Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1784 Returning with a Full Load 7

Xibao said hello to Xiaomiao, helped Cheng Baoguo and his wife get into the car, and then sent his younger siblings aboard. He was too busy to pay attention to Erxiong's complaints.

Lu Erxiong took off his shoes and jumped around in the car, "Brother, didn't you hear my question?"

Lu Tianzhi said in a good-tempered manner: "It's thanks to your elder brother that we can have a walking tractor. We can't get Longwangshu. If we didn't have this tractor, we would have to drive a mule cart to pick you up."

Lu Erxiong lay on the edge of the carriage, "I've never been on a mule carriage before!"

Lu Tianzhi smiled and said, "I'll take you on a mule cart, an ox cart, and a horse carriage when I get home. You'll have enough to sit on."

When Xibao saw Zhuangzhuang get into bed, he just lay there and said nothing. He knew that his younger brother's body was not always very strong, so he worriedly asked: "Is Zhuangzhuang feeling uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital to see a doctor? Doctor Wu is in the mine. Hospital."

Wang Cuilan said hurriedly: "Zhuangzhuang is just tired, and the air in the train is not good, so I just need to rest for two days and it will be fine!"

"Zhuangzhuang, don't say anything if you feel uncomfortable." Xibao said seriously.

Zhuang Zhuang hummed, "Thank you, brother, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

Xibao asked Ye Yan and Fubao Dundun to take off their shoes and get into bed. He noticed that the younger brother had moved his body and rested his head on Fubao's lap, "Let's go to a state-owned hotel and have some hot rice and we will feel comfortable."

"That's right, eat, eat, I'm starving to death!" Lu Erxiong covered his stomach, "The food on the train is not delicious."

Lack of oil, salt, and tasteless.

Lu Tianzhi heard his cousin's urging and drove the tractor to the door of the largest state-owned hotel in the city. They arrived early and asked about today's menu. Lu Tianzhi first ordered some hard vegetables, stewed mutton with radish, cabbage and pork. Stewed vermicelli, roasted chicken with potato cubes, then ordered a vinegar-soaked cabbage strip and garlic egg drop soup, and finally twenty large white-flour steamed buns.

After asking everyone's opinions, Xibao ordered a clear soup noodle for Zhuangzhuang, with scallions and cabbage leaves in a pan, and two white and tender poached eggs lying under the noodles, which he and Fubao shared.

Everyone likes to eat meat. Faced with a table full of delicious food, everyone shakes their cheeks and takes down their chopsticks like flying. No one has to be humble.

Zhao Anbang had a rare day off. Wearing an old military coat and dangling an empty sleeve, he walked into the state-owned hotel to have a tooth ceremony. As soon as he entered the door, he saw their table. Several children were good-looking, and each one was so eye-catching.

"Hey, godson, why don't you say hello to me when you come to the city?"

Hearing his voice, Xibao turned to look at him. Xibao quickly stood up and gave up his seat. He quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Godfather, come and eat together. Fubao, Dundun, Erxiong, and Zhuangzhuang, this is what we do father!"

Several children stood up one after another and politely said: "Godfather!"

Hearing the clear voice of the same voice, Zhao Anbang laughed loudly and said repeatedly: "Good boy!"

Although his only real godson is Xibao, aren't Xibao's younger siblings all his children? After saying hello to Cheng Baoguo and his wife, and saying hello to Xiao Miao, he sat gracefully on top of Cheng Baoguo and his wife, above the others, and beckoned the waiter to come over, "Two more dishes for my uncle, aunt and my children!"

The waiters only watch people place dishes. If ordinary people or country people enter the restaurant, they guarantee that they will stand behind the counter and only collect money. They will not do anything else. Guests have to go to the kitchen window to pick up the food. But Zhao Anbang is not an ordinary person. He is the second-in-command in Huaihai City. He often comes to eat with government cadres, and occasionally comes alone. The waiters are very familiar with each other and come to him with a smile, "What kind of food does Comrade Zhao want? The restaurant has enough supply today, okay." There are a lot of dishes left, including chicken, duck, and fish.”

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