The first thing Feng Qingxue did when she returned to the army was to go through the return-to-post procedures. Then she arranged for her children to go to school, packed her belongings and things sent from Nanhai, and was busy without stopping for a minute.

Lu Jiang has a new guard, and his family has a new orderly Xiaomiao, who still needs to get familiar with him.

Life is back on track, it’s already September, and I can finally take a breather.

The news was brought back by Lu Jiang. They had many acquaintances, so the news was naturally well-informed. Feng Qingxue burst out laughing.

"The Su family must not be embarrassed, sir? You self-righteously proposed some kind of child marriage, and after being rejected by us, you were criticized by the old leader. During this period, you were also criticized by Brother Jiang. You don't know where to put your old face, right?"

Do you really think that their Xibao is a soft persimmon that can be pinched casually? Wrong idea.

Xibao's living environment since childhood and the people he has come into contact with have destined him not to swallow his anger on certain things.

I don’t know what Su Junshu is thinking. Do you really think his proposal is a great favor to his family? Do you really think that because your family has a shallow foundation, you will value marriage with a high-ranking family? If they really valued marriage and ignored their children, they would not allow their nephews to fall in love and get married freely.

Yes, Lu Tianjun married Jiang Xiaoyue, so what? They also fell in love and got married freely.

Could it be that when Su Junshu saw Lu Tianjun married Jiang Xiaoyue, he thought that the Lu family valued marriage? After all, Jiang Yun was at a very high level at the time. Somehow, Feng Qingxue suddenly thought of this.

She didn't know that her guess was almost the truth.

Lu Jiang didn't pay attention to his wife's thoughts. While rummaging through the luggage he brought back, he said: "The old man is old, so I don't dare to provoke him too much. He is really angry. Even if we have no responsibility, others will blame it on us. Saying that if we agreed to the old man’s suggestion, the old man would not be like this.”

Who told this matter to be related to their Xibao.

There are two skins in a person's mouth, bumping up and down. You can say whatever you want, and no one can control it.

The education of the Su family was not very good, but they had quite a lot of in-laws.

Feng Qingxue hummed softly, humming again and again. Except for Su Junlin, who was honest, loyal and good-tempered, the rest of the Su family really didn't have many good things in terms of their behavior and life style. It was like a few mouse droppings ruined a big pot of porridge. , no wonder Bai Xue would rather take her daughter and Su Junlin to live a hard life on the border than let Su Junlin be transferred back to the Capital Military Region and its nearby military regions.

Su Junlin originally had a chance to be transferred back to the Capital Military District. After some persuasion by Bai Xue, Su Junlin gave up the opportunity to others, and his family of three is still stationed in the border defense force.

Seeing that Lu Jiang was still looking through his suitcase, Feng Qingxue lazily leaned against the door frame of the bedroom without stepping forward to help, "What are you looking for?"

Lu Jiang didn't answer until he took out two malted milk cans and said, "Look for this."

As he spoke, he tilted the mouth of one of the jars slightly, poured it against the table, and poured out a pile of large and small Hetian jade seed materials. Some were white and flawless, some had autumn pear skin, some had jujube skin, and sprinkled Gold skin, oil smoke skin, as big as a fist, as small as a knuckle, basically in various egg shapes, exuding a warm, natural and simple luster.

"Hetian jade seed material!" Feng Qingxue quickly stepped forward, reached out and picked up a piece of jade with a sprinkling of gold skin, her eyes were full of surprise, "Where did you get it? You have been in the capital recently, and Didn’t go to the Northwest.”

Lu Jiang said proudly: "Not only are the seeds, but half of them are mutton-fat jade grade, and half are top-grade white jade."

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