Under Feng Qingxue's carefulness, the night was uneventful.

The next day, the train arrived in Shanghai, and the mother and son followed the crowd out of the train station with their luggage.

They were unlucky, it was drizzling.

Winter in the north is dry and cold, with biting winds, but in the south it is cold and humid, with lingering water vapor. The children who often live in the north find it very unaccustomed, and Fu Bao's brows are almost turned into caterpillars.

"Get on the tram first, and let's find a place to stay." Feng Qingxue regretted that she was not prepared enough and did not bring an umbrella.

Fortunately, the ladies were well-dressed and the clothes underneath would not get soaked even if they were exposed to some rain.

Lu Erxiong looked around, jumping up and down excitedly, and was dragged into the car by Feng Qingxue.

Seeing Feng Qingxue paying for the ticket, Ye Yan finally became a little curious, "Aunt Lu, where are we going? I just saw that there is a guest house near the train station. Why don't we stay in the railway guest house? It should be more convenient to go back. "

"If we don't take the train back, why are we staying at the railway guest house?" Feng Qingxue laughed.

"That's right." Ye Yan remembered their plan to fly back to the capital, and scratched his head in embarrassment, and ended up scratching the top of his slightly wet hat, "Then are we going to the military area?"

Feng Qingxue still shook her head, "I'll take you to Jinjiang Hotel."

Jin Jiang Hotel is an international hotel that has received many national leaders and foreign heads of state. Its status is second to none in Shanghai, it is very safe, and it is a landmark building in Shanghai.

As soon as they entered, a waitress stopped them.

Jin Jiang Hotel is a palace for dignitaries from various countries, and it is not a place where ordinary people can enter.

The waiter spoke in Shanghai dialect: "Serving the people. Comrade, please show your work ID."

Feng Qingxue put down her luggage bag and took out her work ID and letter of introduction, "What procedures do I need to go through for accommodation?"

There was a hint of arrogance in the waiter's expression, "You must reach the administrative level thirteen!"

Administrative Level 13 refers to the salary level. Feng Qingxue has not been promoted in recent years, and she still enjoys the benefits of the regular camp level. She currently belongs to Administrative Level 17, but she is well prepared. Before setting off from the capital, she found someone to work for her. There are several letters of introduction, one of which is stamped with a red seal, and you can stay in any hotel of any size.

No matter how high the status of Jin Jiang Hotel is, it is still state-owned.

Seeing the big red seal on the letter of introduction, the waiter immediately changed his expression and said respectfully: "Comrade, how many rooms do you want? Should you check in first or eat first?"

Feng Qingxue was too lazy to care about her arrogance and courtesy, and said calmly: "Let's stay overnight and wait for us to put down our luggage before going to eat."

"Okay, comrade, would you like to stay in the presidential suite or..."

Who doesn’t want to live in the presidential suite? But Feng Qingxue felt that she didn't have such a big reputation, so she smiled and said, "Just give our mothers two ordinary rooms. It's best to be next to each other. There are two beds in one room."

The waiter looked at the number of people and said hurriedly: "Please register first."

After registering at the front desk, the attendant took them to the north building and took the elevator.

As soon as they entered the elevator, the five children rushed to hug Feng Qingxue, their eyes widened.


Lu Erxiong called out and Feng Qingxue understood their confusion. He smiled and explained: "This is an elevator. There are many high-rise buildings in the capital. I will take you there next time. The elevator can go directly to the upper floor without taking the stairs."

Several children were well informed and nodded to show that they understood.

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