Among the dozen comrades of Lin Yifan and Huo Beiting, except for two who died later and three who were retired and transferred to other jobs, the remaining eight remained in the army. The youngest was also a regiment commander. Except for Lin Yifan who was transferred to the Shanghai Navy District, the rest were with Huo Beiting also stayed in the Kunlun Military Region, and would pick up stones in his spare time.

Coincidentally, the division where Lin Yifan was stationed was not too far from the Yulong Kashgar River, but few people cared about those pebbles. After all, they were not suitable for eating or drinking. Picking them up seemed to take up space, so Feng Qingxue liked them.

The stones Lin Yifan picked up were not many, nor too few, about thirty or forty pieces in large and small sizes.

Although the quality varies, they are all bright white seeds, and most of them are top-grade. It can be seen that Lin Yifan has put in a lot of effort, and two of them have reached the level of mutton-fat jade. Mutton-fat jade is the best among Hetian jade. , one large and one small, as big as a fist and as small as a pigeon egg, delicate and crystal clear, warm and slightly translucent, like condensed mutton fat, extremely oily.

Feng Qingxue liked it very much, so she put away the two pieces of mutton-fat jade separately, and temporarily put the rest into the box after Lin Yifan said goodbye.

However, at this time, she suddenly remembered the white jade gourd that the blind man gave to the five children, saying that it was a magic weapon for keeping safe. Due to various external reasons, only the strong jade gourd was worn since childhood and never left her body.

It's time to take it out and put it on them, Feng Qingxue thought.

The reason why he didn't take it out right away was because there were only five white jade gourds, and the one that belonged to Xibao had to be given to him. He could only give it to his own children in front of Ye Yan, which would easily break the children's hearts. It would be better to pick a piece of top-quality sheep later. Zhiyu asked someone to carve a pendant for him and gave one to the children.

Ye Yan has been without a mother since he was a child, and his father has been busy with work all year round. He has a somewhat sensitive personality, so he just wants to order what Fu Bao likes to eat.

"Mom, can I eat it?" Lu Erxiong interrupted her thoughts.

Feng Qingxue turned around and saw that Lu Erxiong, together with Dundun and Zhuangzhuang, had already loosened the ties of the net bag and were actively picking up the things Lin Yifan sent. They were all relatively common gifts, such as malted milk, canned food, toffee, white cake, and biscuits. There are quite a lot of fruits and vegetables, and I use several of them in my net bag alone.

Seeing her mother's head, Lu Erxiong pointed to the largest pear, and his face was full of desire. "I think I cough, dry cough, cough, and need to eat a pear to moisturize the lungs."

Feng Qingxue was angry and funny, "Whatever fruit you want to eat, wash it yourself!"

Lin Yifan gave three kinds of fruits, oranges, apples and pears. Lu Erxiong hugged the pears and ran to wash them. After running for two steps, he suddenly realized his conscience and turned back to his mother. He said with a smile: "Mom, what do you want to eat? I'll give it to you." You wash it!”

Feng Qingxue ate the orange peeled by Zhuang Zhuang and said slowly, "Oh, my son is so diligent."

"That's right!" Lu Erxiong puffed up his chest and urged her to make a decision quickly.

"Don't you see I'm eating oranges? Go wash your pears!"

Lu Erxiong's eyes widened in an instant, and he walked roundly. He held the pears in one hand and pointed at his well-behaved little brother with the other hand. "You are the most cunning one, Lu Zhuangzhuang! Humph!" He held his head high and went to wash the pears.

Fu Bao smiled and took Ye Yan and Dundun to choose their favorite fruits. They all chose to eat apples.

Feng Qingxue and Zhuang Zhuang finished two or three oranges, clapped their hands, and said, "Eat quickly. After that, let's go out to do errands. We haven't finished the things we promised to buy study materials for those brothers and sisters."

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