Feng Qingxue listened to her daughter's words and did not refuse.

Although she loves her children very much, she still hopes that her children will take care of their own food, clothing, and daily life from an early age. After all, parents cannot accompany their children for a lifetime. When they become adults, they have to rely on themselves when they go out.

If you take good care of your children, you will never let yourself suffer.

Fu Bao washed the skirt carefully, soaping it up specially. After rinsing it, he found two wooden clamps to clamp the nylon rope and the sides of the skirt waist, straighten it and hang it down to dry, instead of placing it directly on the rope.

"Putting it on the rope will leave creases on the skirt." Fubao said to Feng Qingxue.

She finally had a dress she could wear, so of course she had to cherish it.

Feng Qingxue smiled and put a large basin of washed clothes on the clothesline one by one. Several children ran out to play early in the morning. Why did they have the nerve to let the Jiang family's orderlies and nannies give them their changed clothes? wash? I had to work hard for her.

After finishing their work, Feng Qingxue said hello to Jiang Xiaoyue and took her daughter to go shopping.

There are a lot of old people and children in her family. The Jiang family's little supply is not enough for their family for the past few days. No matter how good the relationship is and how close the relationship is, she will not be shameless and live in vain and then eat in vain.

The Guangdong general food stamps in Feng Qingxue's hand were not used up, and she did not exchange them for national food stamps before departure, but left them with Dr. Guo and Sister-in-law Gu. However, the national food stamps she brought with her before going to Nanhai were almost useless. Before it expired, she took out five kilograms of food stamps and bought a large bag of steamed buns, and also bought two large dishes to put in her lunch box.

There are a lot of people in the family, and even if two big dishes are put on the table, only a few chopsticks per person will be gone.

So, the mother and daughter turned to delicatessens.

Cooked meats are also made from raw meat. Some of them require meat tickets, which are more expensive than buying raw meat because they require processing fees. Some of them do not require tickets, such as chicken heads, duck feet, pigs, etc. Feng Qingxue naturally buys the ones without tickets.

Life is like this, those who need tickets rely on tickets, and those who don't need tickets rely on money. The rich will never live too badly.

The little girl felt a little distressed because of the money spent. "Mom, my sister-in-law has a lot of potatoes at home. Let's go to the grocery store tomorrow to cut some meat and stew it in a pot. It will be delicious and filling."

Feng Qingxue touched her braids and said softly: "It's good that you know at a young age that life is not easy and you need to be diligent and frugal. In our own home, of course we can do this. We can also stew potatoes with a little meat. No, but as a large group of us are staying at your sister-in-law’s house, we can’t be stingy in this regard.”

Everyone says that daughters need to be well-raised to avoid being blinded by a little flashiness when they grow up. In fact, this richness not only refers to pampering in life, but also spiritual and social upbringing.

Fu Bao said sensibly: "I understand, it's like when I go to someone else's house, they won't say anything even if I am empty-handed, but if I bring some gifts, even half a pack of biscuits, they will be very happy. We buy food When we take it back to my sister-in-law’s house, she may say that we are too polite and wasteful, but she must think that we are good people.”

"Yes, Fubao is so smart!" The way to get along is to stay together for a long time.

After buying the things, Feng Qingxue took her daughter back. She passed by the Military Region Service Club and bought Lu Chen a tin frog and a pound of white rabbit toffee. "You can wear the skirt I made for you today, but don't Show off on purpose, act normally, especially don’t run up to that Su Jiaojiao and let her see it.”

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