Ye Yan still wanted to refuse, but Feng Qingxue said: "Okay, let's stop pushing and pushing as a family. Come on, it's our fault for keeping the waiter and comrade waiting for a long time."

Hearing what she said, Ye Yan quickly ordered a dish of mushroom and tofu, which Fu Bao also liked to eat.

Dundun took the menu and looked at it with Zhuang Zhuang. The two brothers whispered to each other for a while, and finally Dundun said: "I eat fried shrimps. Zhuang Zhuang can't eat seafood. He wants to eat white chicken."

Except for Ye Yan, all the Fubao siblings ordered were meat dishes.

Feng Qingxue shook her head helplessly, but she loved her child, and then ordered a dish of sweet-scented osmanthus meat, a dish of sweet-scented osmanthus glutinous rice porridge, and four-kettle fried steamed buns, "Let's start with these. If they are not enough, we will order more."

Except for Zhuangzhuang and Fubao, their children never eat or go hungry, and they all have huge appetites.

There is no falsehood in the saying that a half-grown man is a poor man.

The waiter calculated the bill, issued the change, and then went down with the menu. Lu Erxiong couldn't sit still and immediately ran to the glass window, overlooking the scenery of Shanghai Beach. His hands were swaying behind him, "Come and see, there is a river and a boat!"

Dundun and Zhuangzhuang looked at Feng Qingxue, who said, "You go and see it, but don't disturb other guests."

Ye Yan then led Dundun and Zhuangzhuang over. After a quick glance, Lu Erxiong said, "Aunt He said that there is the Huangpu River and the Shanghai Beach in Shanghai. After dinner, I asked my mother to take us to see it. I don't know if it's okay." You can take a boat ride, which feels so majestic. ”

Before he finished speaking, an old man sitting by the window smiled and said, "Of course, many citizens travel by boat."

Several children were stunned and turned to look over, alarming Feng Qingxue at the same time.

Otherwise, the voice sounds familiar.

"Uncle Xia?" His back was turned to them before, but he didn't realize that he was sitting opposite an old man in his fifties or sixties eating.

Xia Shuhuai, who was recognized by Feng Qingxue, smiled and said: "What a coincidence, I met you here. Are you bringing your children to Shanghai?"

"Yes." Feng Qingxue immediately stood up with Fu Bao and walked over to say hello, "I came to Shanghai a few days ago and bought a batch of study materials to go home. A few children came to Shanghai to play, so I took them with me. Here you go. Uncle Xia, how are you? Xibao liked the book you sent last time. Did you receive the letter you wrote back? "

When Xibao was mentioned, Xia Shuhuai couldn't help but smile, "I got it, I got it. I also received the specialties he sent. It's just that your mothers are here, so why didn't Xibao come?"

Lu Erxiong interrupted: "Brother won't go back to the capital with us, we have to take a plane!"

Xia Shuhuai showed a clear look, "Lu Jiang is doing great now, and his future life will be formidable! As far as I know, the child has lived in his hometown for a long time, and it's time for you to reunite as a family."

Feng Qingxue sighed: "Dad and Xibao are both in their hometown, so it's not a family reunion. Let's take the younger ones back first."

An elegant old man sitting opposite Xia Shuhuai said with a smile: "Comrade Xia, won't you introduce me?"

Xia Shuhuai suddenly understood and pointed to Feng Qingxue and a group of children, "You have met Lu Jiang. At Lao Guo's place, she is Lu Jiang's revolutionary comrade-in-arms, Comrade Feng Qingxue, a good doctor in our army. Do you know who she is?" Right? The triplets and the girl are their children, and the older boy is Comrade Ye Zhengjun’s grandson, Xiaoxue, am I right?”

Xia Shuhuai was rehabilitated early. These children were really unfamiliar to him. He was able to introduce them so clearly because of his connection with Xibao.

Feng Qingxue hurriedly said: "You are absolutely right. Who is this comrade?"

"Zhan Yuying, isn't he your senior brother from Lao Guo's sect?" Xia Shuhuai said with a smile.

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