After Lu Erxiong heard Feng Qingxue's words, he turned to the old lady with furrowed brows and asked with doubtful eyes whether she was joking with him.

The old lady smiled at him and said to Feng Qingxue: "I'm not joking. The weather is hot, I eat less meat, and there are plenty of fruits and vegetables. I usually eat some seafood during the tooth festival. It's cheap and doesn't require tickets, so my family has saved up for several months." I bought dozens of kilograms of meat stamps and about twenty kilograms of egg stamps. The eggs were not stored and I bought them less frequently. Dr. Guo also took a few kilograms of meat stamps and egg stamps from me a few days before he left. Doctor, you are here alone. Old people and children are here to see you. Food and oil matters are not here. I will give you a few kilograms of money."

To be honest, she liked Feng Qingxue quite a lot, even if she only met him by chance in the non-staple food factory.

After being seconded by the army, Feng Qingxue obeyed the arrangements and went to the front line without saying a word. She was hundreds of times better than some people who chickened out in the face of battle. She usually either trained newly recruited medical soldiers on the island or worked in the hospital. When training medical soldiers, they also took the recruits to visit the military families and fishermen on the island to conduct simple examinations and promote health knowledge to them.

Therefore, several patients who were suffering from the disease without knowing it were discovered and they were treated in advance.

Many army doctors and medical soldiers are doing these things. Feng Qingxue is used to it in the border defense force and the Wucheng army. She often organizes medical soldiers to go deep among the people. It is not surprising.

However, the old lady kindly refused twice without success. She thought that she would have to go to sea tomorrow, leaving the elderly and children to cook at home. It was really impossible without meat tickets, and they were unfamiliar with the place, so Feng Qingxue stopped wasting her lips and smiled. Yingying said authentically: "Thank you, ma'am. Then I will be respectful and obey your orders. When I come back from the sea, I will bring my children to visit you to thank you."

The old lady neatly divided the ten kilograms of meat stamps and ten kilograms of egg stamps and gave them to Feng Qingxue. Lu Erxiong smiled with joy. He immediately bowed his hands and said loudly: "Thank you, grandma. Grandma, you are so kind!"

It made the old lady's face bloom like chrysanthemums.

Feng Qingxue has benefited from others, so she humbly asks for your name so that she can repay her in the future.

"My mother-in-law's surname is Chen, just call me Mrs. Chen." The old lady did not mention her son's name and position, but glanced forward, "Oh, it's your son who doesn't like to talk much."

Feng Qingxue looked over and saw that it was indeed Dundun's turn.

However, she did not send the ticket over, but allowed Dundun to spend money to buy two taels of meat and the only two remaining pig ears. She took it to Feng Qingxue and said, "Grandpa Cheng likes to eat it." ”

Cold pig ears and wine are a perfect pairing.

Feng Qingxue patted his head and praised him a few words, waiting for Lu Erxiong to buy meat.

Lu Erxiong asked Feng Qingxue for a meat ticket, but Feng Qingxue didn't give it. He didn't plan to buy a lot of meat back. The little guy bought two taels of meat angrily. There was no first-class meat on the table, so he only bought second-class meat.

Among the five children, Lu Erxiong didn't like to study, but he was an exception for arithmetic. He handed Master Li one dollar and seventy cents.

Master Li gave him a few cents and said, "Er Xiong, you are so awesome, you can even settle accounts."

"Of course! I'm so smart!" Lu Erxiong puffed up his chest.

When it was Feng Qingxue's turn, she bought half a catty of meat and two catties of pork ribs. Zhuangzhuang liked the winter melon and pork ribs soup.

Zhuangzhuang has a weak stomach and wants to feed him light meals, supplement him with enough nutrients, and avoid foods that he is allergic to, so naturally he has to put some thought into it.

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