In order to save her nephew, Deng Hongling did not refuse and only thanked him profusely.

Before Feng Qingxue went out, she treated the wound on her forehead, wiped away the blood, disinfected and sprinkled anti-inflammatory drugs on her, and taped several layers of white gauze over it. A closer look revealed her scalp, forehead, neck, and cheeks. There are scars all over his face, most of them are small and broken. Only the scars on his face are long and deep, and his withered and yellow hair has been cut messily.

Noticing Feng Qingxue's soft and gentle gaze, Deng Hongling smiled bitterly and said: "Our family is not good, and we fight every day because of those people. I have become accustomed to everyone staying away, and now I just want to keep my little one." Five lives.”

Feng Qingxue patted her shoulder, "It will get better. Only when you are alive can you have hope."

Deng Hongling's tears instantly slipped down and she wiped them randomly, "I'll wipe Xiao Wu's wine away."

Feng Qingxue also took out a thermos bucket from the bamboo basket, turned around and went out, bought half a bucket of rice porridge and a few vegetarian steamed buns, and took out a few hard-boiled eggs from the space on the way.

Deng Hongling had already followed her method to physically cool down her nephew, and said awkwardly: "I don't have money now, can I give it later?"

Feng Qingxue poured the porridge into a broken bowl on the broken table and said casually: "You don't have to pay me back, and it didn't cost you a few cents."

"Xiao Wu is much better now. You saved his life. How can we let you spend money without paying it back as a matter of course?" Deng Hongling insisted, "Please leave me your name and address. When I have the money, I will I’ll give it back to you as soon as possible.”

Feng Qingxue smiled slightly, "If you really want to give, donate it to the orphanage when you are able. It is equivalent to giving back to me."

Deng Hongling was stunned and whispered: "You are such a good person."

"You eat something first, and I'll feed your nephew." Feng Qingxue raised her hand, "Don't refuse. Your nephew is asleep and you can't feed him. And I'm used to taking care of patients. I know how to make him swallow."

Deng Hongling choked up and said, "Thank you, doctor."

"I just can't be hard-hearted towards my child. Are you two the only ones left in your family?"

Deng Hongling finished the porridge in one breath, shook his head and said: "My parents passed away early. I grew up with my brother. My brother was sent to the northwest farm. I haven't seen him since the day he was sent down. I want to go I visited him, but the control here was very strict and I was not allowed to leave. I had to fight and write self-criticisms every day, and I had to take care of Xiaowu. It was seven or eight years ago, and I didn’t know whether my brother was alive or dead. What led to this situation was that my sister-in-law wrote a report saying that our family was a big landowner and that my brother had rebellious intentions. She also divorced my brother with the consent of those people and severed ties with our family. , not even his own son.”

Feng Qingxue remembered that Zhao Anbang's father had been sent to a farm in the northwest, and now he was able to come back to live out his old age, so she asked, "What's your brother's name? I'll ask someone to find out."

"My brother's name is Deng Nan. He is an army officer. It was our family background that got him involved."

Feng Qingxue's heart moved.

Lu Jiang once said that Shi Guantao, Zhao Yong and he were the three of the five people in their company who survived. There were two others, one of whom was named Deng Nan, who could not be contacted very early.

He has too many comrades, and communication is inconvenient, so only some of them are in contact.

"Did your brother participate in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea?" Feng Qingxue asked.

Deng Hongling nodded and said, "Yes, we are very close to the Northeast. The first battlefield my brother went to after joining the army was the Korean battlefield, and he later became the regiment commander."

. . . Back alive, o(╥﹏╥)o

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