After packing her bags and going to Wang Zhengguo to handle the transfer procedures for several children, Feng Qingxue went to find Lu's father.

After selling the review materials, she had money and gave the entire thousand to the elderly.

"Ajiang specially told me to leave some extra money for you. If you want to buy anything, just buy it. Don't be reluctant to part with it. If you don't have enough money, just contact us and we will send it to you when the time comes."

Father Lu smiled and said, "I haven't spent all the money you gave me last time, so there's no need to give me more."

Although it is more expensive to pick up missing items on Taobao, the prices of these things are not high, and they cannot be found every time. His old man cannot go to the city often, and Huaihai City is not as good as the capital Shanghai and other places where antiques are everywhere, and they cost a few hundred yuan all year round. Money is enough.

Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan were present and saw this and said, "Xiaoxue, you don't need to leave any money. Your third uncle's and mine are enough to spend the pension."

After hearing Wang Cuilan's words, Feng Qingxue hurriedly said: "How can I let my father and Xibao spend your and third uncle's money? If outsiders find out, they will laugh to death. You and third uncle's pensions can be kept for your own retirement."

She and Lu Jiang are not that shameless.

Wang Cuilan said unceremoniously: "What's the difference between you and me as a family? Aren't you the ones responsible for our old couple's pension? I'm happy to spend my pension on you! Besides, it has been said since ancient times that living in the capital is not easy, and you and your family We have to spend money on food, clothing, housing and transportation in the capital. Several children are learning calligraphy and painting. Fubao is also very talented in music. If he cultivates it well, it will cost a lot of money. Now he has bought a TV for his family. Can you afford it with your salary? It’s such a waste!”

Feng Qingxue touched her head and said with a silly smile: "We can just be more frugal in the future."

Her and Lu Jiang's salaries are much higher than the ordinary level, especially Lu Jiang's, which is more than 300 a month, but they really can't afford her high consumption, which means she wants to buy everything she sees.

After some debate, Father Lu finally accepted the money, but he only received two hundred.

"Xibao and I have bought a lot of things in the past two years. We have packed two boxes of various sizes and placed them under the bed in your room. Don't forget to put them away before you leave and hide them in a safe place."

Feng Qingxue understood and responded with a smile. Father Lu was reminding her to quietly retract into the space.

Cheng Baoguo and Wang Cuilan just thought that Lu's father was hiding Feng Qingxue, so they didn't take it seriously.

At night, everything was quiet, and her daughter, who was sleeping in the same room with her, was having a good dream. Feng Qingxue gently pulled the box out from under the bed and put the things into the empty box in the space.

Although it is not priceless, it will be a small fortune after a few decades.

Feng Qingxue left the box under the bed so that father and grandson Lu could continue their work in the future.

Then, she packed some inconspicuous luggage into the space, went to the cellar to put some food, and then fell asleep peacefully.

The children were all thinking about their trip to Shanghai. They were so excited that they forgot to say goodbye. They came early in the morning to wake up Feng Qingxue. Lu Erxiong even carried his army green canvas satchel on his back. It was so bulging that he didn’t know what was inside. What.

Because the tractor was still beating powder, Lu Tianzhi, Guan Yu and Xibao borrowed two mule carts to send their mother and son away.

No matter how much we reduce it, the luggage still piles up like a mountain, and one car can’t even carry it, including people and luggage.

Fortunately, mailing is very convenient now. When they arrived in Huaihai City, they went to mail the package first. After lunch, the three brothers sent them to buy tickets and get on the express train, which went directly to Shanghai.

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