Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1855 Wang Jiao pays off debt 1

At dawn the next day, the Wanglou brigade organized strong laborers to beat powder, and they were very busy.

Because the fan workshop was built on the river northwest of the brigade, not far from the Lu family, Feng Qingxue returned from sending her children to school. When she was about to get home, she walked along the road to see the excitement.

The so-called flouring is to crush the selected and washed sweet potatoes, use the tractor engine to drive the specially purchased flour machine, and add water to it when beating. The sweet potatoes and pulp should be crushed as finely as possible, and then loaded into the crane. The pulp is filtered through cloth and beaten by a dedicated person. It needs to be filtered twice. The filtered solution slowly flows into the pool below.

The pool is specially made for grinding powder. There are four pools side by side. They are rectangular. The bottom and four walls are covered with a thick layer of cement. They are ground very smooth. There is no dust after scrubbing. It is very clean and hygienic to use to precipitate sweet potato powder. But that's it.

If the vermicelli is not cleaned during processing, it will taste like it contains sand, and the sandy vermicelli will be particularly unpalatable.

As for the remaining sweet potato powder residue in the hanging cloth, not a bit is wasted, all is used to feed the pigs.

I heard that the sweet potato powder flowing into the pool needs to settle for two days, then drain the water, add water, stir, continue to settle, then dry the powder, boil the pulp, drain the wire, and dry it in the sun to get the finished product. Feng Qingxue is not interested. I continued to look at the process of making fans, and divided the candies, pastries and other items brought from Shanghai to each family.

Wang Jiao was not at home, so Feng Qingxue did not send her to her. Instead, she asked Wen Ruyu to study.

Although there have been frequent correspondences over the years, and I have sent my works to Wen Ruyu for review, it is not as profound as face-to-face learning. Many details suddenly became clear to me with Wen Ruyu's explanation.

After a few days, the study comes to an end.

Wen Ruyu felt regretful in her heart and sighed: "You are very talented, can endure hardships, and are patient. If you didn't have work to take up most of your time, your level would be higher. Your current level can only be regarded as a hobby. Maybe over time, after years of practice, you can become a calligrapher and painter, but you won’t be able to become a Taishan Beidou-level master.”

However, Feng Qingxue was very optimistic and did not have too much ambition for fame and fortune. She said with a smile: "As an artistic pursuit, this is very good. Without teachers, I will not even have the chance to become a calligrapher or painter in the future."

Besides, she is still continuing to study her medical skills and cannot relax at all.

Art can increase self-cultivation, but medical skills can save people. In an era when the country is extremely short of talents, even if her medical skills are better than those above, she cannot give up this job in order to pursue art.

Wen Ruyu understood her choice very well. Saving the world and saving people should naturally be the first priority, while art was a secondary priority.

Traditional culture has been reduced to dregs. There are very few people like Feng Qingxue who are willing to learn from him and let his children learn from him. Without the company of these children and the care of the Lu family, he is likely to fall behind some old people. As friends, they died miserably and lived worse than pigs and dogs. Wen Ruyu wondered when the cultural heritage could be revived.

"Right now, I just want to teach you and the children well and prevent the inheritance from being cut off from me. I heard that Xibao won't go back to Beijing with you? That's good. Let him learn from me. His talent is amazing. Above you and Fu Bao.”

Feng Qingxue sighed softly, "I want to take Xibao with me, but I respect his decision."

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