Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1857 Wang Jiao pays off debt 3

Wang Jiao shrugged, "The thirty yuan someone owed our family was paid back to us yesterday."

She opened the handkerchief she took out from her pocket, counted out thirty old or new unity cards in front of her, and handed them to Feng Qingxue, "Now, count them, there are twenty in total. After paying back the money, our family will have no money." The debt is gone."

"Then I'll keep it." Feng Qingxue put down the machete, took it and stuffed it into her pocket without counting it carefully.

"Please order a little, so you don't want to find that the money is missing after I leave." Wang Jiao said.

Feng Qingxue smiled and said, "How can I not trust my cousin?"

After getting to know Wang Jiao for more than ten years, I found that although Wang Jiao has many minor problems, she still has a lot of principles in life. She is no worse than ordinary people in dealing with people, and she is very successful in her marriage. Zhang Yuejin is completely devoted to her, and so is her mother-in-law. He devoted himself to taking care of several children for her.

Wang Jiao was really happy to hear what she said.

"Cousin, please wait, I'll get them." Feng Qingxue entered the room and took out the Yashuang cream and the wrapped candies and pastries and handed them to Wang Jiao, "I spent a lot of money buying books and TVs this time. I spent a lot of money on other things. It’s not much, cousin, don’t be too little!”

Wang Jiao directly picked up a piece of White Rabbit toffee, peeled off the wrapper and stuffed it into her mouth, and said vaguely: "It's quite a lot. I eat one a day. This pack of toffee is enough for me to eat for a long time!"

Feng Qingxue smiled and scolded: "Cousin, you can't just take care of yourself and save some for your children!"

According to her observation, Wang Jiao is not really a loving mother to her two sons and one daughter. Maybe it’s because in this era everyone is working hard for life, and children are generally left alone, and a particularly good life is to be fed, drank, clothed and warm. Well, no one thought there was anything wrong with Wang Jiao doing this.

Wang Jiao rolled her eyes, "I know, I know, I'll share it with them later, I won't eat alone."

"I just said it casually, cousin, don't be angry."

Feng Qingxue smiled, took out the wooden basin for washing vegetables, poured the pig waste in the wooden bucket into the basin, rinsed the wooden bucket with water, and placed it at the door of the kitchen so that Wang Jiao would not forget it when she returned home. .

Clinker Wang Jiao had nothing to do and was not in a hurry to go back. He just watched her busy while he sat aside, eating melon seeds and gossiping.

Put the old goose into the pot and bring it to a boil.

Skimming off the foam in the pot, covering the pot, Feng Qingxue stuffed two thick logs into the stove. The small fire in the stove was kept on, and hot water was boiled in the other pot to collect the food Wang Jiao sent. Pigs go into the water.

It takes a lot of work to make a whole pig into the water, especially the pig's large intestine. If you don't get it right, it will smell bad.

"I heard that senior cadres have nannies at home. In order not to be accused of exploiting working people, what are they called life assistants and life secretaries? At Lu Jiang's level, do you still do housework yourself?" Although Wang Jiao is more diligent than when she was young. He did a little bit more, but he still didn't do most of the housework. Things like cleaning pig waste were Zhang Yuejin's responsibility.

Feng Qingxue laughed and said, "Am I the only one who looks good if I bring a nanny back? Besides, I don't do the housework alone. Everyone is at home and helping. No one is idle. Sometimes we feel happy when we do housework together. "

Wang Jiao muttered: "Happy shit, not only is it tiring, but it also makes your hands rough easily."

"Now there are no conditions. When conditions are available, you can hire two nannies to do housework. That will be easier." When the reform and opening up, the economy develops rapidly, and you can hire nannies if you have a little wealth, and you don't have to do the housework yourself.

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