This foreigner has fair skin, golden hair, a high nose, and blue eyes. He is very tall and strong. If I use an idiom to describe him, he would be big and round.

"You must have eaten a lot of delicious food!" It's rare to see someone with such a fat belly.

Lu Erxiong was thinking about it when he saw that he didn't stop until he reached the table. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Are you looking for us? I don't know you."

He spoke English very fluently.

Under the influence of his family, Lu Erxiong can speak several foreign languages ​​no matter how much he doesn't want to learn. However, his reading and writing are a bit poor. There is nothing he can do about it because they are so disgusting. They often communicate with his sisters and brothers in foreign languages. If he doesn't learn it, he can't understand them. What can I say? I'm even more afraid that they will reward their elder brothers and sisters, but I will miss out.

Ye Yan and Fubao siblings also noticed the foreigner who walked up to them.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?" Fu Bao stood up and asked politely.

She also used English, but the other party said in French: "Hello, are you my friend's family?"

Fubao suddenly changed to French and asked doubtfully: "Who is your friend?"

The other party hurriedly took out a photo from his wallet and showed it to them, "My friend's name is Yun. She is a very beautiful and talented girl. I have seen a photo of you and her at her residence. She is the age you are in the photo. Several years younger.”

Lu Erxiong stood up and stretched his head to take a look, "Ah, aunt!"

The photo showed the foreigner taking a photo with Feng Qingyun. Also taking a photo with them was Kristine and a much older woman whom she didn't recognize. Feng Qingyun was smiling brightly and was wearing a cheongsam, which was extremely elegant.

Fu Bao also saw it, "Are you my aunt's friend? Are you from France?"

"Yes, I am from Paris. It is a very romantic city. You can call me Adrian. I am Yun's good friend. I am a photographer. I know your country from her and Christine's mouths. The architecture and scenery are spectacular, so come and have fun, climb the Great Wall, and be a hero.”

Fubao said enthusiastically: "Welcome to your arrival, Adrian. I believe you will make your trip worthwhile."

Adrian shrugged, "I just don't understand the language. I'm very troubled. Your language is really difficult to learn. It took me a long time to learn and I only know a few words. Fortunately, I came with the mission and there was an interpreter on the reception staff. ”

After the death of the superstar, many foreign missions came to express their condolences, and they also received help from the aftershocks in the Northeast.

Fubao heard what his family had said and said: "Our country has thousands of years of cultural heritage, and of course it is broad and profound. You think it is difficult for us to learn Chinese. In fact, we also think it is difficult to learn French. This is the same, a new language." It’s all unfamiliar to us, but if you put in a certain amount of effort, you will definitely learn something.”

Adrian listened and nodded repeatedly, "You are a very smart girl, as smart and beautiful as Yun."

"How is my aunt lately? We haven't seen her for a long time."

Adrian said: "Very good, she is very good. She is a rising star in the music industry and the darling of the upper class. With Christine's help, she has successfully entered the upper class. I came to your country , she also asked me to bring a lot of things to you and her boyfriend. I have asked the receptionist to contact your mother, her sister and her boyfriend. "

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