naughty and mischievous children in the army compound, the children of the Lu family were extremely well-behaved.

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