Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 1869 Encounter on a narrow road 3

Tickets and industrial coupons are not money. Everyone should do things in a measured manner, and the quantity should not be too large. There is no such thing as corruption or bribery. Feng Qingxue thought that if she encounters something that her children like while shopping in a department store, but is deterred because there is no ticket, the child will be discouraged. I was disappointed and couldn't bear to feel sorry for myself, so I didn't refuse the elder's kindness.

"Then thank you Uncle Xia and senior brother. We really don't have local Shanghai tickets in our hands."

A smile appeared on Zhan Yuying's face, and she immediately took out a handful of red and green tickets and a stack of industrial coupons from her pocket. After eating, they left. Xia Shuhuai also asked the guards around her to deliver the tickets and industrial coupons to Feng Qingxue. Their room, and asked the security guard to tell Feng Qingxue the room number where he lived so that he could go find him when he had time.

The amount was several times more than what Zhan Yuying gave, and there were also many military food stamps and military pastry stamps.

Fu Bao's eyes sparkled, and she took out her silk satin embroidered small purse. She didn't know which old lady at home made it for her. The embroidery work was particularly exquisite. "Mom, let's go shopping in the department store first. I heard that shopping in Shanghai is better than shopping in the capital." It’s also fashionable, let’s take some back to avoid being unable to buy them in the capital.”

"Hey, are you so loud? Are you going to pay for it yourself?" Feng Qingxue looked at her sideways.

Fu Bao said with a smile: "Of course, mom, don't worry, we won't spend your money."

Feng Qingxue snorted, "You won't spend my money? Are you sure? What can you buy with the little pocket money you have every year? It sounds like you want to buy something big."

The children of the Lu family usually get some pocket money, but the amount is very small, only about ten or twenty yuan a year.

When it comes to money, Feng Qingxue is very restrained, and has also told the elderly at home not to give them large sums of money, nor to let them take whatever they want, to prevent them from developing a spendthrift temper.

Fubao said, "I'm very sure."

Feng Qingxue looked at her suspiciously, "Where did you get the money? Even if you save all your pocket money, it won't be enough for a trip to the department store."

Fu Bao stuffed his wallet into the pocket of his woolen coat, his bright eyes curled into crescent moons, "My third grandma gave it to me. Before I went out, my third grandma secretly stuffed me five hundred yuan and said she would give each of us one hundred yuan and leave it to me." We buy things we like. Of course, we need to get mom’s permission before we buy anything, otherwise she won’t give us money next time if she finds out.”

Before he finished speaking, several boys cheered and cheered.

Money is a good thing, who doesn’t want to have it instantly? Among the cheers, Lu Erxiong had the loudest voice, waving his hands, "I have a hundred yuan? That's great, Third Grandma is great, I have money to buy things!"

Feng Qingxue swatted away his waving arms, "Buy whatever you want, as beautiful as you want!"

"Mom!" Lu Erxiong hugged her arm with a flattering look on his face, "Mom, mom, the money given by the third grandma is for us. It belongs to us. We have the right to decide how to spend it."

Feng Qingxue withdrew her arm and said, "You can't say that. You are so young and haven't earned any money. Naturally, you can't spend money as you please. As your mother, I have the right to decide where the money goes. Let's not talk about this first. Now that you all have money, should we discuss whether you should share our travel expenses, accommodation and meals with me? "

Lu Erxiong opened his mouth wide, "Mom, you said we are children, how can you let us share the burden? You are the mother, you should bear our living expenses!"

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